Issue - decisions


05/04/2019 - CAPITAL MONITORING 2018/19 PERIOD 9

To approve the following changes to the capital programme:


a)         addition of £660k for St Mary’s allotments to be funded from S106 payments, to create new play areas, landscaping and habitat creation.

b)         addition of £600k for a new Cash Income Management system to funded from earmarked reserves.

c)         addition of £578k to the Ashton Green scheme, as detailed in

Appendix A, Planning, Development & Transportation, Para 2.3 of the report

d)         addition of £384k for Tower Block Redevelopment as detailed in Appendix A, Housing, Para 2.3 of the report

e)         the budget transfers within Children’s Services and the release of £1,765k from the New School Places policy provision to fund additional project costs as detailed in Appendix A, Children’s Services, Para 2.11 of the report.

f)          addition of £430k for residual BSF works, to be funded from the BSF Landlord Lifecycle Fund, as detailed in Appendix B, Para 3.10 of the report.

g)         addition of £400k for the Haymarket Theatre to be funded from resources set aside for the Economic Action Plan, as detailed in Appendix D, Para 1.2 of the report.


Note: The decision taken did not meet the criteria of a Key Decision and was, therefore, taken as Non-Key decision.