1. Approve the carry-forward of resources into 2020/21 for work programmes where spend has slipped (£20.4m), as shown in Appendix B.
2. Approve the carry-forward of resources for unspent provisions as shown at Appendix C into 2020/21 (£0.4m)
3. Approve the addition of £700k for Haymarket House, car parks and lifts to be funded from corporate resources, as detailed in Appendix A, Estates & Building Services paragraph 2.1.
4. Approve the addition of £920k for Netherhall Pupil Referral Unit to be funded from the New School Places policy provision, as detailed in Appendix A, Children’s Services paragraph 2.1.
5. Approve the return of £1,388k HRA New Affordable Housing policy provision to HRA balances as detailed in Appendix E, Para 1.5.
6. Approve the addition of £250k for New Parks House to be funded from corporate resources.
7. Approve the addition of £3,787k to the Highways Maintenance work programme for 2020/21, following the confirmation of additional grant monies. The additional grant monies relate to an incentive fund, Welford Road and Emergency Active Travel Fund.