1. Approve the addition of £675k for the Leicester North West Transport Scheme to be funded from external contributions from Leicestershire County Council, as shown at Appendix A, Planning, Development & Transportation para 2.1.
2. Approve the addition of £5,100k match funding to Connecting Leicester for the improvement of footways, cycling, bus lanes and traffic movements, to be funded from Business Rates Pool, as shown at Appendix A, Planning, Development & Transportation para 2.1.
3. Approve addition of £1,882k to the Highways Maintenance budget to be funded from the Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund government grant as shown at Appendix B, Para 3.3.
4. Approve the addition of £724k for Parks and Open spaces schemes including creating a new ball court at Rally Park and an activity area at Victoria Park, to be funded from S106 contributions.
5. Approve the addition of £400k for Phoenix 2020 expansion to create a roof terrace, to be funded from the Business Rates Pool.