Issue - decisions



1.         Approve the addition of £1,251k to assist with making homes warmer, energy bills cheaper whilst reducing carbon emissions, to be funded by Government Grant, as shown at Appendix B, para 3.2.


2.         Approve the addition of £1.1m to Connecting Leicester, funded from additional government grant through the Active Travel Fund.  This funding will be used to make some of the pop-up cycling and walking routes permanent, along with stopping traffic rat-running through neighbourhoods.


3.         Approve an increase in the budget for Jewry Wall of £2.5m for additional works, to be paid for with Business Rates Pool funding. 


4.         Approve addition of £1,500k for improving historic buildings, funded by grant from Historic England, as shown at Appendix A, Planning, Development and Transportation, para 2.2.


5.         Approve the transfer of £349k of the Emergency Active Travel Fund Grant from Highways Maintenance to Connecting Leicester, See Appendix A, Planning, Development & Transportation, para 2.1.



Please Note:            Part 3 of thisdecision relating to the budget for the Jewry Wall was Called-In under Rule 12 of Part 4D of the Council’s Constitution.  The Call-In was considered by the Overview Select Committee at its meeting on 4 February 2021, where it was withdrawn by resolution of the Committee in accordance with Rule 12 (g) of Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution.  Part 3 of the original decision taken on 17 December 2020 is, therefore, deemed to be revived in its entirety and will be implemented.


                                    All other parts of the decision were not affected by the Call-In and will be implemented as stated.