Forward plan


Plan description

ed to re-assess existing local plan allocations without planning consent when reviewing local plans. In doing so, they
Plan items
No. Item


CAPITAL RESOURCES FOR ELDERLY PERSONS HOMES - Seeks the release of capital funding provisionally allocated for EPH in 2008 line budget.

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   29 Sep 2008

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Ruth Lake


PLAY STRATEGY - Report on initial phase of The Leicester Play Strategy 2007 – 2012 incorporating the grant bidding process to the Big Lottery Fund, and the ‘Play-builder’ grant in Leicester from the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   1 Oct 2008

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


PRIMARY CAPITAL PROGRAMME (SFC) - This is the full Primary Capitol Programme submission document plus a cover report update on the progress so far

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   8 Dec 2008

Originally due:   1 Dec 2007

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


INTEGRATED YOUTH SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT - Development of an Integrated Youth Service, linking with all 14-19 provision to ensure an appropriate service is delivered across the city to meet the identified needs of young people both in terms of open acces

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   8 Dec 2008

Originally due:   1 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s



Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 29 Sep 2008 and 30 Nov 2008

Originally due:   14 May 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


REVIEW OF CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE’S PLAN AND APA ASSESSMENT - update on progress CYPP plan and APA assessment.

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   9 Mar 2009

Originally due:   14 May 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


CITY CENTRE PROJECT FUNDING AND PROGRAMMING - This report will recommend how unallocated prudential borrowing should be used to support city centre regeneration. It will outline the current position of the City Centre Development Project and indicate

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 1 Aug 2008 and 30 Sep 2008

Originally due:   15 Feb 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture


ANNUAL REPORT ON LSCB WORK- To inform the key developments in relation to LSCB activity in the preceding year as well as future developments

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 30 Sep 2008 and 30 Nov 2008

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Andy Smith


ADOPTION ANNUAL REPORT - Updated Leicester City Council Adoption Agency Statement of Purpose and Annual Report of activity during 2007-2008.

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   1 Sep 2008

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT CHANGES - This report aims to inform elected members of changes to the way the 13-19 education system will be managed nationally and strategic developments in the City.The report also proposes some first steps in responding to

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 1 Sep 2008 and 30 Nov 2008

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


EARLY COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY - To inform Cabinet of the multi-agency strategy that has been developed to address children’s early communication needs New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 1 Oct 2008 and 30 Nov 2008

Originally due:   18 Sep 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


TEENAGE PREGNANCY - Report provides an update on progress for the local Teenage Pregnancy Strategy since the Teenage Pregnancy (TP) National Support Team’s (NST) visit in October 2007. New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 1 Oct 2008 and 30 Nov 2008

Originally due:   18 Sep 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s


GREEN SPACE STRATEGY Replaces Parks, Open Spaces and Countryside Strategy. It supports Leicester's Local Development Framework. It seeks to develop a prioritised hierarchy of good quality parks and green spaces that are accessible and relevant to L

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 1 Jul 2009 and 31 Oct 2009

Originally due:   18 Sep 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture


BEAUMONT SPORTS CONSORTIUM - DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED FOR BEAUMONT PARK Agree a two-year 'lock out' agreement between the City Council and the development consortium to provide them with an opportunity to undertake the necessary investigations to satisfy

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   1 Aug 2008

Originally due:   12 Jun 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture


FOOTBALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT To seek approval to the funding arrangements and approval to implement.

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 1 Dec 2008 and 31 Mar 2009

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture


MINOR WORKS PROGRAMME (LEW/TROs) To seek approval for an integrated programme of small highway works for the period 2009 - 2011.

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   17 Nov 2008

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture


CORPORATE CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2008/09-2011/12 - PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS - To seek Cabinet approval for expenditure of £100pa to implement the proposed Corporate Capital Programme 2008/09 to 2011/12

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   1 Aug 2008

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture


REGIONAL SPATIAL STRATEGY - To agree a response to the Government’s ‘Proposed Changes’ to the Draft East Midlands RSS which are the subject of public consultation until 17th October

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   29 Sep 2008

Originally due:   16 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture



Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   Between 1 Jul 2008 and 30 Sep 2008

Originally due:   11 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Resources



Decision maker:  Council

Decision due:   27 Nov 2008

Originally due:   18 Sep 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Resources


CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2008/09 TO 2011/12 - Review of position and recommendation of any changes. The original agreed programme was an interim position. New!

Decision maker:  Council

Decision due:   27 Nov 2008

Originally due:   18 Sep 2008

Lead officer:  Chief Finance Officer


ACCOMMODATION STRATEGY - Purchase of Property New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet'

Decision due:   1 Sep 2008

Originally due:   18 Sep 2008

Lead officer:  Corporate Director of Resources