Venue: City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: M. Richardson (RTPI), P. Ellis (VS), M. Davies (DMU), C. Jordan (LHAS), Cllr S. Barton
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: None. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the meeting held on 12th April 2023 are attached and the Panel is asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: The Panel agreed the notes. |
CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel. Minutes: A) Market Place, Leicester Market Planning Application 20230426
Demolition of the existing covered market roof (Class E(a)) and cafe (Class E (b)) and construction of a new covered roof to provide 80 market stalls, 16 new single storey lock up trading units (Class E (a)), and a new single storey café (Class E (b)). Associated landscaping, new paving, waste management, new sub station, and plant space to be provided.
The panel welcomed the investment in the market and the wider removal of the existing canopies. They referenced the challenges of the project in terms of uses and spaces but felt it was a missed opportunity to overhaul the market. The panel acknowledged improvements in visibility of the Corn Exchange when approaching from the Granby Street direction. However, they felt that the more historic approach from Cheapside was disappointing, with no clear sight of the market stalls or the Corn Exchange, which would be likely to negatively affect the legibility of the market.
It was felt that pulling-back the fixed stalls from the pavement on Market Place would reduce its prominence within the street and create small, disjointed spaces with no clear use. It was felt that the smaller spaces could be amalgamated to provide a larger, more flexible space which could allow for more space around the Corn Exchange. The panel noted that previous studies on the market had highlighted the benefit of providing more space around the Corn Exchange and it was disappointing that this wasn’t being delivered.
Comments were made that the fixed stalls had been reduced in number such that they could be accommodated instead to the rear of the Corn Exchange, which would allow a more flexible public space at the front. The panel felt a more co-ordinated approach was needed with a masterplan of the wider area, which put greater emphasis on the setting of the Corn Exchange.
It was felt the design of the new stalls was acceptable, but a request was made that fully durable materials were used. Overall, whilst acknowledging that this was an architect designed scheme that brought some benefits, the panel felt the design could work harder to maximise the potential of the wider site.
OBJECTIONS B) 160 Hinckley Road, Wyggestons Hospital Planning Application 20230569
Construction of eight single storey terraced dwellings (8 x 1 bed) (Class C2) and one single storey detached dwelling (1 x 2 bed) with parking and landscaping works
The panel felt the proposed development would be a continuation of the existing built form on site, replicating the design and materials of the existing bungalows, and maintaining the character of the Conservation Area as required. They agreed that there is sufficient visual separation between the new development and the adjoining listed buildings and the retention of the trees on the southern boundary would maintain the screening to Westcotes Drive.
C) 140 Queens Road, and garages to rear of 35 Portland Road Planning Application 20230456
Demolition of industrial buildings (Class E); construction of 5 ... view the full minutes text for item 228. |