Agenda and minutes

Special Meeting, Planning and Development Control Committee - Wednesday, 15 July 2020 5:45 pm, CANCELLED

Venue: Virtual Teams Meeting

Contact: Elaine Baker, tel: 0116 454 6355  Aqil Sarang, tel: 0116 454 5591 / Ayleena Thomas, tel: 0116 454 6369

No. Item




The meeting was opened by the Head of Planning who advised that the Chair had given apologies for non-attendance, and the Vice Chair was experiencing technical difficulties with her link to the meeting. In accordance with the Remote Meeting Procedure Rules the meeting was adjourned for a short period to establish if the Vice Chairs Link to the meeting could be re- established. When the meeting recommenced Officers advised that technical issues were continuing, and as a result the Vice Chair was unable to Chair the meeting.


The Legal Advisor to the Committee advised on the Virtual Meetings Procedure Rules, and the other rules of the Constitution in the absence of the Chair and the Vice Chair.


After consideration of Procedure Rule 41 of the Constitution and after expressing concerns, Members of the Committee voted unanimously to move a motion to ADJOURN the meeting to a later date to be fixed.



That the meeting of the Planning and Development Control Committee be ADJOURNED to a later date to be fixed.






The meeting closed at 6:16pm