Venue: Meeting Rooms G.01 and G.02, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Aqil Sarang, tel: 0116 454 5591 / Jacob Mann, tel: 0116 454 5843
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Members are asked to confirm that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Control Committee held on 25 January 2023 are a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Control Committee held 25 January 2023 be confirmed as a correct record.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed on the Agenda.
Members will be aware of the Code of Practice for Member involvement in Development Control decisions. They are also asked to declare any interest they might have in any matter on the committee agenda and/or contact with applicants, agents or third parties. The Chair, acting on advice from the Monitoring Officer, will then determine whether the interest disclosed is such to require the Member to withdraw from the committee during consideration of the relevant officer report.
Members who are not on the committee but who are attending to make representations in accordance with the Code of Practice are also required to declare any interest. The Chair, acting on advice from the Monitoring Officer, will determine whether the interest disclosed is such that the Member is not able to make representations. Members requiring guidance should contact the Monitoring Officer or the Committee's legal adviser prior to the committee meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they had in the business on the agenda.
There were no declarations of interest.
PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND CONTRAVENTIONS The Committee is asked to consider the recommendations of the Director, Planning, Development and Transportation contained in the attached reports, within the categories identified in the index appended with the reports. Additional documents: |
20222199 - 413 London Road, Sefton House Additional documents: Minutes: 20222199 - 413 London Road, Sefton House Ward: Knighton Proposal: Construction of loft conversion; alterations to sides and rear of house (Class C3) Applicant: Rehana Latif RESOLVED: The Planning Officer presented the report and drew Members attention to the addendum report.
Le Roi Bear, the applicant’s agent, addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.
Mark Jowsey, addressed the Committee in objection to the application.
Councillor Whittle, as the local Ward Councillor, Spoke in objection to the application.
Members of the Committee considered the application and Officers responded to comments and queries raised.
The Highways Officer in attendance, responded to highways related queries.
The Chair summarised the application and points raised by Committee Members and moved that in accordance with the Officer recommendation and the addendum report, the application be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Aldred and upon being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.
1. The development shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission. (To comply with Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.)
2. Before the development is begun, the following shall be submitted: - 1 metre² brick sample panel (showing brickwork, bonding and mortar) for any new exposed brickwork - details of the render to be used for the rear elevation - material sample to be used for the roof - ridge-tile sample to be used for the roof - details of materials to be used for the windows, barge board and doors and approved in writing by the local planning authority, implemented in accordance with the approved details and retained as such. (To preserve the architectural significance of the building, and in accordance with Core Strategy policy CS18.)
3. Before the development is begun, plans at a scale of 1:10 or 1:20 for the following shall be submitted: - window & door joinery details and finishes - cill and lintel details - bargeboard details and approved in writing by the local planning authority, implemented in accordance with the approved details and retained as such. (To preserve the architectural significance of the building, and in accordance with Core Strategy policy CS18.)
4. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Plans as Proposed (alternative), ref. no. LE2-3330 PLN, rev. C, received 14.12.2022 (For the avoidance of doubt).
1. The City Council, as local planning authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that may have been received. This planning application has been the subject of positive and proactive discussions with the applicant during the process (and pre-application). The decision to grant planning permission with appropriate conditions taking account of those material considerations in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development as set out in the NPPF 2021 is considered to be a positive outcome of these discussions. |
20222152 - 23 Sidney Road, Land adjacent to Additional documents: Minutes: 20222152 - 23 Sidney Road, Land adjacent to Ward: Knighton Proposal: Demolition of existing extension and garage; construction of single and two storey dwelling (1x3 bed) (Class C3) (AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED 26/01/2023 & 30/01/2023) Applicant: Ms D Rayarel RESOLVED: The Planning Officer presented the report.
Mark Kell, the agent and Deepa Rayarel, the applicant, addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.
Members of the Committee considered the application and Officers responded to comments and queries raised.
The Chair summarised the application and points raised by Committee Members and the applicant and moved that in accordance with the Officer recommendation, the application be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Valand and upon being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.
1. The development shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission. (To comply with Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.)
2. The development shall be finished in materials as denoted on the approved elevations drawing. Where brick is to be used, the bricks shall match as closely as possible those of the original dwelling at 23 Sidney Road and the brick bond and string course details shall match that of the front elevation of the original dwelling at 23 Sidney Road. Where render is to be used, the finished texture of the render shall match as closely as possible that of the front of the original dwelling at 23 Sidney Road. The roof shall be finished in slate to match as closely as possible that of the existing dwelling at 23 Sidney Road. These materials and finishes shall be retained as such. (To ensure that the development is finished to a high quality and is appropriately assimilated to the existing terrace at 19-23 (odds) Sidney Road, in accordance with Policy CS03 of the Leicester Core Strategy (2014) and saved Policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan (2006) and paragraphs 130 (b) & (c) of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021)).
3. The first floor flank window to bedroom 3 shall be fitted with obscure glass (to Pilkington Level 4 or equivalent) and shall be fixed closed below a height of 1.7 metres above internal finished floor level, and shall thereafter be retained as such. (To ensure that the development responds positively to its surroundings and does not unacceptably affect the privacy of the occupiers of 27 Sidney Road, in accordance with Policy CS03 of the Leicester Core Strategy (2014) and saved Policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan (2006) and paragraph 130 (f) of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021)).
4. The dwelling and its associated parking and approach shall be constructed in accordance with 'Category 2: Accessible and adaptable dwellings M4 (2) Optional Requirement. On completion of the scheme and prior to the occupation of the dwelling a completion certificate signed by the relevant inspecting Building Control Body shall be submitted to the City Council as local planning authority certifying compliance with the above standard. (To ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
20220031 - 118 Evington Valley Road Additional documents: Minutes: 20220031 - 118 Evington Valley Road Ward: Spinney Hills Proposal: Construction of single storey extension at rear (Class E(g)) Applicant: Mrs B Uppal RESOLVED: The Planning Officer presented the report and drew Members attention to the addendum report.
Andrew Gray, the applicant’s agent, addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.
Members of the Committee considered the application and Officers responded to comments and queries raised.
The Chair summarised the application and points raised by Committee Members and the applicant’s agent and moved that in accordance with the Officer recommendation and the addendum report, the application be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Joshi and upon being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.
Councillor Modhwadia had left the meeting room during the Chair summarising the proposals and did not return to vote.
1. The development shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission. (To comply with Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.)
2. The new walls and the slope of the roof shall be constructed in materials to match the existing walls and slopes of the roof. (In the interests of visual amenity, and in accordance with Core Strategy policy CS03.)
3. The use of the extension shall not be carried on outside the hours of 07:00 to 20:00 daily. (In the interests of the amenities of nearby occupiers, and in accordance with saved policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan.)
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, as amended, or any order amending or revoking and replacing that Order with or without modification, the extension shall not be used for any purpose other than Class E(g) within Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) of the Order. (To enable consideration of the amenity of neighbouring properties and in accordance with Policies CS03 of the Leicester Core Strategy (2014) and saved Policies PS10 and PS11 of the Local Plan (2006).)
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no material change of use specified in Part 3, Class MA of Schedule 2 to that Order shall be carried out without express planning permission having previously been obtained. (To enable consideration of the amenity of future occupiers and consideration of satisfactory waste management and in accordance with Policies CS03 of the Leicester Core Strategy (2014) and saved Policies PS10 and PS11 of the Local Plan (2006).)
6. A turning space, to enable delivery vehicles to enter and leave the site in a forward direction, shall be kept available within the site. (In the interests in highway safety, and in accordance with saved policy AM01 of the City of Leicester Local Plan and Core Strategy policy CS03.)
7. Prior to the commencement of development full details of the Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) together with implementation, long term maintenance and management of the system shall ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
20222368 - 38 Middlesex Road Additional documents: Minutes: 20222368 - 38 Middlesex Road Ward: Aylestone Proposal: Alterations and conversion of garage to habitable room; construction of first floor extension at side and access ramp/steps at front of house (Class C3) Applicant: Mr and Mrs Guy and Aneeta Harnett RESOLVED: The Planning Officer presented the report and noted that the application was that of a Council employee.
Members of the Committee considered the application and Officers responded to comments and queries raised at this point Councillor Modhwadia returned to the meeting and the Chair informed him he would not be included in the voting process.
The Chair summarised the application and moved that in accordance with the Officer recommendation, the application be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Thalukdar and upon being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.
1. The development shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission. (To comply with Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.)
2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority, the alterations to the front of the existing garage and the front wall of the first floor side extension hereby approved shall be finished in stone cladding to match that on the front of the existing house. The alterations to the side of the existing garage and the flank wall of the first floor side extension hereby approved shall be finished in brick to match the original house. (To safeguard the appearance of the house in the streetscene and ensure that the development is finished to a high standard, in accordance with Policy CS03 of the Leicester Core Strategy (2014) and saved Policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan (2006)).
3. The new roofs over the converted garage and over the side extension hereby approved shall be finished in roof tiles to match the existing house. (To safeguard the appearance of the house in the streetscene and ensure that the development is finished to a high standard, in accordance with Policy CS03 of the Leicester Core Strategy (2014) and saved Policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan (2006)).
4. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 002 (Proposed Site Location Plan/Proposed Block Plan); 003 (Proposed Roof Plan); 004 (Proposed Ground Floor Plan); 005 (Proposed First Floor Plan); 006 (Proposed Front and Side Elevations); and 007 (Proposed Rear Elevation). (For the avoidance of doubt).
1. The applicant is advised that the property is situated within 250 metres of a former landfill site and that care should be taken when undertaking any ground work as there may be a risk of releasing landfill gas.
2. The City Council, as local planning authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material planning considerations, including planning policies and representations that may have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission with appropriate conditions taking account of those material considerations in accordance with the ... view the full minutes text for item 62. |
ANY URGENT BUSINESS Additional documents: |
CLOSE OF MEETING Additional documents: |