No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Allen and Dawood from Leicester City Council and Mr Hyde CC from Leicestershire County Council. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda and/or declare that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them. Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda and/or declare that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to them.
Mr Bailey CC, Mr Moore CC and Ms Newton CC declared non-prejudicial interests in that they had relatives who worked for Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust. |
PROPOSED CLOSURE OF THE GRANGE RESPITE CARE HOME PDF 97 KB Following a request from the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee, Professor Antony Sheehan, Chief Executive, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT), submits a report concerning the proposed closure of the Grange Respite Care Home, following the decision to reconfigure the Health Respite Care Service. Brian Williams from CVS Community Partnership also submits a document outlining concerns on the matter. These documents have been submitted in order that the Committee may discuss the matter.
Please note that this item is considered urgent due to the imminent closure of the facility. Additional documents: Minutes: 0pt;q-bidi-font-size:10.0pt; q-bidi-font-family:Arial'>
In accordance with Rule 12 of the Cabinet Procedure Rules, Councillors Willmott, (proposer), Draycott (seconder), Bhatti, Thomas and Wann, have objected to the decision of Cabinet held on 21 July 2003 with regard to the LEICESTER WEST TRANSPORT SCHEME.
The submitted grounds for objection are:-
‘the unnecessary delay of one year’.
A copy of the report is attached
The extract of the minutes of the Cabinet on 21 July 2003 is set out below:-
Councillor Hunt submitted a report which set out the position of the Leicester West Transport Scheme (LWTS) and proposed a way forward for the scheme.
The relevant minute extract of the Highways and Transportation Scrutiny Committee held on 14 July 2003 was circulated to the Cabinet.
RESOLVED: (1)that Cabinet reconfirms its commitment to develop a comprehensive Park and Ride system, including a site in the south of the City, and in partnership with the County Council, for Central Leicestershire;
(2)that Officers be asked to review the current proposals and further investigate options for sites in the south of the City and report back appraised options for consideration; and
(3)that the City Council, in partnership with the County Council, complete the submission of the Leicester West Transport Scheme proposal to the Department for Transport for Major Local Transport Scheme funding before 31 July 2004.
The City Council is recommended to consider the report.
Under the provisions of Cabinet Procedure Rule 12 (h), the Council may either confirm the decision of Cabinet which would take immediate effect or refer the matter back to Cabinet with an alternative recommendation for Cabinet to consider.
Moved by Councillor Hunt, seconded by Councillor Thompson:-
40. “That the decisions of Cabinet, taken at their meeting on 21 July 2003, with regard to the Leicester West Transport Scheme be approved.”
Moved by Councillor Connelly, seconded by Councillor Willmott:-
“Delete the word ‘approved’ and replace by ‘noted but in the light of the failure to submit to Government a bid by July 2003 and the subsequent possible extra costs of £70,000, Council:-
(i) asks Cabinet to reconsider the viability of the original park and ride site in Aylestone; and:
<span style='q-size:10.0pt;q-bidi-font-size:10.0p |
LEICESTERSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST REPORTING PROCEDURES At the request of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee, a discussion will take place concerning the Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust’s (LPT) reporting procedures, particularly in relation to the reporting of serious adverse events.
Please note that this item is considered urgent business due to LPT’s reporting time scales. Minutes: The Chair outlined concerns regarding Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust’s (LPT) reporting procedures at their Board meetings in relation to “Serious Adverse Events.” He felt that a commitment by the LPT to clarify the position of such reporting had not been met and Members had expressed concern that it could be perceived that this information was being withheld. Concern was also raised that infection control figures would now be classed as confidential at these meetings. It was also stated that a request for an explanation on the matter had not been received.
Professor Sheehan stressed that LPT endeavoured to be as transparent as possible in reporting, but that on occasions there had to be confidentiality, often due to the small number of cases to report. He assured the Committee that the issues raised were of paramount importance and explained the various levels of reporting to ensure that the figures were properly addressed. New reporting arrangements now meant that instead of just raw data being reported to the Board, trends would be highlighted as well. Any more frequent reporting would lose its significance and skew the statistics due to the low numbers to report. It was felt that this would be the most intelligent use of the information. With regard to infection control, it was reported that LPT had very low infection rates.
Members reiterated their concern about transparency, stating that the public needed reassurance on these matters. It was queried whether the information should be classed as confidential.
Professor Sheehan stated that the governance process had been changed in line with the Healthcare Commission’s guidance and would impact on the bid to become a foundation trust. Weekly figures on serious events were reported to him and would be presented to the Board along with trends and performance quarterly, preferably in public, but this would have to be assessed for confidentiality. Information on infections would be provided if it did not identify individual cases. There was already a level of regulation on reporting suicides, and coroner’s reports were publicly available.
RESOLVED: That the Committee notes the explanation given regarding LPT’s reporting procedures and the assurances that LPT was committed to transparency. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 10.57am. |