No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Dawood and Councillor Joshi from Leicester City Council, Mr Hyde CC and Ms Newton CC from Leicestershire County Council and Councillor Golden from Rutland County Council. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them. Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda and/or declare that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to them.
Councillor Hall declared a personal interest as he was an employee of University Hospitals Leicester (UHL) and was a member of UHL and Leicestershire Partnership Trusts.
Mr Bailey CC, Mr Legrys CC, and Mr Moore CC declared personal interests as they had relatives who were employed by Leicestershire Partnership Trust. |
PROPOSED CLOSURE OF THE GRANGE RESPITE CARE HOME PDF 70 KB The Chief Executive, Leicester Partnership NHS Trust, submits a report that gives an update following the postponement of a decision on the closure of The Grange Respite Care Home. The report will be sent to the Committee after 10 March due to the final decision not being taken by the Trust’s Board until 6 March. Minutes: The Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture submitted a report that recommended amendments to the corporate Environmental Policy to align with One Leicester, and provided Members with information on the Council’s annual environmental progress through the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
An officer from the Environment Team introduced the report and stated that positive factors in terms of working towards the existing EMAS targets were an increase in the number of schools participating in EMAS, a reduction in school construction waste, street cleanliness, provision of accessible green space to the public and reducing car trips to the city centre.
She also stated that there were a number of areas of for concern, which included a slow reduction in co2 admissions, and the abolition of purchasing renewable energy reserves.
A Member of the Board asked whether any work had recently been undertaken in relation to wind turbines. It was explained that various sites were currently being screened and that a progress report would be brought to the Board I February.
A question was also asked in connection to work around grey water. Officers explained that this was not one of the highest priorities but that a number of ongoing projects involved grey water.
One Member of the Board felt that it would be useful for officers to produce guidance for Councillors, particularly those who were school governors on what being an EMAS school involved. The suggestion was supported by the board.
Another Member of the Board expressed disappointment around the problems with vehicle congestion outside schools and felt more work was needed in respect of discouraging the use travelling to schools by car. In response to this, it was outlined that Groundworks had undertaken some work on school travel programmes and that this was being tackled as a priority.
(1) That progress towards the EMAS targets during 2007/08 be noted.
(2) that the adequacy of proposed action towards target 2008/09 be noted
(3)That the management response to matters outstanding from audits be noted.
(4)That a progress report on the screening of sites for wind turbines be brought to the Board in February; and
(5)That officers be asked to compile guidance for Members on EMAS schools. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 11am. |