Agenda and minutes

Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting - Wednesday, 22 September 2010 6:00 pm

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Potter was elected Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillor Shah, Harish and Madhu Shah and Alan Jones.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest made at this time.



The minutes of the previous Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting, held on 17 February 2010 have been previously circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting held on 17th February 2010 were confirmed and agreed as a correct record.



Julian Heubeck, Public Transport Co-ordinator, Leicester City Council and representatives from Thurmaston Bus, operators of the 52 Bus service, will be attending the meeting to discuss the provision of local bus services.


Julian Heubeck, Public Transport Co-ordinator attended the meeting and stated that due to complaints received, and for operational reasons, it had ben decided to route the Bus Service 52 away from Danbury Gardens. The decision had not been taken lightly although Thurmaston Bus had stated that a number of their buses had sustained bodywork damage due to the high kerbs on a number of the unadopted roads in the immediate area and also had experienced difficulties in negotiating numerous parked vehicles.


Councillor Mugglestone stated that when the service had first been suggested the City Council had approached First/Arriva who had declined to operate a service around the Danbury Gardens area. Thurmaston Bus were then approached and agreed to run a service, No. 52, but since this had been operating a number of complaints had been received. Thurmaston Bus were also being targeted by First who were re-routing their 21/21A service to compete with Thurmaston Bus 52 route in the Belgrave and Northfields areas. Thurmaston Bus were therefore amending their route in these areas.


Carl, representing Thurmaston Bus, stated that the width of the estate roads, and the sheer number of parked cars had led to the reluctant decision to pull the 52 from the Danbury Gardens area, together with the results of a recent survey whereby over 7 particular trips round Danbury gardens only one passenger was picked up. A review of the need would be undertaken in one year.


A resident of Danbury Gardens stated that they had recently waited for the 52 and two buses had not turned up. Carl responded by saying that drivers regularly experienced late running on various parts of the route and this had a ‘knock-on’ effect for the rest of the day. Several drivers had been reprimanded for cutting out parts of the route to make up time, this was not allowed. Any complaints about Thurmaston Bus services or drivers should be referred to the head office where an assurance was given that any issues would be rectified. Thurmaston Bus felt that to operate a service to Danbury Gardens under the current road conditions was dangerous.


A number of residents of Danbury Gardens expressed a view that they were being punished, because without a bus service they would become ‘prisoners’, unable to get to local facilities. The ‘Dial-a-Ride’ service did operate, but often during the day time there were no spaces left. A lot of residents of Danbury Gardens came to the home on the understanding that a local bus service was available.


Councillor Mugglestone stated that the roads in the vicinity of Danbury Gardens were not of a standard to be accepted by the City Council for adoption. The developers were required to bring the roads up to the required standard as part of their planning permission but, in the meantime, they were just required to provide access to the completed properties. To fully complete the estate and bring all the roads up to a required standard this could take another  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81.



Representatives from the City Council Youth Services division will be attending the meeting to discuss Armadale Youth Centre and youth provision in Hamilton.


Armadale Centre/Netherhall Centre Ball Courts


Gerry Burke, Area Youth Work Manager and Martin Forbes, Senior Youth Worker attended the meeting.


Martin stated that some £100k had been spent at Armadale Youth Centre to make the building better, the building was also shared by Early Years. An IT Suite had been installed but could not be used as the Computers had not yet been networked and when the computers were all turned on the electrics tripped out frequently. A new kitchen had been installed but, following inspection, had been deemed unusable due to faulty pipework and was likely to cost some £5k to put right. Despite these issues a programme of events had been staged over the summer period, although it was not possible to cater for all categories of people in the area. The Chair expressed concerns that the works carried out had not been completed to a satisfactory standard and gave assurances that this matter would be investigated with a view to having the full facilities operational as soon as possible.


Gerry stated that previously identified funding for the Netherhall Centre Ball Courts and associated works, including the floodlights, had now been reinstated following long delays in getting the work started. Work would now start with Housing and Property Services to ensure that the necessary works were undertaken and additional resources were sourced. The Chair stated that it was essential that these works were carried out, particularly as £50k had been gifted to the area by a local farmer some 7 years ago and it was intended that the money would be spent on the Ball Court. £5k towards the cost of the floodlights had been previously agreed by the Community Meeting and this funding would be made available as soon as works started.


It was agreed that a Standing Item would be included on the Agenda for each future meeting until such time as the floodlights were installed and operational.


A member of the public questioned how many staff were employed at the Armadale Centre, bearing in mind that the Centre was not able to cater for all categories. Martin stated that 2 staff were employed at the Centre and sessional staff were brought in as and when required.


A member of the public stated that the play area on the estate near Danbury Gardens had been built in 1998 and had never been adopted by the Council, the builder had also since ceased to exist. Due to the condition of the play area it had been closed for the last 5 years. Officers stated that this would be taken up with the relevant department at the City Council and the outcomes would be reported back.


The Unit, Hamilton


It was reported that The Unit, due to the lack of funding, had not been able to renew the lease on the the unit at Hope Hamilton Church. The Unit were able to offer limited youth provision for 11-19’s between 3.30 pm and 5.30 pm on Thursdays  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82.



Sergeant Dwight Parker and PC Alex Catlow from Keyham Lane Police Station will be attending the meeting to give an update on local policing issues.


Sgt. Barker and PC Alex Catlow attended the meeting to update the Community Meeting on local policing issues.


It was stated that there were 3 PC’s and 2 PCSO’s in the local team but because of the varying needs across the City these numbers fluctuated frequently. The main areas of crime in the area were itemised as follows: -


Speeding problems on Sandhills Avenue and Netherhall Road – these areas were being looked at.


Use of Motor bikes in fields at Keyham Lane and Hamilton – several cases had been dealt with but it had proved difficult to catch offenders.


Burglaries had increased recently, due mostly to people leaving windows open.


Theft from motor vehicles – vehicles being left unlocked at night with items on display. Extra patrols would be provided.


The Chair stated that security advice for tenants was available from the City Council.


A member of the public stated that some while ago the Police had placed a ‘Rat Trap’ car in the area, a car that was left with items on display and fitted with covert cameras and a locking system that prevented thieves from leaving the car. The Police had also placed temporary rubber speed strips on Main Street, Humberstone, these had been effective and it was requested that these be put back again to prevent speeding traffic, ideally a 20 mph zone would be put in place. The Police responded by stating that ‘Rat Trap’ cars were used occasionally to ensure that criminals did not get used to seeing them. The rubber speed strips required a request being made to the City Council and the introduction of a 20 mph zone also the responsibility of the City Council.


Sgt. Barker stated that the English Defence League (EDL) were planning to march in Leicester on Saturday October 9th. The city Council and the Police were working together to ensure that the day was as peaceful as possible. It was expected that some 1000 Police would be in Leicester on the day, made available as part of the ‘Mutual Aid’ programme between Police Authorities.



Charlotte Glover, the new City Warden for Humberstone and Hamilton Ward will be attending the meeting to introduce herself and give an outline of the range of work she is expecting to undertake.


Barbara Whitcombe, Team Manager, City Wardens attended the meeting and gave an update on the work of the City Wardens.


Graffiti Campaign – 3 kits were available for local people to use to remove low level graffiti, following training. Larger kits were available for largere groups such as the Police, housing groups and the fire service. More serious graffiti would be removed by the City Council (0116 252 7001).


Dog Fouling Campaign – ‘Stinkerbelle the Dog Poo fairy’ would shortly be promoting the responsible disposal of dog waste. Following a change of legislation it was now possible to put wrapped dog waste into domestic bins and litter bins, or street bins. Patrols of various parks would be made and rewards given to people who dispose of dog waste correctly. A separate campaign was also running to get the message across to schools and Universities.


Charlotte, the new City warden for the Humberstone and Hamilton area was introduced and she stated that she had patrolled a number of open spaces in the area. Problems had been experienced at the Recycling Centre at the Tesco Superstore around fly-tipping and this was being investigated.



                        that the information be noted.



To receive an update on Humberstone Carnival.


Barbara Whitcombe stated that the Community Meeting had funded the Carnival with a grant of £1,700 in 2010 and the funding had been used to hire seats, tables, toilets etc. The Carnival had been a huge success to the extent that over 100 potential stall-holders had been refused, and around 70 stalls had been allowed.


Efforts were being made to attract more people from the Hamilton side of the ward and approval had already been given to allow the children at Kestrels Field Primary School to become involved. Work to get more people from ethnic groups was also to be pursued.



                        that the information be noted.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following bids have been received for Community Meeting funding and are summarised as follows: -

                                                            Amount Requested            £

i)          Police Bicycle                                                                    500

To provide the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward Neighbourhood Policing Team with a bicycle and equipment. The cycle will be used by the recently increased team to achieve better response times and greater Police visibility in the area, as well as give the ability to patrol alleys and footpaths. The bicycle will be marked as a ‘Police’ cycle and carry acknowledgement to the Community Meeting. Similar bids have been made to other Community meetings across the City.



ii)         The Unit Youth Project                                                     1,685

A bid to part fund The Unit’s summer programme for 2010 that ran from 19th July to 31 August. Due to unforeseen circumstances 2 separate bids were submitted earlier in the year but were not processed, this current bid is therefore a retrospective bid. The Community Meeting should also be aware that, due to funding difficulties the lease on The Unit has expired and Hope Hamilton Church has not renewed it and the equipment used by the Youth Project has been put into store for the time being.



iii)        Skips for Residents Bulk Rubbish                                1,080

A bid to fund the provision of skips for the use of residents for the disposal of bulky rubbish. Further information has been sought as to how the scheme will be publicised and whether the scheme is available to all residents.


iv)        Leicester Dribblerz basketball Project                         2,344

A bid to provide an extended young people’s arm to the already established senior section of the Leicester Dribblerz Basketball Club, an idea developed by the youth element of the Club through sessions delivered at Hamilton Community College. The Club to provide opportunities for young people to participate in Basketball through local organised coaching and the project will be based at Hamilton Community College. The Junior Dribblerz have already made progress by electing officers within the Club and these junior officers will be mentored by senior members to develop their skills as young leaders.


v)         Essensual Rejuvenation Youth Pod Village               1843

A bid submitted to assist the hosting of a Community Pod Village event on 16th August 2010, in partnership with local organisations and community groups. The Pod Village initiative was new and had been piloted in the Braunstone area with huge success.

The bid was submitted in June and, despite numerous attempts to contact the applicants for further information no further contact has been made and it is doubtful whether the event actually took place.


Peter Cozens, Democratic Support reported on the Community Meeting Budget. It was reported that the following bids had been received since the last meeting: -



i)          Pedal Cycle for Humberstone and                                500

            Hamilton ward Neighbourhood policing Team


The bid was to fund the purchase of a pedal cycle and cycle equipment. It was reported that Councillor Shah had supported the bid.



                        that the bid for £500 be supported.


ii)         The Unit – Youth and Community Centre                    1,685


The bid was a retrospective bid to fund the summer programme of activities.



that the bid be deferred, to enable discussions to take place with the applicant regarding future provision.


iii)        Skips for Residents Bulk Rubbish                                1,080


The bid was to enable 6, 8cu.yd skips to be placed in the Netherhall area for 48 hours at a time. The skips to be for residents to dispose of household rubbish that would not be normally be taken by Estate Wardens or Bulky Collections.



                        that the bid for £1,080 be supported.


iv)        Leicester Dribblerz Youth Development Project       2,344


The bid was to provide a youth arm to the already established Leicester Dribblerz Basketball Club, to provide opportunities for young people to participate in basketball. The project would be based at Hamilton Community College and be open to young people in the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward. It was hoped to start the project during September.



                        That the bid for £2,344 be supported.


v)         Essential Rejuvenation Dance and Fitness                1,843

            (ER Dance)


The bid was to host a Community Pod village event on 16th August 2010, in partnership with local organisations and community groups.

It was reported that there was some doubt as to whether the event actually took place in 2010, although it was planned to stage a similar event in 2011. Information would be sought from the applicant and details brought to the next meeting.



                        that the bid be deferred.


vi)        Humberstone Carnival 2011                                           2,767


The bid was presented at the meeting and was to part fund the staging of the Carnival in 2011, on a similar basis to 2010. it was stated that £2,000 could be funded from the Community Cohesion Fund and the balance of £767 from the Ward Action Plan. It was agreed that the application for funding be supported in principle but that a decision on the amount to be granted be deferred to the next meeting.



that the bid be supported in principle but that the amount to be granted be agreed at the next meeting.


In concluding it was reported that £5,309 remained in the 2010/2011 Community Meeting Budget, with 2 deferred applications pending.







To receive the updated Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting Ward Action Plan 2010/11.


An updated copy of the Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting Ward Plan was circulated and it was suggested that, due to time constraints, that any thoughts and comments on the document be brought to the next meeting. It was however suggested that items HH/002 and HH/003 within the Plan should be amalgamated as they were very similar as they both related to Road safety and crossing places.


As a suggestion it was stated that efforts should be made to better signpost Danbury Gardens and Danbury Place.


A member of the public stated that a number of electrical boxes located on the pavements in the area were being vandalised and this was affecting phone services. It was stated that Virgin/NTL were responsible for maintaining the boxes referred to.




i)          Manor Farm - Development


It was reported that the developers of this site were now asking for suggestions for road names for the new streets. Any suggestions were welcomed.


ii)         Capital Receipts Initiative Fund (CPI)


Chrissie Field-Toon, Area Housing Manager attended the meeting and stated that she managed the Humberstone and Hamilton areas together with Charnwood, Thurncourt and Spinney Hills, representing about one fifth of the City.


Chrissie stated that the CPI Fund was made up of Council Housing rents that the Government allowed the City Council to keep to then spend on capital projects to benefit council tenants.


A report was circulated that set out proposals to spend the funding available locally, subject to the general approval of the Community Meeting. The proposals reported are summarised as follows:-


            i)          Improve Lighting at rear of Netherhall Road shops   4,617


            ii)         New garages on Netherhall Parking sites         6,909


            iii)        Improve steps to Netherhall maisonettes                      5,000



In addition it was stated that a proportion of the following stockpiled items, funded from CPI, would be available on request to Council tenants locally: -


                        Covert Cameras (10)

                        Plug-In Alarms for repeat victims (100)

                        Sensor Lights (100)


Discussion took place and concerns were expressed as to how the proposals were brought to the meeting with minimal consultation with tenants and Ward Councillors. It was generally agreed that support would not be given to the proposals to erect 4 garages at the Selby Road parking area and it was suggested that the funding could better be used on the Netherhall Road shops, such as re-felting the verandah area.



1)                 that the proposals be agreed in principle


2)                 that the proposal to erect 4 garages, as outlined, be not supported


3)                 that the funding (£7k) released be instead spent on the shops at Netherhall Road.




It was noted that the next meeting would be held at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 8th December 2010, at a venue to be notified.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.56 pm.