Agenda and minutes

Fosse Community Meeting - Wednesday, 5 October 2011 6:00 pm

Venue: Newfoundpool Neighbourhood Centre, Pool Road

Contact: Palbinder Mann, 0116 2298814 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Cassidy was elected as Chair for the meeting.




There were no apologies for absence.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the previous Fosse Community Meeting, held on 6 July 2011, have been circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.





that the minutes of the Fosse Community Meeting held on 6 July 2011 be confirmed as a correct record.



There will be information provided on the new orange bag recycling scheme which is being rolled out across the city.


Geoffrey Soden, Waste Services Manager informed the Community of the new orange bag recycling scheme.


Geoff explained that over the next two weeks new orange bags would be delivered to households in the city. The current green box used for recycling could be kept by residents if they wished. Additionally it was explained that residents were able to use as many orange bags for recycling as they wished.


In response to a query regarding the grey wheelie bin, Geoff stated that the use of this would stay the same with waste such as food, nappies, green waste, broken glass, and wood going in the grey bins with everything else going in the orange bags. A resident raised a query regarding collections for flats. Geoff stated that the Environmental Team would be visiting flats in the city to discuss arrangements. Residents were informed that if they had not received their orange bags then they were to phone up the Council’s Waste Management Service on 0116 252 7002.




An Officer from the Local Policing Unit will be present to provide a policing update for the area.


Sergeant Rod Smart provided a policing update for the area. It was reported that burglaries had risen compared with the same period last year while vehicle crime, robberies and incidents of anti-social behaviour had gone down. With regards to anti-social behaviour it was reported that this had reduced dramatically with 14 incidents being reported this year compared with 36 in the same period last year.


Sergeant Smart reported that there were two main issues in the ward for which a problem solving plan had been developed, these were as follows:


·         Anti-social behaviour with youths in the Woodgate area where there had been reports of cars and houses being damaged. Sergeant Smart stated that the Police were working with service providers of youth services along with non-statutory youth agencies to see if progress could be made.


·         The other main problem was anti-social behaviour on Batternburg Road on which work was being done.


Sergeant Smart informed residents that he was based at Hinckley Road Police station and encouraged residents to visit them if they had any issues to raise.


In response to a query regarding burglaries, Sergeant Smart commented that there had been 25 burglaries between July and October last year and this year there had been 34.


A resident requested an update on the attacks that had occurred at the Rally. Seargeant Smart commented that there was a suspect and he thought he had been caught however this needed to be checked. Residents were informed that there had been a number of assaults that had occurred on the Rally and it was thought that a considerable number of the victims were people who coming from the city. Sergeant Smart stated that there had been a drive to educate people and there would be better lighting along with CCTV installed.



There will be an update on the Square Mile project.


Rachel Colley, Project Officer, De Montfort University was present to provide an update on the Square Mile project.


Rachel informed residents that the project was a one year community based project working with local officers to fit in with the needs of residents. There had been 21 projects launched on 22 September including sport, gardening and a café for all age ranges. Other activities included 150 school children going to Woodgate and Rally Park, free English language lessons. Rachel reported that they had engaged with 600 residents and taken 99 surveys. She commented that the Square Mile team were looking forward to working with residents. Residents were encouraged to contact the team to find out how to get involved.




Ali Latif, Area Youth Work Manager and Brian Quinn, Streetvibe were present to talk about youth services in the area.


Brian explained that Streetvibe had been part of the new deal for communities initiative in Braunstone however in the past four years it had become an independent voluntary sector organisation delivering services across Leicestershire, Northampton and Daventry. The organisation had been asked to deliver services in the Fosse ward. Brian explained that the organisation attempted to engage with young people on Friday and Saturday nights along with working at the adventure playground in the area. Residents were informed that the organisation was working as part of an inter-agency group.


Brian explained some of the main services that the organisation offered. This included a mobile youth club and work done with young people addressing anti-social behaviour.


Brian explained the Excel project which engaged young people on Friday and Saturday nights. Residents were informed that the project had tried to emulate a similar project being run in South Shields however that project had received funding of £1m. Brian commented that three youth villages had been delivered and support had been provided by the adventure playground. Work had also been done with the anti social behaviour unit, youth services and Police. Brian stated that projects such as the playground needed to be supported in the area.  


In response to a query regarding youth services for the rest of the ward, Ali commented that it was difficult to provide services due to capacity issues and currently only services through Streetvibe could be offered. It was noted that the youth worker for the area also worked in a number of other different areas in the city. The Chair suggested that a meeting be arranged with the Councillors and relevant partners and officers to help resolve this issue and report back through the Community Meeting.


Members of the Youth Council were also present to provide information on the work they did. Information was provided on the whatbox project which gave the opportunity for young people to become reporters and provided assistance on aspects such as writing reports and articles. Suggestions were provided that young people from Woodgate Adventure Playground would be interested in joining the Young People’s Council and that there should be liaison between the Young People’s Council and the Square Mile Project.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Arrange meeting with providers of youth services and Councillors

Jerry Connolly, Members Support Manager

By next meeting.




Information will be provided on proposals to install 20mph zones in the Fosse ward.


Steve Warrington, Transport Development Officer provided information on the proposal to install 20mph zones in the ward.


Steve explained that there would be a consultation on installing 20mph zones in the city and the rationale behind the scheme was safety based. It was reported a reduction of 1mph would result in a 5% reduction in personal injury accidents. Residents were informed that initially areas that had traffic calming measures would be considered however areas with 20mph which did not have traffic calming measures would also be looked into.


Steve stated that speed data was required and it would be looked into to introduce six new 20mph zones in the city in the current financial year.  Areas that had been considered in the ward included the Tudor Road area along with areas around Fosse Road and King Richards Road. It was explained that the Tudor Road area had been considered because of the number of accidents that had occurred. Residents were informed that between 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2010, there had been nine reported personal injury accidents which resulted in an accident rate of 1.92 per km for that period.


Steve explained that during August, 1500 letters had been delivered to every property in the area and there had been a 20% response rate. The results had been 84% in favour of the proposals with 12% against. It was also explained that there had been requests for residents parking to be introduced in the area and proposals for one way systems would also be looked into. Steve commented that once views had been collated, these would be passed onto the team responsible for residents parking for consideration. With regards to the 20mph zones, Steve informed residents that information for other areas in the city still needed to be collated, and following this a briefing paper would be written for consideration by the Deputy City Mayor to give the final decision on whether to proceed with the schemes or not. Additionally there were also legal processes to go through such as creating a traffic regulation order.


In response to a query regarding enforcement, Steve stated that discussions had been held with the Chief Constable of Police about this however there was concern regarding the resources to enforce the limit. It was stated that with the lower speeds, it was hoped less enforcement was required. Steve added that across the country where 20mph zones had been introduced there had been a reduction in average speeds of around 1mph.


In response to a query regarding cost, Steve stated that the cost for the introduction of the proposals would be £9,000. With regard to timescales, Steve explained that he would be briefing the Deputy City Mayor on 28 October and following agreement, the next step would be to go through legal processes. Following this, there would be an advertisement for objections, and if there were not any received, a Traffic Regulation Order would be set up in February/March.


Residents raised concern regarding speeding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 107.



The City Warden in the Fosse ward will be present to provide an update on environmental issues in the area.


Jethro Swift, City Warden for the Fosse ward provided an update on the work he was doing in the area.


Jethro explained that with regards to bins on streets, there had been a reduction by 10%. With regards to the procedure to remove bins from streets, it was explained that initially residents were sent letters telling them to remove their bins followed by a visit if the bin was still not removed. If the bin was still not removed following this, then a section 45 order would be carried out and the resident would be notified that they would be fined. There had been particular success in the Tudor Road area where initially there had been 200 bins left out however now there was only 20-30.


Other problems reported in the area by residents for the attention of the City Mayor included cars for sale and dog fouling.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


There will be an update on the Community Meeting Budget. Please find summaries of applications received for consideration below. Full application

forms can be accessed by contacting Democratic Support on 0116 2298814 or by visiting the Council’s website at


The following budget applications has been received:


Application 1


Applicant: Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Manager, Leicester City Council


Amount: £1,500


Proposal: Alley Gate Project




During the bins on street campaign. It came to light that many of the alley gates are not being locked as people no longer have keys or they are permanently locked for the same reason. Therefore residents can not remove the bins and the alley ways are full of rubbish and no longer a deterrent for the burglaries.


Therefore we plan with the help of the handy man service who originally put in all the alley gates to have all the locks replaced with a uniform lock and re issue keys.


There will be three sets of master keys held so any new residents or landlords can contact the council and pay for new keys or more keys if they wish. This will alleviate the problem of householders no longer having keys


The total cost is £2500. The city warden service is also contributing £1000 from the fines paid for the bins on streets to cover half of the costs.



Cost £

Estimate or Actual cost (E or A)

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Replacement of some damaged gates, replacement of all locks and supplying all householders who have legal access with keys





Application 2


Applicant: Val Kindred (Leicester-shire County Netball)


Amount: £745


Proposal: Back to Netball




Working in partnership with NGB Officer for Netball, Physical Activity Officer for Leicester City Council and the Community Development Worker at Surestart we want to pilot a 10 week course for women (16+) to get back into Netball at a local venue near to them. We want to target mums at the Surestart group and also open these sessions up to the local community to attend.


We are all working to encourage adults in Leicester to lead a more active lifestyle so this project would also link in with Leicester City Council’s 3x30 pledge campaign – a commitment to do three 30 minute workouts per week and be rewarded with incentives such as Pedometer’s, Exercise DVD’s, T-shirts and more. The Back to Netball session can be counted as one of their three 30 minute sessions per week and all participants will be encourage to sign up to this free campaign.


We would like the ward funding to go towards funding a weekly Back to Netball session in Fosse area over a period of 10 weeks. The money will go towards a venue and also a Netball Coach to deliver the  ...  view the full agenda text for item 109.


Jerry Connolly, Members Support Officer presented the Community Meeting budget.


The following applications were submitted for consideration:


·         Alley Gate Project, Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Manager, Leicester City Council - £1,500.


It was explained that the application was to assist the handy man service to have all the alley gate locks replaced in the area with a uniform lock and reissue keys.



that the application be supported and £1,500 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         Back to Netball, Val Kindred (Leicestershire County Netball) - £745.


It was explained that the application was to pilot a 10 week course for women (16+) to get back into Netball at a local venue near to them.



that the application be supported in principle however more information be sought on how the course would be organised and where would it take place. Also consideration be given to whether there was demand for it. If these factors could be satisfied then the application would be supported.



·         Improvements to Outside Lighting, Woodgate Adventure Playground - £356.


It was explained that the application was to repair the existing lights and add extra lights to give more light on the playground during the long winter months. It was noted that £500 for this had already been approved through the fast track process.



that the application be supported and £356 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         Purchase of Kitchen Equipment etc and Hand dryers, St Andrew’s Methodist Church Luncheon Club - £187


It was explained that the application was for further purchase of items that were unable to be purchased with the previous grant received during 2010/11. 



that the application be supported and £187 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.

The following application had been approved by Members as part of the fast track process as the bid was £500 or under.



·         Health and Well Being Open Day Event, Fosse Library/Jean Burbridge - £500.


It was explained that the application was for an health living “open day” event at Fosse library and Fosse Neighbourhood Centre on Saturday 8th October 2011, 11am to 3pm.




The Chair reported that there had been an error on the publicity that had been sent out for Member’s surgeries where it stated that the time of the surgery was 10.30pm and should have read 10.30am. 




The meeting closed at 7:58pm.