Venue: Eyres Monsell Community Centre, 268 Hillsborough Rd, Leicester, LE2 9PQ
Contact: Angela Martin, Community Engagement Officer, Tel. (0116) 454 6571, (Email: Jessica Skidmore, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: (0116) 454 2623) (Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Pantling led introductions as Chair.
There were no declarations of interest. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Action Log of the meeting held on 17 November 2022 is attached, and Members will be asked to confirm them as an accurate record. Minutes: The Action Log of the meeting held on 17 November 2022 was confirmed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLOR'S FEEDBACK Ward Councillors will provide feedback on their recent and ongoing work in Eyres Monsell. Minutes: Ward Councillors provided an update into their ongoing work in the ward. It was noted that:
· Councillor surgeries had been regularly attended. · Councillors declared a housing crisis in the ward. A number of Section 21 notices for evictions had been distributed for those in private tenancies and Councillors were working with Homelessness Prevention to assist those facing homelessness following eviction. · It was noted that 6k people were waiting for a house in Leicester. It was further noted that the construction process for two new sites for residential properties were about to start. · Councillors noted that casework was large in volume, as casework was being picked up through door knocking. The majority of issues of issues concerned housing repairs or dog fouling. · Councillors encouraged those who had issues with dog fouling to take a photo and sent the report through the Love Leicester mobile app. |
AREA HOUSING MATTERS Officers to be present to provide an update on housing matters within the ward. Minutes: Paul Lewis, Housing Officer, was present to provide an update on Area Housing matters in the ward. The following points were noted:
· It was noted that Anti-Social Behaviour concerns were the responsibility of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (CrASBU), who had dedicated officers dealing with reports of ASB. · The method of reporting issues had not changed. Concerns could be reported via the internet or the phone number provided on leaflets given out at the meeting. · Housing was collaborating with CrASBU of eight active cases within the ward. The rating of the traffic light system would be prioritised. · The level of Anti-Social Behaviour had been reducing over the past few years, with 142 cases last year compared to 120 this year. In total across the city, the Eyres Monsell ward made up 12% of all ASB cases, which was noted to be lower than other wards. · Housing and CrASBU were collaborating to address domestic violence cases and Councillors encouraged members of the public to speak out and report any such cases. · There were eight officers who made up the CrASBU team.
Councillors discussed potential methods to provide feedback from members of the public on cases that have been resolved, with feedback at Ward Community Meetings being suggested.
Members of the public raised concern about drug use in personal properties creating issues with neighbours, as the smell stuck to walls and clothing. The matter had been reported to the police, who had been taken to the addresses of concern, but it wasn’t able to be resolved. Further to this, members of the public reported use of letter boxes for storing drugs as a method of drug dealing.
The Chair noted that following increased concerns about heat retention in bungalows, an insulation scheme was being piloted in two bungalows in the ward, which included installation of a new layer of insulation and new windows or doors being fitted.
ACTION: That Anti-Social Behaviour remain as a standing item on the agenda for future Ward Community Meetings |
MULTI USE GAMES AREA (MUGA) UPDATE An update will be provided on the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) in the ward. Minutes: Victoria Ball, Sport and Active Development Recreation Manager and Charles Hurley, Sport and Physical Activity Development Manager, were present to provide an update on the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) design for the ward. The following points were made:
· Funding opportunities had been identified and a collaboration with the Football Foundation. Officers had been working on a bid for the Play Zone Development scheme, a scheme in which only ten cities in the UK asked to bid. Capital match funding had been secured for work on 13 MUGA development areas and Eyres Monsell ward was included. · Officers presented and summarised potential designs for a MUGA in the ward, which included hybrid football and basketball courts. · Electronic gates, Flood Lighting and CCTV would be installed which would involve a pilot period for an online booking system. · The proposed location was next to the Eyres Monsell Community Centre, which was hoped to discourage anti-social behaviour due to staff and regular police presence nearby. · Contractors would be decided by Summer 2023. · The Council’s Neighbourhoods Department would be responsible for the maintenance of the MUGA and potential booking system. · The court would be floored with polymeric material, similar to material used in a tennis courts, which had been identified as softer flooring suitable for both sports. |
COMMUNITY FEEDBACK Councillors, Officers and members of the community to provide feedback on the following items:
· Community Centre / Library Managers Update · Events · Volunteering Opportunities · Local Developments Minutes: Eyres Monsell Community Centre:
Tracey Inchley, Manager for the Community Centre, was present to provide an update on Community Centre related issues, which included the following points:
· A discussion about local activity groups ensued, noting that the number of members in the Gardening Group had reduced and a new for new members was high to start activities once more. · A discussion will be held with ward Councillors to discuss potential activities in celebration of the King’s Coronation. · A car boot sale was being looked into to be held regularly in the car park of the Community Centre. · The Community Centre was raising funds to re-decorate the garden, with the idea of a small pond with frogs being raised. Funds raised if a car boot sale was held would be going towards any potential refurbishment alongside current sales of donated books. A plastic greenhouse would be purchased and built with local children. · The Community Centre suggested creating a Friends of Eyres Monsell Community Group, so smaller groups could apply for funding using the Community Centre bank account.
A member of the public suggested a local bingo group session. It was noted that the suggestion would be looked into with the possibility of applying for ward community budget for prizes.
Members of the public raised concern about other groups in the ward conducting similar activities and the need to contact and communicate between isolated groups. The Community Centre Manager encourage members of the public to email any ideas about possible forms of communication, such as a ward forum.
The Chair commended the environmental improvements at the Eyres Monsell Community Centre and Willows Bank School and thanked officers and members of the public for their help.
The Chair thanked members of the public and staff involved with the events over the Christmas Period, which included the Light Up event, Christmas Fayre, Southfields Treasure Hunt and Memory Heart Event. All events were noted to be well attended, including by the local MP and Lord Mayor.
Councillors noted that a member of the public had received a nomination for a good will award as they had given an item to someone at the Christmas Fayre despite not having the money to purchase it.
Councillors noted the results of the Eyres Monsell Community Award that had 52 nominations for an award. Three nominations were noted for being a good neighbour, in which the need for a Good neighbour award was noted. Between 7 and 8 young people had been nominated for the Younger Peoples Award, in hopes in generate more young people involvement in the community
Councillors noted the date of the awards session, Friday, 10th March at 7pm, and would include live music and a buffet by Thelmas Café.
Community Arts:
A member of Vehicle Arts was present at the meeting to provide an update on Community Arts in the ward, which included the following points:
· Vehicle Arts was noted to be a non-profit based in Leicester, that promoted and ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Police Officers will be present to provide an update on policing issues in the ward. Minutes: Police Constable, Natalie Bogle and PCSO Dylan Land were present to provide an update on policing matters in the ward. The following points were noted:
· Police Officers summarised the policing priorities for the ward, which included violence and sexual offences, criminal damage and arson and Anti-Social Behaviour. · Police Officers encouraged members of the public to report any concerns to increase knowledge of known issues in the area. Ability to enforce within the was noted to be proportional to the number of reports received from members of the public. · It was noted that some issues may not be present at the time of enforcement and encouraged regular reports if an issue re-occurred.
A member of the public raised concern about the levels of police presence in the ward. It was noted that there were only two dedicated officers for the area alongside response units for issues of the most concern. It was noted that officers were commonly present at or around the Eyres Monsell Community Centre and drove around the ward regularly while patrolling areas of most concern.
Members of the public noted that they could contact staff at the Community Centre about any concerns who could contact officers and request their presence.
A member of the public requested information on the murder that had been committed in the ward in the past month. It was noted that the suspect had been arrested, charged and detained in prison prior to the trial, which was expected to be held in April 2023. Two others suspected to be involved in the crime were under investigation.
A member of the public enquired about potential increase in police presence following the opening of the new prison nearby. It was noted that the prison was under the jurisdiction of the county and an officer will be invited to attend the next meeting to provide information.
Councillors noted that lighting concerns about the new prison had been addressed and moved, which would no longer impact local residents.
The Manager of the Eyres Monsell Community Centre raised concern about young teens climbing the building and running across the roof. Police noted the concern and noted that the identity of the offenders were known and would be actioned. Officers encouraged members of staff to keep trying to call via the 101 number when the issues occurred. ACTION: Officers to speak to the Manager of the Community Centre for further detail on Anti-Social Behaviour offenders.
Members of the public raised concern about lack of opportunities and entertainment for youth in the ward following the closure of magpie. ACTION: The Chair to contact the outreach youth team to discuss and organise potential youth activities in the ward.
A member of the public raised concern about prolific dog fouling. Officers noted the details from the resident and agreed to conduct a patrol on the road involved.
Members of the public raised concern about the length of time calling on 101. It was noted that due to the number of officers available, there ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The local City warden will provide an update on ongoing work within the ward. Minutes: It was noted that the City Warden was not present at the meeting. The Ward Community Engagement Officer agreed to note and take back any issues to the City Warden.
The Chair noted the increase in do fouling found on pavements.
A member of the public raised concern about the presence of the City Warden on patrols in the area.
A member of the public noted obstructions caused by parked vans in the area, which made travelling difficult for mobility scooter users. Councillors advised that it was a highways or police matter and requested the member of the public to note the registration number and contact either the non-emergency police line or Council’s Highways Department.
Members of the public raised concern with the width of paths, doorways and gates of bungalows for disabled residents. The Chair agreed to discuss the issue further and put forward a case. The Chair noted that an occupational therapist would be contacted to conduct an assessment of needs for those in the area but noted it to be an extensive workload to conduct across the whole of the ward. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET SUMMARY Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget together with a summary of grant applications submitted for consideration since the last meeting. Minutes: The Ward Community Engagement Officer provided a summary of the Ward Community Budget for 2022/23.
It was noted that the Ward Community Budget had fully spent. Councillors put forth a proposal to retain some of the Ward Community Budget in the new municipal year for use on a community newsletter. ACTION: The part of the Ward Community Budget be retained for use on a community newsletter.
Members of the public enquired about the details required in the making of a newsletter, such as printing requirements. Councillors suggested a hybrid model newsletter inspired by the Braunstone ward newspaper, which would see a newspaper delivered both physically in paper and online via social media. The Chair agreed to look into possible printing resolutions. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: There being no other business, the meeting closed at 12:18pm. |