Agenda and minutes

Eyres Monsell Community Meeting - Tuesday, 6 September 2011 5:30 pm

Venue: Eyres Monsell & Gilmorton Children's Centre, Hillsborough Road, Leicester

Contact: Heather Kent 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Cleaver was elected Chair of the meeting.




Apologies were received from Jean Dutfield.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the previous Eyres Monsell Community Meeting, held on 12 July 2011, have been previously circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



that the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a correct record.



As a result of suggestions at the last meeting, Councillors will discuss their findings from looking into accessibility issues to facilities and services in Eyres Monsell.


Concerns had been raised on the main estate area of the Ward regarding accessibility issues, particularly for the elderly and those with mobility and/or disability issues. Problems included obstructions on dropped kerbs and cracks in pavements.


As a result of concerns, special interest organisations and Leicester City Council Accessibility Officers have been invited to give advice on access and disability issues in the area. VISTA, Action Deafness and Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) were invited to consider whether the estate was easy to get around regardless of disability, and that services were meeting the needs of all. It was felt it would be a way of raising awareness amongst all organisations, when making decisions in developing the area and bringing projects forward.


It was suggested that a safe route for people using mobility scooters also could be created to highlight designated routes to shops and services.


Residents mentioned issues with transportation into the city centre, and the difficulty people had in getting on and off buses in town. Councillor Palmer informed the meeting that a number of meetings had taken place with bus operators and that the issues had been raised with them. It was noted that the problem was city-wide. It was recommended that this issue remain as a future agenda item.


Residents asked if bollards could be placed on the lowered kerbs of greens, as people were driving across the greens. Also, obstructions were being caused by people parking on corners, pavements and grass, which sometimes resulted in people having to go into the road to pass vehicles. The Chair asked the meeting to note that Housing Officers were looking at this issue to see what could be done to resolve the problems, which were part of the accessibility issues being looked at.


It was reported that a lorry often parked on the corner of Runcorn Road. This made it impossible to see when crossing the road. Sgt. Partridge stated there may be conditions on the driver’s operator licence on where he should park and that he might be in breach of the licence.


The Chair asked that parking issues be a future agenda item.



Police Sergeant Andy Partridge will give an update on neighbourhood policing issues in the ward.


Sgt. Andy Partridge attended the meeting and reported the following:


·         There were a lot of parking issues dealt with by Leicester City Council and not the Police. One issue was vehicles parking along the edges of footpaths, but vehicles were not classed as an obstruction if a double pushchair or a mobility scooter could pass through.

·         Schools had been visited to raise awareness over parking issues. The Police were also working with the ambulance and fire services who also had difficulty with some parked vehicles blocking routes.

·         The number of reported incidents of anti-social behaviour had reduced, though a couple of anti-social behaviour incidents had occurred in the area; Wokingham Avenue and Sonning Way. One or both could become Police Priority Areas.

·         The numbers of handbag thefts had dropped.

·         The Police were now well established in the Community Centre. If residents had any issues they were invited to drop in at any time. Also the Police would be holding special surgery days each month. Also the office used by the Police at Samworth Academy assisted in dealing with young people’s issues without criminalisation.


Sgt. Partridge was asked how the Police were dealing with issues of prostitution on the estate. Sgt. Partridge answered that he had not heard of any issues of this nature but would talk to residents after the meeting.


A discussion took place regarding the recent thefts from gardens, and particularly the effects on elderly residents, who were frightened because of the thefts. Sgt. Partridge reported that there had been a spate of thefts earlier in the summer, when the suspect had been identified. With the second spate of thefts, no suspect had been identified. Sgt. Partridge went on to report that the Police were working to try and ease peoples’ fears, and assist them in making it more difficult for thieves to steal from gardens, though it was acknowledged that it was more difficult to secure gardens. He asked that residents did not confront suspects, but should call the police on 999 if the crime was in progress, or 0116 2222222. It was also suggested that the distinction between using 999 and 0116 2222222 to report crime would be discussed at a future ward meeting.


Residents stated that they had on several occasions called the Police when youths had thrown things at passing buses, but by the time the Police had arrived, the youths had dispersed. Sgt. Partridge asked the residents to pass on details of the calls and he would follow them up.


The Chair stated that she felt the Police had worked really hard in tackling issues on the estate.



Matthew Copley, City Warden, will give an update on environmental and street scene issues in the ward and will take questions and suggestions from residents.


Matthew Copley, City Warden, informed the meeting of issues addressed in the Ward:


·         Youth Offending Services arranged for the removal of graffiti and tidying of the park on Hillsborough Road. 9 offenders assisted in the clean-up. The area currently remained clean, and the service would be rolled out across the city.

·         There had been incidents of fly-tipping reported, which increased during the school holidays. City Wardens were working with the Police to increase patrols in the area.

·         City Wardens would like to be informed if people were parking cars up in the area to sell them. This was becoming an increasing problem.

·         City Wardens would also like to be informed if private businesses were operating from council-owned houses. A couple of businesses had been identified as there were more cars parked outside the premises than usual.

·         Scott Clark (City Warden, Freemen Ward), would also be covering Eyres Monsell Ward. Mathew Copley would work part-time on Fridays.


Residents asked if Glen Parva could have ‘dog-poo’ bags given out. The City Warden informed the meeting that he had asked parks to have boxes available, but the cost of providing them was unaffordable. Bags would be available from Community Centres.


Residents also asked if a dog patroller worked in the area. The City Warden asked that times and places where dog walkers let their dogs foul the area be passed to him.



Your Ward Councillors will report on things they have been involved in within the ward and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


Councillor Palmer informed the meeting that new bins purchased from funding last year for dog fouling waste had been installed. The bins were for combined dog waste and litter bins.


Councillor Palmer reported on three positive things that had occurred in the area:


1.    The Olympic torch had visited Eyres Monsell, the only place outside of the city centre. Pictures were taken of the torch and would be published in the Monsell Mail. Councillor Palmer stated that it was part of a major international event and the most symbolic thing that had visited Eyres Monsell, and it should be used as an opportunity to celebrate the Olympics and bring people together.

2.    New play equipment had been installed on Sturdee Road and had been celebrated with an event with playworkers. Councillor Palmer stated that residents should be proud of the role they played in acquiring the equipment.

3.    The Saffron Fete was reported as being a huge success. There was a parade from Goldhill, and the fete was reported as being the best in years, and was a fantastic event for Saffron Estate. Also, there was a summer event on Eyres Monsell estate in June, and it was felt the event had brought the community together.


The meeting was asked to note that other events in the area were listed in the Monsell Mail. Councillors also wished to thank all those who organised the events and helped make them happen.


Councillor Cleaver reported on the Youth Hub village on the park. They provided information on a lot of Leicester City Council Services for young people up to the age of 19. During the event, youngsters took part in rapping, football cage, and a laser quest amongst other things.


Councillor Cleaver also reported on a meeting she had with tenants at Rupert House. It was hoped that friendship groups could be developed between other supported living accommodation in the city. Other events she had attended were coffee mornings, a yoga group and had undertaken committee work for the Council.


Councillor Cleaver reported that she had been talking to residents regarding anti-social behaviour, and had been trying to find ways to make them feel more safe. She suggested a support group be set up, and with the aid of a small amount of Ward Community funding, invite a professional to attend for a cup of team and a chat with the residents. This meeting could also be advertised in the Monsell Mail.


Councillor Cleaver informed the meeting that both herself and Councillor Lynn Moore would be going on a ‘memory’ walk in Abbey Park on 18 September 2011. She stated she tried to go the extra mile for the elderly, people with dementia and short-term memory loss. Councillor Cleaver explained what dementia was and was very supportive of people with dementia. Over the next 30 years there would be many more people who would have it.


Councillors stated that a big thank you needed to go to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following applications have been received and the Ward Councillors are asked to consider whether they wish to support them.


Application 1

The Coffee Morning at Thursdays – Christmas meal at Ullesthorpe Court, £260.00


To provide a Christmas outing for approximately 39 elderly residents who attend the coffee mornings at Eyres Monsell Community Centre. This will fund the meal only, and transport will be paid for by the group.


Application 2

STARS Freestyle Dance Academy, to transform former football changing rooms into suitable premises for dancing school, £500.00


The group have been fundraising from a variety of sources to refurbish the building. The group has about 100 users from Eyres Monsell, Freemen and Aylestone.  Funding is requested to help towards plastering and general building work. The venue, although primarily for the use of the group, will also be available for bookings by other community groups. It will bring back into use a building that would likely otherwise have become derelict.


Note that Freemen Community Meeting has supported the group for £500 to contribute towards new toilets and kitchen units and Aylestone Community Meeting has previously provided £480 funding for tracksuits.


Application 3

Supporting our Artistic Youth (Pink Lizard), £1752.00


The project sees 10-18 year-olds being taught dance, acting and music. This funding is requested whilst longer-term funding is sought from the Arts Council to continue delivering the services at the Samworth Academy. The funding requested is for tuition and support workers. Attendees are from Eyres Monsell and Freemen wards and the application is split across the two wards, with each being asked for £1752.


Application 4

Saffron Support for Elderly People – to replace wheelchairs, £320.00


To purchase four new wheelchairs to replace existing ones which are at the end of their lives. These will continue to help older people get out and about.


Note that the project has also submitted a bid to the Freemen Community Meeting for the same amount.



In this financial year the Community Meeting has spent £4,665 of its £15,000 budget. £10,335 remains.


Application 1

The Coffee Morning at Thursdays – Christmas meal at Ullesthorpe Court, £260.00


It was noted that the funding would pay for the meal only.



that the application be supported to the value of £260.00.


Application 2

STARS Freestyle Dance Academy, to transform former football changing rooms into suitable premises for dancing school £500.00


It was noted that Freemen Community Meeting had supported the group for £500 to contribute towards new toilets and kitchen units and Aylestone Community Meeting had previously provided £480 funding for tracksuits.



that the application be supported to the value of £500.00.


Application 3

Supporting our Artistic Youth (Pink Lizard) £1752.00


This application was deferred. Members asked that further information be brought to a future meeting.


Application 4

Saffron Support for Elderly People – to replace wheelchairs, £320.00


It was noted that the project had also submitted a bid to the Freemen Community Meeting for the same amount.



that the application be supported to the value of £320.00.


It was reported that there was £10,335 remaining budget.




1.    A resident asked if Queens Park Way could be split to identify which part a resident lived on, for example, North/South. It was reported that, because the road was so long, there had been several instances when the Fire Brigade/Ambulance services had attended incidents, but they had been at the wrong end of the road due to the difficulty in finding addresses. It was recognised that this was an issue which would be taken back to Leicester City Council officers for discussion.


2.    Wayne Natsell from The Monsell Mail advised that he felt there were many events missing from the publication that had taken place. He asked that dates be forwarded to him for inclusion in the publication.


3.    A resident reported that a road sign on the corner of Hesketh Close cul-de-sac had fallen off a property and had not been replaced. There had been occasion to call an ambulance, which went to the wrong address at Hesketh Avenue. The resident asked that this issue be rectified.






The meeting closed at 7.02pm.