Agenda and minutes

Spinney Hills Community Meeting - Monday, 4 July 2011 6:00 pm

Venue: Wesley Hall Methodist Church, Mere Road

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Dawood was elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Joanne Clow, Extended Services Co-ordinator.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest. 



The minutes of the previous Spinney Hills Community Meeting, held on 17 January 2011, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 January 2011 were agreed as a correct record.



Officers from the Handyperson Service, Leicester City Council, will be present to raise awareness of the services offered to residents.


Tom Smith and Mick Carr from the Handyperson’s Service were present to raise awareness of the services offered to residents, and made the following points:


·         The team provided a range of services that covered areas including electrics and plumbing.  The only service not carried out was in relation to gas maintenance. 

·         Private-home owners were entitled to receive the services as well as Council tenants. 

·         The team worked to assist victims of household burglaries and domestic violence.

·         Members of the public who wished to find out more were encouraged to ring the Handyperson’s Service on 0116 2211321.


Tom acknowledged that there had been a number of community safety concerns in relation to the alleyway on Grove Road.  It was explained that funding was being finalised to install wrought iron gates and security fencing to help to curtail these problems.  A request for ward funding was to be considered later in the meeting.


Members of the public and Ward Councillors were of the view that these measures were to be in place by 4 July.  Tom stated that this date was inaccurate, but that it was likely that the gates would be installed towards the end of July.  He also informed the meeting that the gates were currently being constructed.  Once the gates were installed, keys would be provided to those residents affected. 


Several members of the public spoke of the urgency to install these preventative measures and of the escalation of the problems of anti-social behaviour on Grove Road, including young people and children climbing over railings.  It was generally felt that there was a low visible police presence along this road. 



Officers from Regeneration, Transport and Highways, Leicester City Council, will be present to provide an update on issues previously raised and to discuss other key issues within Spinney Hills.


Officers from Regeneration, Transport and Highways, Leicester City Council, were present to provide an update on issues previously raised and to discuss other key issues within Spinney Hills.


Councillors stated that there would not be a residents parking scheme throughout Spinney Hills, but that a small proportion of the South Highfields Scheme would fall within the Spinney Hills Ward. 


Concerns were raised with regards to problems caused on Diseworth Street as a result of the installation of road ramps and it was felt by residents that the existing bollards and chicane should be removed.  The Highways Officer present stated that the speed restrictions were installed following road safety concerns and the removal of these would carry a substantial cost.  He was of the view that this was unlikely to be permitted for the foreseeable future.


It was felt by residents that there was a shortage of parking provision along Grove Road. One suggestion was made to remove a section of the existing payment to create additional spaces.  It was also felt that Grove Road suffered from problems with traffic.  There was concern that this heavily restricts the accessibility of emergency vehicles.  The Highways Officer commented that the existing speed restrictions created less space for vehicles to park, and that it was not possible to create any additional parking.  It was also felt that the condition of the Grove Road road-surface was especially poor and contained a large amount of potholes.  Councillor Dawood referred to the proposal to fill 1000 potholes in Leicester and suggested that Grove Road form part of this programme.


In response to questions from members of the public, the Highways Officer present confirmed that it will take up to nine months to remove the current parking restrictions on Gwendolen Road. 



Officer Identified


That it be suggested that Grove Road form part of the programme for filling 1000 potholes in Leicester.

Chris Middleton

As soon as possible




Yagnesh Antunes, City Warden for Spinney Hills will be in attendance to provide an overview of his responsibilities and to update those present on recent activity within the ward.


Yagnesh Antunes, City Warden for Spinney Hills, was in attendance to provide an update on his recent work within the ward and to give an overview of his responsibilities.


He explained that he dealt with a range of matters including littering, dog fouling and fly-tipping. 


Yagnesh circulated a six-month action plan which he was currently working to.  One key component of this was the ‘bins on street’ initiative, which had helped to reduce the number of bins illegally left on roadsides since the project’s inception. 


It was reported that nuisance parking along East Park Road had been a common problem.  However, it was pointed out that there are now fewer reports of cars illegally for sale along this road, and that fixed penalty notices would be issued to any perpetrators who are reported.  It was also made clear that notices are issued to businesses who tip shredded paper onto public pavements.



Officers from the Spinney Hills Local Policing Unit will be present to provide an update on local policing issues and community safety matters within the ward.


Inspector Bill Knopp from the Spinney Hills Local Policing Unit was present to provide an update on local policing issues and community safety matters within the ward.


He reported that during the last period, there had been 21 reported assaults and 10 incidents of anti-social behaviour.  Inspector Knopp was of the view that the actual figures were higher than those reported and encouraged residents to continue to report local crime by ringing 0116 2222222.


Inspector Knopp informed the meeting that several arrests had been made recently in connection with crimes including the possession of drugs and for robbery, but warned people to remain vigilant with personal belongings, particularly mobile phones.  It was reported that mobile phones belonging to school aged children were being commonly targeted.


It was further reported that 18 anti-social behaviour warning letters had been received by offenders in the local area, and that following recent large-scale disturbances within the St Peter’s Estate, 13 arrests had been made for violent disorder.  The investigation into this incident was currently on-going.


Inspector Knopp informed residents that incidents of disorder along Grove Road were to be discussed at the forthcoming Joint Action Group (JAG) meeting.  Residents were of the view that anti-social behaviour on Grove Road had worsened and an enhanced police presence was welcomed.  A police officer in attendance did state that two anti-social behaviour waning letters had been received by individuals who lived on Grove Road. A representative from LASBU was present who spoke of the need to establish a partnership approach when tackling such incidents of anti-social behaviour.  It was also stated that a problem solving plan aimed at curbing such behaviour was being drawn up.  A representative from Foundation Housing confirmed that the housing association was an integral part of the partnership and that they would be contributing to paying for particular measures to increase community safety in the area.


A resident was of the view that incidents of drug dealing occurred on Grove Road, and that offenders were not deterred due to a shortage in street lighting.  Councillor Dawood reported that a site visit to Grove Road was to take place and as part of this, the adequacy of the current provision of lighting was to be considered. 


Another resident spoke of the benefits that neighbourhood watch schemes have had in curbing problems of anti-social behaviour.  Inspector Knopp confirmed that Home Office funding towards these schemes had increased, and encouraged interested residents to either join an existing scheme or to seek to establish a new one.  The Ward Councillors spoke welcomed the creation of additional Neighbourhood Watch schemes but stated that it was vital that local residents led on these, whilst working with themselves and the police.


Following a question by a resident, Inspector Knopp confirmed that  Grove Road was covered by the Hamilton Local Policing Unit, but that response times to emergency calls were no different in any particular area of Leicester.


In response to issues raised by residents, the City Warden confirmed that he  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


a)      The Members Support Officer will give an update on the latest position with the Community Meeting budget.  A copy of the Spinney Hills Ward Meeting Budget is attached for information.


b)      The following applications for grants are submitted for consideration:-


Application 1          


Applicant:       Taylor Road Basketball Development CIC


Amount:          £1,200


Proposal:       Taylor Road Year 6 Development Day


Summary:       The application is to provide an outing to a professional basketball game, with an opportunity to interact with professional sports people.


                        We identify a need for this sort of programme due to the fact that a development day for year 6 children and their families is an opportunity that they could not otherwise afford.  We want the programme to give a lift to people in the most deprived areas of the city.


                        A Leicester Tigers Development Day begins with the children and their family members being collected and transported to the home of the Leicester Riders.  When they arrive they will be introduced to the game through a 90 minute fun basketball camp in which they will have an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the game.


                        After the camp they will be given a healthy meal and settle down to watch a Leicester Riders game and see role models in action.  Once the game is over there will an opportunity for the children to speak to the players and get autographs.  Everyone will then be transported home. 


Application 2          


Applicant:       Leicester United Sports and Culture


Amount:          £500


Proposal:       Super Cup Tournament


Summary:       This year we are staging an event in Leicester which will cater for ten teams across the City and the outer estates. 


                        It is anticipated that 160 young people will participate in the tournament, which will be held between 26-28 April 2011.  It aims to bring young people from across Leicester together.  The event is expected to attract no less than 2500 Leicester residents including family and friends of participants. 


                        We expect that new friendships among the young people will ensue, leading to less gang related crime of post code wars.  We hope to bring peace to the streets and a healthy growing up environment for all young people in Leicester. 


Application 3          


Applicant:       Community Football Association


Amount:          £945


Proposal:       Community Football


Summary:       We are proposing to have an Open Evening/Awards Ceremony on Saturday 14th May at Judgemeadow Community College.  Our audience will be made up of children between the ages of 5-18 years of age, parents, adults and various organisations within the diverse local communities of Leicester within the inner city areas.  The aim of the event is promotion and awareness of our organisation and its activities which engages community cohesion through sport which is enjoyed by all.  It will give us an opportunity to reflect on the past year and  ...  view the full agenda text for item 40.


The Chair explained that 12 funding applications were to be considered. There was a total of £15,000 in the budget for the current year and therefore the Councillors had discussed how best they could support each funding application prior to the meeting.  The following funding applications were presented:


Taylor Road Year 6 Development Day


Submitted by:  Taylor Road Basketball Development CIC


Amount Requested: £1,200


This application was for Year 6 pupils at Taylor Road School to attend a development day at Leicester Riders Basketball Club.  Recipients would be provided with an outing to a professional basketball game, with an opportunity to interact with professional sports people. 



                        that the funding application be rejected.



Super Cup Tournament


Submitted by: Leicester United Sports and Culture


Amount Requested: £500


This application was for an event in Leicester which catered for ten teams across the City and the outer estates. 


It was noted that this event had a city-wide impact and took place in April 2011. 



                        That the funding application be rejected.



Community Football


Submitted by: Community Football Academy


Amount Requested: £945


It was noted that this application was for an open evening/awards ceremony on Saturday 14th May at Judgemeadow Community College.



                        that the application be rejected.   


Active Women Basketball


Submitted by: Love Hoops Foundation


Amount Requested: £600


It was noted that the applicant had sought funding from a number of other wards.  The application was to offer free coaching and basketball playing opportunities to young women in Leicester.



                        That the application be rejected.  



One Community – One Leicester


Submitted by: Kidmah Organisation


Amount Requested: £4,950


This application was for community based arts, leisure, sports and social activity days, similar to events that have taken past previously at Crown Hills College.



                        That a sum of £1,000 be supported towards this application, on                    the condition that further background information relating to the                   project be provided.



Volunteering Project


Submitted by: St Matthews Community Solution Centre


Amount Requested: £1,000


It was noted that the organisation was establishing a new volunteering project for residents of the area and for homeless people across the City.  A coordinator for the project had already been employed by the organisation.  The money sought would help to provide tools, equipment and plants.



                        that a sum of £750 be supported towards this application, on the                 condition that further background information relating to the                          project be provided.



Back to Netball


Submitted by: Leicestershire Netball


Amount Requested: £745


This application was to pilot a ten-week course for women to get back into Netball at a local venue near them.  The money sought would help to pay for venue costs and the provision of a netball coach. 


It was noted that this event had a city-wide impact.



                        That the application be rejected. 



Grove Road Alleygates and Fencing Proposals


Submitted by: Grove Road Residents (Leicester Safer Partnership)


Amount Requested: £2,575


This application was for wrought iron gates and fencing to curb problems of anti-social behaviour at the Alleyway on Grove Road.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.



The Chair will announce the date and venue of the next meeting.


It was confirmed that the next meeting would take place at 6:00pm on Monday 19 September 2011 and would be held at Coleman Primary School, Gwendolen Road.




The meeting closed at 8:00pm.