Venue: Wesley Hall Community Centre, Hartington Road, Leicester, LE2 0GN
Contact: Jason Tyler (DSO) Tel : 0116 229 8816
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF CHAIR Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Dawood was elected as Chair for the meeting. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.
Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made at this time. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 86 KB The minutes of the previous Spinney Hills Community Meeting, held on 3 December 2012, are attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the previous Spinney Hills Ward Community meeting held on 3 December 2012 be confirmed as a correct record.
WELFARE REFORM CHANGES Officers from Welfare and Benefits have been invited to provide information on Welfare Reform. Minutes: Reiza Khan, Welfare Rights, gave a presentation on the proposed changes to the benefits system next year.
During the presentation the following points and issues were mentioned:-
· Council Tax Benefit would be replaced by Council Tax Support from April 2013 and local authorities would receive 10% less government grant for the scheme so recipients would pay more towards Council Tax. It was estimated that this could impact upon 40,000 people in the City. · There would be a Benefit cap of £500 per week for families and lone parents (£350 for singles) and would affect mainly families with 4 or more children. · Housing Benefit paid to people of working age would be changed to reduce the level of eligible rent by 14% for 1 extra bedroom that was unoccupied and by 25% if two or more bedrooms were unoccupied. The level of benefit would then be calculated on the lower amount of eligible rent. · The Disability Living Allowance would be abolished in April 2013 and replaced with a new scheme that would cut out the lowest level of allowances. Current recipients would be gradually re-assessed from the old system to the new points based system. · A new system of Universal Credits would come into operation in April 2013 and was designed to simplify the current large number of means tested benefits into one payment. New claimants and existing claimants with change of circumstances would transfer to Universal Credits on 1 October 2013. Existing claimants, who could benefit from Universal Credits, would be transferred from April 2014 and everyone else would be transferred from the end of 2015 to the end of 2017. · Some of the existing premiums, including disability and carers allowances were being abolished. It was envisaged that claimants would not be worse off at the point of change over; but there would be a gradual reduction in the level of benefits over a period of years. · The qualification rules for Pension Credits were also changing. In future, Pension Credits will only be available when the youngest person in the partnership reaches pensionable age, rather than the oldest person as at present. · Future Payments will be made monthly and be paid direct to the claimant and only one claimant per partnership. It will then be the claimant’s responsibility to pay their rent and Council tax.
Reiza referred to the appeals process and to the high levels of appeals which had already been received. It was reported that Incapacity Benefit appeals had caused significant pressures, whereby medical evidence was required to process each case. It was also reported that the process undertaken to assess whether people were fit for work had received a large amount of criticism.
In reply to questions Reiza confirmed that details of the proposed changes had been issued to all people that were likely to be affected with their council tax bills.
The need to ensure that information was disseminated effectively was raised and it was noted that many people in the Ward who would be affected ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
TRANSPORT STRATEGY UPDATE Officers from Transport Strategy have been invited to provide information on highways improvement works in the Ward. Minutes: Robert Bateman, Team Leader, Highways & Traffic Design, updated the meeting with transport issues concerning the Ward.
He referred to the proposed works to open up Vulcan Road following consultation with residents and commented on the delay in commencing the physical works which had been due to the necessary legal process.
It was suggested by the Chair that, in view of the delay with the physical works, residents be informed that the scheme had been approved and advised of the likely commencement date.
Robert reported that double yellow line parking restrictions at various junctions were to be extended to prevent problems currently being experienced by refuse collection vehicles. These junctions included those within the streets recently made into one-way streets as part of highway improvement works in the Ward.
Members of the community thanked Councillors and Officers for the successful introduction of the one-way scheme and requested that the Mere Road area also be considered for a similar highway improvement scheme, possibly by the introduction of parking restrictions.
In respect of the recent road gritting operations, the primary and secondary gritting routes were described in response to concerns raised. It was suggested that the roads around Hartington Road be considered for inclusion on the list of approved secondary routes, it was also noted that grit bins were located in that area for residents’ use.
In reply to a question the differences between the extension of existing parking restrictions, the introduction of restrictions as part of a wider scheme, and the introduction of new restrictions were explained.
It was clarified that the Traffic Regulation Orders required for new restrictions were often held in lengthy priority lists and this explanation was reported as the probable reason for the delay affecting the suggested introduction of restrictions in the Apollo and Atlas Road area.
The requirement to ensure effective enforcement was highlighted and problem areas where greater enforcement action was required were raised by residents. These problem areas included locations where cars were parked adjacent to traffic calming measures and road humps which led to an unreasonable restriction of the carriageway.
In conclusion the Chair reported that a ‘patchwalk’ site visit was to be convened where Ward Councillors and community representatives would meet to walk around the Ward with officers to identify traffic and transport problem areas.
The transport update was noted and Robert was thanked for his attendance.
POLICE AND COMMUNITY SAFETY UPDATE The Police will provide an update on their activities within the Ward. Minutes: It was reported that due to an operation in the Ward the Police representatives were unable to attend the meeting. The apology was noted.
Nazira Vania, Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator, Community Safety Team, referred to her ongoing crime prevention work in the Ward undertaken in liaison with the Police.
She commented on the consultation exercise undertaken prior to the removal of hedges around Spinney Hill Park and reported that instances of anti-social behaviour had reduced as a result of the hedge removal works. In reply to questions Nazira referred to the overwhelming support of residents to have the hedges removed following the consultation and commented that she understood that some of those residents consulted had wanted the hedges to remain.
In conclusion Nazira reported on the youth intervention work which was looking at the needs of young people and advised of activities being run. She reported further on the possible formation of the Highfields Late Lounge which was a proposal for a youth engagement project to provide activities targeted at preventing anti-social behaviour.
In the absence of the Police it was reported and noted that the crime statistics for the Ward were available online on the Police website.
Nazira was thanked for her attendance and report.
CITY WARDEN SERVICE The City Warden will provide an update on environmental issues and enforcement. Minutes: Darren Evans, City Warden for the Ward, informed the meeting of his enforcement and educational activities and reported on the numbers of fixed penalty notices issued.
He commented in particular on the work being undertaken to reduce fly tips, dog fouling and cars for sale on the street. In respect of the St Matthews area he advised that a litter-pick and clean-up had been undertaken in liaison with Housing Officers and residents.
In conclusion Darren informed the meeting of a reward which had been offered for information relating to recurrences of graffiti and he displayed a poster showing the graffiti ‘tags’ concerned.
In response to comments and questions it was suggested that a greater number of litter bins could be provided in some areas. It was considered that careful consideration of the location and design of bins would help to prevent littering. It was also proposed that the litter-pick and clean-up activities could be extended to other areas of the Ward including Spinney Hill Park.
Darren was thanked for his attendance and report.
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
The Member Support Officer will present the latest position with regard to the Ward Community Budget.
The following applications have been received:
Application 1 (3010)
Applicant MBCOL
Amount £ 500
Proposal IT Equipment Support
Summary Replacement computer for designing and producing educational publications and day to day office use
Application 2 (3012)
Applicant Highfields Community Association
Amount £ 2000 (£ 6000 between 3 Wards)
Proposal Highfields Festival 2013
Summary Highfields Festival and activities for the community to be held on 29 June 2013
Application 3 (3014)
Applicant iReach
Amount £ 420
Proposal iReach Charity Fete
Summary An event to raise money for the Ethar Relief charity who deliver aid to East Sudan
Application 4 (3015)
Applicant Champion Boxing Club
Amount £ 500
Proposal Boxing Award Booklets
Summary Booklets containing information covering healthy living, exercise, drug and alcohol awareness and boxing learning programmes
Application 5 (3016)
Applicant Matwad Volleyball Club
Amount £ 500
Proposal Club equipment and tournament
Summary New club kits and sundry equipment and the organisation of a tournament for clubs from across the midlands.
Application 6 (3017)
Applicant Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS)
Amount £ 948.66 (£ 2846 between 3 wards)
Proposal Monday Advice Sessions
Summary Weekly sessions over 26 weeks to advise the Somali community on issues such as housing, education, training and employment
Application 7 (3018)
Applicant St Peters and Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Assn.
Amount £ 1000
Proposal Photocopier
Summary Photocopier required by the Tenants and Residents Assn. to enable work to be carried within the premises
Application 8 (3019)
Applicant Somali Community Parents Assn. (SOCOPA)
Amount £ 1980
Proposal Space 4 Youth
Summary Sporting events, leisure activities and study support events for young people aged 7-16 years
Application 9 (3020)
Applicant The Spark, Arts for Children
Amount £ 150 (£ 900 between 6 wards)
Proposal ‘Shiny’ Performance Event
Summary An interactive performance event for early years children (6 months – 4 years) and their families
Application 10 (3021)
Applicant Residents of Hart Road, Vulcan Road and Keythorpe Street
Amount £ 795
Proposal Alley Gates Project
Summary New gates to secure alleyways to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and repairs to existing gates in Keythorpe Street
Application 11 (3022)
Applicant Khidmah Organisation
Amount £ 2500
Proposal Khidmah Sports and Comm-Unity Event
Summary Community based leisure, sports and social activity including community information stalls to build partnerships
Application 12 (3023)
Applicant Community Football Academy
Amount £ 450
Proposal CFA Open Day and Presentation
Summary Open evening and awards ceremony for children aged 5 – 13 and their families to promote the Academy.
Application 13 (3024)
Applicant Sahara Centre
Amount £ 307.50 (£ 1730 between 5 wards)
Proposal Health awareness day
Summary Health awareness day celebrating International Women’s Day to be held in March at AK Fitness women’s only gym
Applicant 14 ... view the full agenda text for item 43. Minutes: The Member Support Officer provided an update on the latest position with regard to the Ward Community Budget.
The following applications for Ward Community Grant funding had been received:
Application 1 (3010)
Applicant MBCOL
Amount £ 500
Proposal IT Equipment Support
Summary Replacement computer for designing and producing educational publications and day to day office use
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500
Application 2 (3012)
Applicant Highfields Community Association
Amount £ 2000 (£ 6000 between 3 Wards)
Proposal Highfields Festival 2013
Summary Highfields Festival and activities for the community to be held on 29 June 2013
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 1000
Application 3 (3014)
Applicant iReach
Amount £ 420
Proposal iReach Charity Fete
Summary An event to raise money for the Ethar Relief charity who deliver aid to East Sudan
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 420
Application 4 (3015)
Applicant Champion Boxing Club
Amount £ 500
Proposal Boxing Award Booklets
Summary Booklets containing information covering healthy living, exercise, drug and alcohol awareness and boxing learning programmes
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500
Application 5 (3016)
Applicant Matwad Volleyball Club
Amount £ 500
Proposal Club equipment and tournament
Summary New club kits and sundry equipment and the organisation of a tournament for clubs from across the midlands.
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500
Application 6 (3017)
Applicant Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS)
Amount £ 948.66 (£ 2846 between 3 wards)
Proposal Monday Advice Sessions
Summary Weekly sessions over 26 weeks to advise the Somali community on issues such as housing, education, training and employment
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500
Application 7 (3018)
Applicant St Peters and Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Assn.
Amount £ 1000
Proposal Photocopier
Summary Photocopier required by the Tenants and Residents Assn. to enable work to be carried within the premises
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 1000
Application 8 (3019)
Applicant Somali Community Parents Assn. (SOCOPA)
Amount £ 1980
Proposal Space 4 Youth
Summary Sporting events, leisure activities and study support events for young people aged 7-16 years
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 750
Application 9 (3020)
Applicant The Spark, Arts for Children
Amount £ 150 (£ 900 between 6 wards)
Proposal ‘Shiny’ Performance Event
Summary An interactive performance event for early years children (6 months – 4 years) and their families
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 150
Application 10 (3021)
Applicant Residents of Hart Road, Vulcan Road and Keythorpe Street
Amount £ 795
Proposal Alley Gates Project
Summary New gates to secure alleyways to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and repairs to existing gates in Keythorpe Street
RESOLVED: that the application be supported in the sum of £ 795
Application 11 (3022)
Applicant Khidmah Organisation
Amount £ 2500 ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: There were no items of Urgent Business.
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 7.55 pm. |