Agenda and minutes

Freemen Community Meeting - Wednesday, 1 September 2010 2:30 pm

Venue: Aylestone Leisure Centre

Contact: Heather Kent 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Keeling was elected as Chair for the meeting.




No apologies for absence were received.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.




No declarations were made.



The minutes of the previous Freemen Community Meeting, held on 9 June 2010 have previously been circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



The minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2010 were approved as a correct record.



The meeting will be informed of the new One Pass and its benefits available for over-60s.


Jerry Connolly, Members Support Officer with Leicester City Council, advised the meeting that the One Pass was available to all City residents who were over 60 years of age.  The Pass gave holders access to a wide range of benefits, such as discounts and offers from certain shops in Leicester.  Everyone who had a bus pass should have received a package of information, inviting them to apply for the One Pass. 


The meeting noted that:-


·            It appeared that some people eligible for a Pass had not heard about it; and


·            The One Pass had not been cut under the recent Government budget reductions.



Rachel Hall, Licensing Manager, will discuss licensing issues and explain about the revocation of a local alcohol sales licence.


Rachel Hall, Licensing Manager with Leicester City Council, explained that:-


·            The Council’s licensing staff dealt with licences for the sale and supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshments, or any combination of these;


·            An interested party, or the responsible authority, was allowed to ask the Council to review any of these licences.  There had been approximately 7 reviews in Freemen Ward since the legislation had been introduced;


·            All reviews of licences had to be done in relation to licensing objectives.  These were the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm;


·            Most licence reviews were in relation to under age sales.  Test purchases were carried out and, if the outlet failed, another test purchase was carried out at a later date;


·            If an application for a review was received, a Notice had to be put up at the premises concerned for 28 days.  During this time, representations could be made.  Notice then had to be given of the hearing for this review;


·            The review was conducted by a Panel of three members of the City Council’s Licensing Committee.  The Panel heard evidence from all parties and anyone who had made representations and then could either take no action, remove one or more of the licensable activities from a licence, change opening hours, change or impose conditions, or suspend or revoke the licence.  It was very rare that no action was taken;


·            The licensee had 21 days in which to appeal to magistrates against a decision.  When this happened, the case had to be re-heard;


·            If the Police were not happy about an application, they could object to it, or ask for conditions to be imposed, (for example, not allowing a certain person on the premises); and


·            Further information on licensing could be found on the Council’s website, at .



Ian Stapleton, Area Housing Manager, will give an update on housing issues and the Home Choice Scheme.


Ian Stapleton, Area Housing Manager with Leicester City Council, advised the meeting that the Council’s housing services recently had been restructured.  As a result, the Freemen, Eyres Monsell, Knighton and Aylestone areas had been combined in to one area.


The way in which housing was allocated also had changed.  Previously, when a person applied for accommodation, they were given points according to their circumstances and need for housing.  When housing became available, it was allocated to the person with the most points for that type of housing.


In order to give people more choice, the Council had introduced the HomeChoice system.  Under this, people still were given points, but rather than the Council allocating properties, all available Council and housing association properties were advertised, along with the number of points required for each one.  If someone had enough points, they could express an interest in that property, irrespective of where it was in the City.  Therefore, if someone did not like a property, they did not have to apply for it.  There were various places around the City at which people could see a list of the properties available or look at the HomeChoice website.


Each property was allocated to the person expressing an interest in it who had the most points.  If the person offered the property declined it, the property was offered to the person with the next highest number of points.


In response to a question, Ian Stapleton advised the meeting that it was not known at present how government financial restrictions, or its October spending review, would affect housing services.  Some housing was being built by the Council, but it was not known if this would continue. 


Concerns were raised that some areas were becoming overcrowded.  For example, gaps between houses often were filled with multiple occupancy accommodation and many houses were being converted in to flats or shared properties.


The meeting noted that overcrowding in terms of the number of buildings in an area was a planning control matter.  However, in relation to the number of people living in individual properties, there was provision in the Council’s housing allocation policy to award points to people living in overcrowded properties. 



Kathy Bourassa, Development Officer, will give an update on issues regarding the Velodrome and Whittier Road sites.


On behalf of Kathy Bourassa, (Development Officer with Leicester City Council), Jerry Connolly, (Members Support Officer with Leicester City Council), advised the meeting that the Council was waiting to hear if government funding would be available for the provision of housing on the Velodrome site on Saffron Lane.


In addition, the Council also was waiting to hear if funding would be available for the development of the Whittier Road site, in view of current financial restrictions for both the Council and central government.



Information will be given regarding the community libraries service.


Simon Parker, Senior Community Librarian with Leicester City Council, reported that some activities at community libraries had been postponed, due to the secondment of staff to the work on the refurbishment of the Central Library. 


However, Simon Parker was the Central Library’s Community Co-ordinator and so worked to develop links between the Central Library and other bodies.  One example of this was the Citizens Eye newspaper:-


·            The paper currently had 50 reporters across the City;


·            Every Ward had an area of the paper’s website for news, events, (including all Police events), and other information relating to that Ward.  Any organisation could submit information to this.  It also was hoped to establish Ward Reporters;


·            Citizens Eye had a YouTube channel, on which things such as radio interviews could be posted;


·            This work was being done in direct partnership with the Leicester Mercury, so all Citizens Eye stories, tweets, etc were picked up by the Leicester Mercury; and


·            The paper’s website could be found at


Simon Parker also reported that he was working with Leicester Wave, the first young people’s newspaper in the country.  The Children’s Participation Team and the Children’s Council had set up “wop boxes” across the City, at which items for Leicester Wave could be submitted. 


In response to questions and comments, Simon Parker reported that:-


·            It was not known yet if the Richmond Road library would stay open.  The meeting agreed that it would be unfortunate if it closed, as it was well used, against a national trend of declining library use, and was well liked;


·            The Older Peoples month in September 2010 was being promoted.  It currently was the headline on the website and all known events were listed there;


·            Facilities were available in libraries for people to learn computer skills.  These were not formal classes, so people could learn at their own pace; and


·            Library computers could be used to access the HomeChoice website, (see minute 20, “Housing”, above).



An update will be given on local policing priorities and how antisocial behaviour is being tackled near the Kingfisher Centre.


David Budd, Leicestershire Constabulary’s Community Initiatives Co-ordinator at Welford Road Local Policing Unit, reminded the meeting that a grant of £500 previously had been approved towards hiring a non-police fleet vehicle for use by the Neighbourhood Action Team (NAT).


David Budd then updated the meeting on work undertaken by the NAT, noting that, in this Ward, there had been 25 arrests, 72 properties entered and £190,000 worth of property recovered.  A full report on the work of the Neighbourhood Action Team would be made to the Community Meeting later in the year, at which time a request for further financial assistance was likely to be made.  Further details of the presentation are attached for information at the end of these minutes.


PC Bhav Tailor advised the meeting that the Neighbourhood Policing Team consisted of one sergeant, four police officers and three Police Community Support Officers.  In turn, this team was supported by partner agencies and groups and by volunteers.


PC Tailor and David Budd also advised the meeting that:-


·            Current neighbourhood priorities were the Kingfisher Youth Centre, Aylestone Recreation Ground and reducing anti-social behaviour and its associated problems;


·            The average number of crimes in the Ward had risen by 0.9% compared to the previous three months;


·            Burglaries had increased from an average of 10 per month to 12.7.  A team was working at Beaumont Leys on this and the Neighbourhood Team had loaned two officers to this team.  The Police felt that burglaries would continue to increase while the country was in recession;


·            If anyone was considering installing a burglar alarm, they were invited to contact the Police, who could advise on the most appropriate one in relation to the risk for particular properties and what the purchaser could afford;


·            Anti-social behaviour incidents had increased 5.9% (from 68 to 72); and


·            The Neighbourhood Policing Team was based at the Welford Road Police Station, 2 Houlditch Road and could be contacted on 0116 222 2222.  Voicemail messages could be left by calling 0116 248 5675, then dialling the collar number of the person for whom the message was intended.  The Team also could be contacted via the Leicestershire Constabulary website.


The meeting congratulated the Police on the work they were doing.





Update on the work of the Neighbourhood Action Team to be given

David Budd, Leicestershire Constabulary

As appropriate

Application for funding for transport for Neighbourhood Action Team to be submitted if needed

David Budd, Leicestershire Constabulary

As appropriate




The City Warden will give an update on work in the ward.


Scott Clarke, City Warden with Leicester City Council, reported that:-


·            Problems with bins being left on streets on the Kirby estate had largely been resolved.  The last few were being dealt with.  People usually complied when served with a notice regarding bins on streets;


·            A campaign to stop dog fouling would start on 21 September 2010.  If anyone had any concerns about recurrent dog fouling, they should note as many details as possible, (for example, times and places), and pass these on to the City Wardens.  The Wardens would then patrol the area, speak to people and/or put up signs requiring people to prevent further fouling; and


·            The City Wardens were working in partnership with the Police on a project at the Kingfisher Centre, and possibly also at Elston Fields Recreation Ground (also known as Tic Toc Park).  Consideration was being given to this being based around graffiti.



A response will be given to the question asked at the last meeting regarding the Knighton Fields Arts Centre.


The following question had been raised at the meeting on 9 June 2010, (minute 12, “Any Other Business”, referred):-


"The Knighton Fields Centre is the base for Leicester and Leicestershire Arts and Education Service.  The Centre is situated in Herrick Road in Freemen Ward (and is used as a Polling Station for the Ward). Saffron Resource Centre is aware that this Centre has provided excellent free support both to the Saffron community and to local secondary schools as well as other support to local primary Schools in past years.


 What is the City Council financial contribution to Knighton Fields Music Dance and Drama Centre last financial year and this? What support has the Knighton Field Drama Centre provided to local (Freemen) schools and to the Freemen community last financial year and this?"


It was agreed that a response would be considered at this meeting, but unfortunately the questioner was unable to be present.


It therefore was



                  that this item be deferred to the next meeting.





Response to the above question

Jerry Connolly, Members Support Officer

Next meeting.




Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


An update will be given on community meeting budgets and applications for funding will be submitted.



It was noted that, since the agenda had been circulated, three applications for funding had been received.  These were tabled at the meeting, along with an update on grants previously approved in the current financial year and an update relating to a previous application from “Act Up!” Youth Theatre.


a)     Application 1


Applicant:       Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd

Project:           Wednesday Specials

Proposal:       Funding requested to sustain the Wednesday Specials, a group of people with special needs (mostly learning difficulties), while alternative funding was sought. 

Amount requested:   £1,256.71 – staffing costs for 13 sessions at £96.67 per session (2 staff members)


A representative of the Wednesday Specials introduced this application, explaining that the group currently had 9 members, who were all aged 18 and above, with serious disabilities and challenging problems.  Due to the age of the members, Youth Services could not help with funding, so this grant had been requested to enable the group to continue while it sought more permanent funding.


As members of the group came from both Freemen Ward and Eyres Monsell Ward, it was



1)     that funding of £630 be approved from the Ward Action Plan to the Wednesday Specials, to cover 50% of the staffing costs of 13 sessions of the Wednesday Specials group; and


2)     that this application be referred to the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting, with a recommendation that the other 50% of the staffing costs referred to under 1) above be met.


b)     Application 2


Applicant:       Saffron Support for Elderly People

Project:           Saffron Older Person’s Social Group

Proposal:       To set up a social group for local elders on a Wednesday afternoon at Southfields Drive Community Centre.  It was hoped to provide a lunch, encourage the elders to participate in health and well being activities and provide some outings.  Members would come from the Aylestone, Saffron and Eyres Monsell areas.

Amount requested:   Arts & Crafts Materials:        £300

                                    Sessional Workers:              £100

                                    Transport Hire:                      £100

                                                                        Total:   £500



                                that funding of £500 be approved to Saffron Support for Elderly People from the Ward Action Plan for start up and support costs for the Saffron Older Person’s Social Group.


c)     Application 3


Applicant:       Jarvis D’souza, Senior Sports Development Worker, Southfields Sports Centre

Project:           Southfields Fitness Suite Anniversary/Celebrations

Proposal:       Multi sports/fitness training/inductions free sessions

                        Saturday 2 October 2010, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

                        For the Freemen Ward, and Saffron/Eyres Monsell neighbouring wards, local community

Amount requested:   Publicity/Stationery:                            £50   (estimated)

                                    Staffing/Volunteers:                          £231   (actual)

                                    Refreshments:                                     £30   (estimated)

                                    Prizes/free gifts                                  £60   (estimated)

                                    Hire of sports hall/fitness suite         £135   (actual)

                                                                                    Total:   £506


The applicant explained that this event would celebrate the fact that the facilities had been opened one year previously and to advertise that the facilities were there.  It would be held on a Saturday, in order to maximise the number of people who could attend.  Free inductions would be provided and it was hoped that people would become members at the event.


As users of these facilities came from both Freemen Ward and Eyres Monsell Ward, it was


RECOMMENDED:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.




Next Meeting


It was noted that the next Freemen Community Meeting would be held at 2.30 pm on Wednesday, 24 November 2010 at the Linwood Centre, Linwood Lane.




The meeting closed at 4.12 pm