Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Thursday, 19 February 2015 6:00 pm

Venue: Muslim Khatri Association, Dashwood Road (corner of Evington Road), Leicester, LE2 1PH

Contact: Ayleena Thomas tel: 0116 454 6369 Email: 

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Chaplin, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


Apologies were received from Councillor Kamal, Michael Davies (Evington Road Business Association) and Val Fisher (Children’s & Parents Alliance).



The Action Log of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 4 December 2014 is attached at Appendix A and Members will be asked to confirm them as a correct record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.


The Chair had received preliminary feedback from Officers in the Licensing & Pollution Control Team regarding the Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ). A report was read by the Chair (Councillor Chaplin) that street drinking was still a problem and it extended beyond the CIZ. There were concerns regarding the sale of high strength beers, ciders & single cans.  It was reported that the consultation on the Zone had been extended and Officers would continue to review the policy. The sale of alcohol by off licences in relation to the street drinking issue would also be investigated.


The Lord Mayor’s Office sent a letter of thanks in relation to the funds raised for his appeals through the cake sale held at the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting.



Adrian Edge, Landscape Development Manager will give an update on the ongoing work taking place to develop Cedar and Onslow parks.


Punum Patel, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) read an update from Adrian Edge regarding the development and consultation of Onslow and Cedar Parks.


The Council confirmed that a budget of £63,000 had been allocated for the regeneration of Onslow Park.


A door step survey and consultation had been carried out with the local community/ groups for views on how the space could be used. Feedback was as followed:


·         Regeneration of the space was welcomed and many would use the park if they felt it was safe.


·         Increased visibility and open space was essential to deter ASB activity.


·         There was not much interest to maintain a community garden.


·         Possibility of removing the tree as numerous issues of ASB took place behind the tree.


·         Seating was a contentious issue as some felt it would be beneficial whereas others had concerns that this could encourage street drinkers to sit, drink and gather.


·         Suggestions from the attendees at the meeting included; placing seating in a clearly visible area, developing an interesting and imaginative play area for children, deck chairs/ hiring.


·         Within the next week, it was noted that Adrian Edge, the Landscape Development Manager would send out consultation leaflets to adjoining streets which would outline key options such as; seating, play equipment, fencing off play area, a community garden and outdoor gym equipment. The CEO - Punum Patel, would also e-distribute the leaflets.


·         Further consultation would take place and it was requested for the community to take part either through the Councillors, CEO or Adrian Edge.



Mark Govan will be at the meeting to give feedback from the consultation regarding the Traffic Island which is situated on Evington Road and will also give a general overview on traffic issues in the Stoneygate Ward. Parking issues and non-enforcement issues on Evington Road will also be raised again, at the meeting.


Mark Govan attended the meeting and gave an update on the Traffic Island developments on Evington Road and information regarding parking:


Traffic Island on Evington Road:

·         After further survey work, it was decided to relocate the existing bus stop to outside 192a Evington Road (Royal Chicken Pizza). This proposal was anticipated to retain a bus service and allow clear passage on the correct side of the road. The works would hopefully commence on 16 March 2015 and would take approximately 2 weeks for completion.


·         Letters had been sent out to business and residential addresses, in addition to discussion with the bus companies.


·         A press release would be published to inform drivers and the public of new changes. The Chair requested Highways Officers to check if the ward Councillors could be included in the PR photo.


·         It was noted that increased parking enforcements and Police patrols were being looked into for the area to avoid illegal/ irresponsible parking and transport issues in the area.


Parking Update:

·         It was noted that the parking team were said to be recruiting several new parking officers across the city, expected to address parking issues.


·         Scooters would also be purchased to increase the teams’ response time.


·         Attendees were advised to report any issues through the Love Leicester app.


·         It was said that the residents parking scheme had been effective in certain areas and although there were no concrete plans if residents were in favour, a consultation could be carried out.



The City Warden will provide an update on environmental and enforcement activities in the Stoneygate Ward.


Darren Evans provided information on enforcement taking place in the Ward:


·         The large bin on Abingdon Road should be removed within 5-7 days.


·         The City Warden had been issuing notices for environmental issues with the intent for people to contact/ liaise with the Warden Service to receive necessary advice and help control fly tipping issues.


·         A car accident had caused the wall on Biddulph Avenue to be knocked down. The gates would be replaced when the wall had been repaired.


·         The City Warden requested to do a presentation at the next ward Stoneygate Community Meeting, in order for attendees to view achievements and issues faced by the City Wardens.


·         The City Warden had been requested to look into the small area & sign near Londis supermarket to find out what the community would like to see there. Darren Evans welcomed any ideas, some of which were suggested at the meeting including; a hanging gardens and a Muriel. Consultation leaflets were recommended to go out in the next few months and further discussion at the next Community Meeting.  It was requested that the Councillors and City Warden also have a discussion in the next few weeks and that the Warden communicate with community groups. Information regarding the consultation could be displayed on the Dashwood notice board and possibly in Londis supermarket with their permission.



Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Ward.


Local Policing – PC Lesley Marriott had now returned to Policing in the Stoneygate Ward and gave an update of issues the Local Police Team had been dealing with in the ward:


·         As a result of the recent restructure in the Leicestershire Police, there would now be an increased number of visible and dedicated neighbourhood Officers, including 9 Officers at full strength within the Stoneygate Ward.


·         Two tiger territory foot patrol Officers would continue for a short deployment.


·         Attendees were given information to alert them regarding nitrous oxide canisters; small silver capsules resembling a large bullet, which were currently legal but causing issues in the community (illegal to sell to under 18 year olds). Teenagers up to 20 years old were said to be affected with the nitrous oxide which acts as a ‘high’, having similar effects to alcohol. The gas was generally sold for purposes in fizzy drinks and balloons. The Police hoped to educate people on the effects and dangers of the gas.


·         It was noted that Dover Street and Victoria Park had seen evidence of nitrous oxide canister usage. The Police were encouraging the community to inform them of any areas the canisters had been found or seen to be used. The Police stated that with this information targeted patrols and posters could be located in these areas and through liaising with community groups.


·         There would be a Police Action day on 11 March looking at driving issues such as seatbelts, mobile phones and parking.


·         Police had started using their powers in regards to the Public Places Protection Order.


·         It was said that there had been an issue of speeding on Stoughton Drive North and Kingsway Road, which also made it difficult for pedestrians to cross. PC Lesley Marriott mentioned that there may still be the handheld speed guns whereby Officers would stand and monitor speeding vehicles. Police Officer would look into this and feedback.


·         Members of the community were advised to call 101 to report any incidents.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following application was previously deferred at the last meeting but has since been approved for payment and fast tracked:


Bid: 1255

Applicant: Checkpoint Advice and Support

Project Name: Financial Health check Service

Project Summary: A six week pilot project to provide health advice.

Amount Requested: £491.46


The following applications will be considered at the meeting:


Joint Bid: 5062

Applicant: Muslim Khatri Association

Project Name: Centre for All

Project Summary: Funding request for a project that will focus on the health and wellbeing of young people living in the Stoneygate and Spinney Hills area of Leicester. The project will involve weekly activities.

Amount Requested: £1,000.00

This application was previously submitted for £2,000.00 but had been withdrawn and resubmitted with above request.


Joint Bid: 5065

Applicant: Pamela Campbell-Morris

Project Name: Community Engagement Project

Project Summary: The proposal is for 6 months programme of activities for the Jambo Community Group drop-in service in order to maintain consistency and continuation of the group sessions.

Amount Requested: £1,500.00


Joint Bid: 5069

Applicant: Highfields Community Association

Project Name: Highfields Festival 2015

Project Summary: To hold a Highfields festival with various activities and entertainment.

Amount Requested: £2,000.00


Bid: 1313

Applicant: South Highfields Neighbours (Formerly HART)

Project Name: Community Engagement through Trips

Project Summary: Organise subsidised trips for local people and families.

Amount Requested: £1,135.00


The following application was deferred at the previous meeting and will be considered at this meeting:


Bid: 1253

Applicant: Evington Road Business Association

Project Name: Street Festival

Project Summary: To organize, advertise and run a street and food festival.

Amount Requested: £15,000.00


Punum Patel, the Community Engagement Officer and the Stoneygate Ward Councillors gave an update on the Ward Community Budget.


The following applications were discussed at the meeting. Most of the applicants below were present and gave an overview of how the funds would be spent:


5062 - Muslim Khatri Association - Centre for All

Amount Requested - £1,000

Grant of £2,500 SUPPORTED IN FULL (£2,000 for Youth Club and Development Work, £500 FOR Gardening Project in front of centre)


5065 – Pamela Campbell-Morris – Community Engagement Project

Amount Requested - £1,500

Grant of £2,000 SUPPORTED IN TOTAL (£1,500 for programme of activities and £500 for an extra/ larger trip for the Jambo group)


5069 – Highfields Community Association – Highfields Festival 2015

Amount Requested - £2,000

Grant of £1,200 SUPPORTED


1313 – South Highfields Neighbours (Formerly HART) – Community Engagement through trips

Amount Requested - £1,135

Grant of £2,500 SUPPORTED IN TOTAL (£1,135 for trips + £365 for an extra/ larger trip. £1,000 contributed for the street festival)


5071 – Big Fish Little Fish – International Women’s Day

Amount Requested - £500

Grant of £500 SUPPORTED IN TOTAL (Subject to additional information from group)


Councillor Chaplin proposed an application for funds to be allocated for gates to be erected on a private owned sheltered car port which was completely open in a conservation area of the Stoneygate Ward. The land had been subject to street drinking, ASB, people camping, cars burnt and other incidents. The trespassers generally refused to leave the land and the Police had stated that they did not have the resources or enough officers to deal with this. Several questions were raised at the meeting but Councillors were seeking legal advice before proceeding. The requested agreements at the meeting were;

ü  Option 1: that £1,000 would be allocated to the owner for the gates in support of deterring street drinkers and ASB subject to: looking into legal advice.

ü  Option 2, the £1,000 would be allocated to Community Safety for them to distribute as necessary in the community. It would then be their decision if any or all of the £1,000 is contributed for the gates.


Additional funding was granted to some applicants who were not fully funded at the previous ward meeting:


1233 – South Highfields Neighbours – Stoneygate Youth Club

Original Amount Requested - £1,246

Grant of £1,982.39 SUPPORTED IN TOTAL (£1,246 awarded on 04.12.14 and a grant of £736.39 awarded at this meeting for further support to the Youth Club regarding original request)


1234 – South Highfields Neighbours – Geraniums Are Us

Original Amount Requested - £1,834.90

Grant of £1,250 SUPPORTED IN TOTAL (£750 awarded on 04.12.14 and a grant of £500 awarded at this meeting for further support regarding original request)


5060 – Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club – Grass Roots Cricket Development

Original Amount Requested - £1,000

Grant of £1,000 SUPPORTED IN TOTAL (£600 awarded on 04.12.14 and a grant of £400 awarded at this meeting to match original request)


It was noted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.




Special thanks were given from the Stoneygate Community to the ward Councillors for their support.


The Chair also gave honour to Councillors Kamal and Desai.




The meeting closed at 9.03pm.