Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Monday, 1 October 2012 6:00 pm

Venue: Medway Community Primary School, St. Stephen's Road, Leicester. LE2 1GH

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Kamal was elected Chair for the meeting.




There were no apologies for absence.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



There were no declarations of interest made at this time.



The minutes of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting, held on 2nd July 2012, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



The minutes of the Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 2nd July 2012 were considered and the following comments were made:


Minute 49 – Apologies for Absence

2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence – Councillor Desai stated that he wished to clarify that, despite the comments made at the last meeting about him not responding to ‘e’ mails, he had not recently had any ‘e’ mails to respond to.



that the minutes of the Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 1st July 2012, subject to the above amendment, be confirmed as a correct record.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     



The Chair to make any announcements relating to the Stoneygate area.


i)          Petition – South Highfields Residents Parking Scheme

Andy Thomas, Head of Traffic Management attended the meeting and stated that the experimental scheme was reaching its climax and the stage had been reached whereby Planning and Development Control Committee were to review the objections received. Members would now be asking for details of the objections in the report of the officers. The City Mayor had also asked that businesses in London Road area be included in discussions that were to take place on how to deal with traffic issues in that area.


Councillor Chaplin stated that the report referred to above had been deferred by the Planning and Development Control Committee on 26th September and would now be re-considered at the meeting on 17th October.


ii)         Mosque – 1 Evington Lane

Andy reported that he and Councillor Desai had been to visit officials at the mosque to discuss issues around car parking. With the consent of the Chairman of the Mosque Committee of Management the City Council implemented quite stringent measures to tackle the problems of car parking, following which a number of criticisms were received, some saying the Council had been too strict, others saying that the Council had been too lenient.


Folllowing further interventions, including Jon Ashworth M.P., the Council were now looking at a number of measures to try and alleviate the problems, including echelon parking. Efforts were being made to work with all parts of the community to try and solve car parking problems in the area.


Officers were thanked for the work they had undertaken to address the car parking problems in the vicinity of the mosque on Evington Lane.


iii)        General Car Parking Issues

A member of the public referred to the current parking restrictions on St. Saviours Road and of the issuing of £80 fines. Andy responded by stating that motorists parking in breach of the regulations in force were indeed left with a Fixed Penalty Notice for £80, although if the fine was paid within 14 days the fine was reduced to £40.


A member of the public questioned what action was taken against illegally parked foreign registered vehicles. Andy responded by stating that, at the present time local authorities in the U.K. were not able to access records relating to foreign registered vehicles. The law stated that, for vehicles registered abroad and brought in to this country should be registered with the DVLA after 6 months. If a history of more than 6 months of offending is gathered then the City Council would take action to remove the vehicle and fine the owner. Members suggested that this process of enforcement should be publicised.


A representative of the Stoneygate Action Group stated that a number of residents in the area were very concerned as parking after 10.00pm at night had become very problematical, with people queuing for available car parking spaces. Andy responded that the City Council were aware of the problems and that a formal petition had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 60.



Representatives from the Choice Advice Service to attend the meeting to talk about admissions to City Primary and Secondary Schools.


Glen Sutton, representing the Choice Advice Service attended the meeting to outline the free service that was available for parents and carers that helped with 4-16 year olds who were starting school, moving school or for those who were new to the City.


Glen reported that the application round for Secondary Schools was to conclude on 31st October and it was important that people applied in time. Moat and Judgemeadow Schools were reported as the most popular secondary schools in the area.


On 1st November the admission round for primary schools in the City was due to commence. There would be a number of workshops hels locally to help parents make their choices.


Glen reported that the school admission system in the City was different to that adopted by Leicestershire County Council, as this was relevant to families with children attending both City and County schools.


School admissions were still based on catchment areas, and were also subject to seven separate criteria. When an application was submitted parents were asked to include 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices.


It was stated that there were complications being experienced by a number of parents in the City having children at different schools in different parts of the City/County.



                        that the information be noted.



The Community Meeting to receive a brief presentation on the Home Lofts Scheme, of free loft insulation.


Geoff Hutchins attended the meeting and outlined the Hot Lofts Scheme that provided free loft and cavity wall insulation. The scheme was now in its final year and, to date, some 7,600 properties had been treated.


Members of the public requiring cavity wall or loft insulation were urged to complete the application forms available at the meeting. The completed requests would then be passed to the Mark Group, who were undertaking the insulation, and they would arrange to visit and undertake initial surveys. Work would then be undertaken by arrangement at no cost to the householder.


It was stressed that the service was available only to owner occupiers and those in receipt of benefits. Private landlords were required to go down a different route.



                        that the information be noted.



The Community Meeting to receive an update from the City Warden.


Darren Evans, City Warden circulated copies of slides that he had prepared outlining the work undertaken in the area as part of an Olympic clean up operation, and summarised as follows: -


·         Alleyway Project – several alleyways cleared of rubbish and vegetation enabling residents to use the alleys to take whhelie bins off the street

·         Bulky Collection Week 1 – Bartholomew Street, Myrtle Road, Cedar Road and other streets involving 5 lorry loads of rubbish collected

·         Bulky Collection Week 2 – further streets covered with similar quantities of rubbish collected

·         Taylor Road Railing Painting – undertaken with assistance of Community Payback and the Parks Department as well as a number of local residents.

·         Bird Feeding project – on going from October to educate and explain the harm bird feeding can do to the environment

·         General Patrols – continue on a daily basis

·         Fly-Tipping – continues to be serious problem with over 40 incidents reported over the last 3 months

·         Section 93 – all of the businesses signed up to responsibly dispose of their waste have continued to do so. More businesses were to be approached during October

·         Dog Fouling – incidences increased and patrols were continuing

·         Cars for Sale – on-going problem in the area and further evidence being gathered

·         Wheelie-Bins on Streets – major decrease of bins left on the streets following a large project targeted on Devana Road and all streets leading onto Evington Road

·         Fixed Penalty Notices – issued for fly-tipping and littering and also for leaving bins on streets.


Councillor Chaplin reported that a litter bin was likely to be installed on St. Saviours Road, on the stretch leading to St. Peters Road.



                       that the information be noted.



The Community Meeting to receive an update on local policing and community safety issues.


Pc Kate Wilkinson attended the meeting and gave an update on local policing issues.


The crime figures for the period July to October 2012 were given, compared to the similar period in 2011 as follows: -


                                                       2012                2011

Theft of Motor Vehicles                   4                      11

Thefts from Motor Vehicles                        22                    11

Burglaries                                          37                    20

Criminal Damage                            33                    28

Assaults                                             69                    79

Drugs Offences                                7                      11

Anti-Social Behaviour – 41% drop last month compared to previous 4 weeks, although new reporting system in place that could partly account for this.


Kate stated that there had been problems with some youths around ASB in the Evington Road area. One individual had been caught and issued with a notice relating to dangerous riding of a bicycle as well as a serious assault that he had admitted to.


There had also recently been a nasty incident in the Evington Road area and extra staff had been brought in to investigate. These investigations were still underway.


Local MP, Jon Ashworth had raised concerns at drugs problems on Victoria Park and additional patrols would be undertaken over the next few weeks.  Drinking problems reported on Onslow Park were also being dealt with.


Kate stated that the local team had recently been working with the local Jewish Community in connection with one of their days of celebration.


Drug dealing problems in the Hamilton Street area were being tackled with a police operation involving the alleys.


Regarding the future planning, and following the Olympics and issues at Thurnby Lodge involving the temporary loss of officers, it was now hoped that local issues, referred to above, could be addressed. During mid- December a high visibility operation to address drink-driving and speeding was planned for the lead up to Christmas.


The following contact details were also tabled at the meeting: -


For help with


Phone No.

Non-emergency incidents including crime and ASB


Leicestershire Police


Anti-Social Behaviour

Leicester Anti-Social Behaviour Unit

0116 229 3620


Litter, Graffiti and other environmental issues


City Wardens Service

0116 252 7001

Domestic Violence


Safe Project

0300 123 0918

Sexual Violence


Juniper Lodge (Sexual Assault Referral Centre)


0116 273 3330

Support for Victims

Victim Support

0300 303 1947


Community Safety Team

Nazira Vania, representing the Community Safety Team reported that the Team were working closely with the police and the City Council to address issues of young people hanging around streets and drug dealing problems.


Work was underway on 3 separate local requests for the supply and fitment of alley gates.


The team were also working to increase the level of support services available for young people in the City.



                        that the information be noted.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


To receive an update on the current budget position and to consider the following applications for funding that have been received since the last meeting.


i)          Wednesday Specials                                                                    £2280

Application deferred from the last meeting, submitted by Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd, for funding to sustain the group who have special needs, mostly learning difficulties.


ii)         Somali Week for Book Fair and Festival                                  £662  

Application received from Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS) to part fund a Somali week for book festival. Partial funding has been obtained from Beaumont Leys and Spinney Hills Wards with Charnwood yet to reach a decision.


iii)        Premier Group for Transport                                                      £2000

Application received from Premier Group to part fund transport to take elderly residents for trips out.


iv)        HITS Home Trust                                                                           £410

Application received from HITS Home Trust, a small charity based in Highfields, to part fund an Open day and fundraising event.


v)         HITS Home Trust                                                                           £500

Application received from HITS Home Trust to part fund the purchase of toiletries/cleaning products packs to distribute to existing tenants.


vi)        Shree Sarvodaya Samaj (UK)                                                     £500

Application received to part fund a Diwali Festival of Light Dinner and Dance party.


vii)       Stoneygate Community Leaflet                                                  £476

Application submitted on behalf of Stoneygate Ward Councillors to produce a community leaflet for distribution to all hiouseholds in Stoneygate Ward to inform them about the ward fund and of how the funding was spent in 2011/12 and how they can bid for funding.


viii)      Stoneygate Community Leaflet – Distribution                       £400

Application submitted on behalf of the Stoneygate Ward Councillors for up to £400 to cover the costs of distribution of the above mentioned Community Leaflet.


Kalvaran Sandhu, Member Support Officer attended the meeting and presented the Community Meeting Budget. Kalvaran reported that, prior to this meeting £5778 had been allocated, leaving a total of £12,222 to be spent.

The following applications had been received since the last meeting and were to be considered: -


The following applications had been fast tracked by Ward Councillors


i)          HITS Home Trust                                                                           £500

Application received from HITS Home Trust to part fund the purchase of toiletries/cleaning products packs to distribute to existing tenants.


ii)         Stoneygate Community Leaflet                                                  £476

Application submitted on behalf of Stoneygate Ward Councillors to produce a leaflet for distribution to all households in Stoneygate Ward to inform them about the ward fund and of how the funding was spent in 2011/12 and how they can bid for funding.


iii)        Stoneygate Community Leaflet – Distribution           up to  £500

Application submitted on behalf of the Stoneygate Ward Councillors for up to £500 to cover the costs of distribution of the above mentioned Community Leaflet.


The following applications are for consideration


iv)        Premier Group for Transport                                                      £2000

Application received from Premier Group to part fund transport to take elderly residents for trips out.



that, having considered the application it be agreed to support the application to a maximum of £1,200, the applicant was informed that should funding remain at the end of the financial year then consideration would be given to allocating additional funding.


v)         Somali Week for Book Fair and Festival                                  £662

Application received from Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS) to part fund a Somali Week for Book Festival. Partial funding had been obtained from Beaumont Leys and Spinney Hills Wards with Charnwood Community Meeting yet to reach a decision.



that, having considered the application it be agreed to support the application to a maximum of £300.


vi)        Wednesday Specials                                                                    £2280

Application deferred from the last meeting, submitted by Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd, for funding to sustain the group who have special needs, mostly learning difficulties.


that the application was referred to Evington Community meeting as most of the group reside within that Ward.


vii)       HITS Home Trust                                                                           £410

Application received from HITS Home Trust, a small charity based in Highfields, to part fund an Open Day and fundraising event.



                        that the application be REFUSED.


viii)      Shree Sarvodaya Samaj (UK)                                                     £500

Application received to part fund a Diwali Festival of Light Dinner and Dance party.



                        that the application be REFUSED.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.14pm.