Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Thursday, 17 December 2015 6:00 pm

Venue: Muslim Khatri Association, Dashwood Road (corner of Evington Road), Leicester, LE2 1PH

Contact: Angela Martin, Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6571) (email:  Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6369) (e-mail:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Thalukdar, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.


Apologies were received from Darren Evans – City Warden, Woody Wood – South Highfields Neighbours and Mike Watson – Income Collection Team.


No interests were declared.



The Action Log of the Meeting held on 17 August 2015 is attached at Appendix A and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.


The action log of the previous meeting held on 17 August 2015 was confirmed as a correct record.


The following matters were addressed from the action log:


·         Councillor Thalukdar declared an interest in application 5090 that he was a member of the Leicester Welfare Association.


·         Part of Item 8 was queried by a local resident as to whether the youth group was actually taking place at the Muslim Khatri Association (MKA). The Community Engagement Officer (CEO) would look into this.



The Ward Councillors will provide an update on the issues they have been dealing with in the Stoneygate Ward.


Stoneygate Ward Councillors provided an update on the issues they had been dealing with in the ward. The following was discussed:


Councillor Chaplin

·         Informed the meeting of her campaign activities against the closure of the Leicester Central Fire Station.


·         It was noted that Councillor Chaplin was the Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Commission. Residents were informed that these were public meetings whereby the public could be involved and put forward their interests/ issues on Health & Wellbeing. Attendees were requested to contact Councillor Chaplin if they had any comments to be addressed at the meetings. The next Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Commission meeting would take place on 14 January 2016. The minutes of these meetings were available online.


·         It was reported that the Maples Surgery on Evington Road was due to close in the New Year.


·         Residents discussed the following issues; acute bed losses since April at the Royal Infirmary hospital and East Midland’s Ambulance Service (EMAS) delays in discharging patients/ patient handover times. Further updates from these issues would be conveyed at future meetings.


·         Evington Road open space opposite One Stop shop – attendees expressed various ideas. Following local engagement, Dindy Outen, Arts Advisory Officer would summarise and inform Ward Councillors of art related options and costings. A resident suggested that Western Power be contacted as they had a power station next to the location.


Councillor Master

·         Discussions took place in regards to the current negotiations for the 81 bus route. It was noted that initial proposals from Centre bus were to decrease or end the route however Councillors were campaigning for the service not to be cut. Residents also reported that this was a necessary route for elderly people and those who didn’t drive. Councillor Master would feedback when further information was available. A resident also requested that he email Assistant City Mayor Councillor Clarke Executive Member for the energy and sustainability portfolio, which includes responsibility for public transport.


·         Councillor Master reported that the Council budget had been announced and that a budget report would be put together and released at some point. It was noted that this could be a possible agenda item for the next meeting with an overview of the impact for the City.


·         The recent murder of a female in the Stoneygate ward was raised. It was noted that at this stage there was limited information and Police were dealing with the case.



A representative from the Income Management Team will give a presentation and answer questions regarding ‘Universal Credit’.


Angela Martin, Community Engagement Officer (CEO) gave an insight into the Universal Credit introduction.


·         It was noted that Universal Credit was expected to be introduced in Leicester for new claimants from the end of January 2016 and all applications would need to be made online. Please see information attached to these action notes.


·         A representative from community group Evington Road Neighbourhood Association (ERNA) said that the Universal Credit information leaflets could be placed in their notice boards.


·         A few residents were concerned about the support for people using online facilities as not everyone was computer literate/ confident. It was also requested that an internet access point was required in the ward. The CEO would feedback this information to the Income Collection Team.



Local residents and community groups will have the opportunity to give feedback at the meeting.


Local residents and community groups were given the opportunity to give feedback on issues and activities taking place in the ward:


Letter received by Highfield residents

·         A resident had received a letter through the post reported to be from Mr Patel who Police informed the meeting had lead a petition. The letter addressed the residents of Glossop Street, Draper Street, Lyme Road and Linton Street regarding issues of littering, fly tipping, violence, property vandalism etc.


·         It was reported that Police had made extensive efforts to engage with Mr Patel regarding his concerns. Councillor Chaplin requested the Police to inform the Ward Councillors and Member of Parliament John Ashworth of the actions taken. It was noted that no specific further work was required on this matter.


Friends of Clarendon Park

·         Bart MacCarthy, secretary from Friends of Clarendon Park (FCP) was present and informed the meeting that the group were interested in developing a community forum to develop a local plan for Clarendon Park & Stoneygate Ward. Councillor Chaplin requested Bart to contact the Ward Councillors about the plan.


·         South Highfields Neighbours, ERNA and friends of Clarendon Park would exchange details following the meeting.



Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Stoneygate Ward.


PC Owen Lenton from the Local Policing Unit attended the meeting and gave the following update.


All to note:

·         In the last 28 days it was reported that 5 vehicle crimes and 7 burglaries had taken place.


·         There was one problem solving plan located on Tichbourne Street – various operations were in place to combat this.


·         A lengthy discussion took place in relation to parking issues – some areas mentioned were Evington Road and London Road. Several residents had concerns that there were not enough penalty tickets being issued in certain areas. PC Owen Lenton explained that operations were in place; however Police now had limited powers in regards to issuing double yellow line penalty notices.


·         Some residents had concerns that penalty tickets were issued in late hours of the evening on Bartholomew Street, Myrtle Road and Cedar Road. Councillor Chaplin requested if these traffic wardens actions could be looked into and whether this was a specific strategy or there were reasons for operating in this way.


·         A resident had concerns that due to no parking restrictions on the corner of Elmfield Avenue/ Ashfield Road – vehicles were being parked on both sides creating hazards.


·         Councillor Master reported on increased traffic enforcement which was in place, waiting time powers for issuing of penalty notices and enforcement officers’ use of new scooters. Councillor Master would feedback on the above concerns and discussed more options were required as to how the public could feedback when and where parking offences were taking place.


·         Councillor Chaplin requested Councillor Master as the assistant City Mayor for Neighbourhood Services; to provide information into the Stoneygate ward areas which traffic wardens targeted and statistics on the number of tickets issued. Councillor Master would look into this.


·         The CEO gave an update from the City Warden – Darren Evans, the leaflet is attached to these action notes.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


An update will be given at the meeting on the Ward Community Meeting Budget.


Angela Martin, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) presented an update on the Community Meeting Budget.


The following applications were considered at the meeting:


1486: Evington Valley Primary school applied for £1,080 to create a warm entrance/ welcome for visitors – grant of £500 approved in full.


1493: Somali Development Services requested £4,450 to hold a Leicester Somali cultural day – application not supported.


5112: Mr Eric Hudson/ Leicester Jamaica Community requested £950 to hold a Christmas dinner – grant of £500 approved.


5113: Stoneygate Shops Retailer Forum requested £500 to create a community Christmas market – grant of £250 approved.


5117: Leicester Mamas CIC applied for £820 to provide support and information to new parents – application not supported.


5118: Sue Ryan on behalf of Art House requested £500 to assist with costs of flyers for distribution, hire of hopper buses, replacement of AH banners and insurance costs – grant of £500 approved.


5122: Leicester Twilight Group requested £585 to hold a 3 course Christmas meal – grant of £500 approved.


5124: Leicester City FC Community Trust applied for £2,000 to extend and expand the Premier League (PL) Kicks project – the application was withdrawn.


5125: Highfields Play Action requested £485 in support of ‘knowing your neighbours’ cultural event – application not supported.


·         In relation to application 5118 – Sue Ryan on behalf of Art House, Councillor Chaplin declared an interest due to her participation in the application; Councillor Chaplin confirmed that she had not taken part in the consideration of the bid.


·         Residents requested to have the bids/ application information included on the agenda and also asked whether residents would have consideration to the decisions of the applications. Councillor Chaplin stated that comments were helpful but it was ultimately a decision for the Council.




The residents parking scheme was discussed. Councillors advised that Highways were currently looking into parking schemes in the city. It was advised that in order for residents to express their views on residents parking schemes, creating a petition would be an option. Attendees were informed that a formal consultation would have to take place prior to any residents parking scheme implementation.



The following Stoneygate Ward Community Meeting will be held on Thursday 3 March 2016 – venue to be confirmed.


The next Stoneygate Ward Community Meeting would be held on Thursday 3rd March 2016 – venue to be confirmed.




The meeting closed at 8.00pm.