Venue: Sparkenhoe Community Primary School, Saxby Street, Leicester, LE2 0TD
Contact: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1876) (email: Angie Smith, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6354) (e-mail:
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF CHAIR Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Master was elected as Chair for the meeting. |
INTRODUCTIONS AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: · Councillor Chaplin declared an ‘other disclosable interest’ as a family member worked for a taxi company; · Councillor Thalukdar declared an ‘other disclosable interest’ in the business of the meeting, and that he could not comment on planning applications in the Ward, as he sat on the Council’s Planning and Development Control Committee; · Councillor Chaplin declared an ‘other disclosable interest’ for her involvement in the Art House application. It was noted that Councillor Chaplin had not taken part in the discussion on the application; · Councillor Thalukdar declared an ‘other disclosable interest’ for his involvement in the Leicester Welfare Society application. It was noted that Councillor Thalukdar had not taken part in the discussion on the application; · Councillor Master declared an ‘other disclosable interest’ for his involvement in the Leicester Nirvana application. It was noted that Councillor Master had not taken part in the discussion on the application. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Joel Friedman, Evington Road Neighbourhood Association. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING Attached for information and discussion. Minutes: The Chair requested the action log be amended to show actions required. The document would be amended to table format to accommodate the request.
The Action Log of the previous meeting held on 5 December 2017 was confirmed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK Minutes: Stoneygate Ward Councillors provided an update on the issues they had been dealing with in the ward and activities they had been involved in since the last meeting. The following was discussed:
Councillor Chaplin: · At advice surgeries, welfare rights and major housing issues were being received; · Leicester College have leased the MKA building on Conduit Street, but would not affect the building on Dashwood Road; · The University of Leicester’s Brookfield site planning application had been approved, though more detail had been requested on the transport plan, opening times, student numbers and the view for Holmfield Road residents; · 11 Elmfield Road planning application for a care home was approved, though opposition had been made by residents, and Elderly Persons Homes (EPHs) had been closed by the Council due to reduced demand; · 22 Staveley Road, block of flats planning application was currently on hold due to further submitted amendments; · 19 St Johns Road planning application had received more than five objections and would go to planning, as it was felt by resident the application did not fit with the conservation area; · 9 St James Road planning application had received objections from several residents and local conservation groups. The Planning Committee was evenly split, with the Chair having the casting vote, the application was approved. Residents have complained about a procedural issue at the meeting; · A planning application for a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) at 44 Highfield Street was taken to Planning Committee at the request Councillor Chaplin. Residents had concerns over the number of HMOs in the area, and the need for family homes in the ward. Also raised was the need for two screenings for HMP applications: (i) landlords; (ii) maintained properties; · Councillors could be contacted for questions to be raised on behalf of residents at the meeting of Full Council was Thursday 22nd March; · Council January – a petition was presented requesting residents parking on Herschell Street; · Council February – sought to prioritise adult social care in the budget, and made the point staff have to make difficult decisions every day; · An application had been submitted to move the sexual health clinic into the Haymarket Shopping Centre. A public meeting was arranged and information about the decision requested, as there were concerns regarding the confidentiality of the entrance; · Homelessness, following two deaths in the ward the issue will continue to be raised; · There is likely to be a review of the services offered at the Dawn Centre; · A visit had taken place at Action Homeless on St James Terrace. Support would continue to be offered to those asking for small scale flexible accommodation; · A postponed patchwalk arranged for Rowsley Street would be rearranged; · Would be meeting the Sacred Spaces Team on 19 March to discuss Conduit Street.
Councillor Thalukdar: · He declared an interest in that he could not comment on planning applications in the Ward, as he sat on the Council’s Planning and Development Control Committee; · He believed that homelessness was getting worse around the city. ... view the full minutes text for item 87. |
HOMELESSNESS There will be a discussion on Homelessness work within communities. Minutes: Gary Freestone, Homelessness Services Manager, was present at the meeting, and provided the following information:
· The Dawn Centre was built 10 years ago specifically for the homeless population, and had 44 en-suite bedrooms for adults; · The Centre was designed as a one stop shop – anyone on site can access health / mental health services – CPNs same day; · Anyone that presents themselves to the Dawn Centre is asked to register as a new person for Inclusion Health Care. The Centre also liaised with Action Homeless; · There were dormitory facilities, which allowed the Centre to put up a further 10 people – it was not ideal, but with the rising issue of homelessness and cold weather was essential; · The Outreach Team operated between 6.00am to 9.30pm, and received phone calls or people were referred to them; · Not everyone who slept outside was homeless. There were people that did not want to help themselves, come into the centre or take help offered. A different model was needed, and hopefully work on the Homelessness Strategy would help; · Safer Leicester Partnership and Turning Point looked at addressing people’s needs; · People would need to be in receipt of Housing Benefit to be able to attend the Centre. Housing Options would make a call if a person had a connection to Leicester, otherwise, they would try to connect to the person’s own local authority; · One resident asked if Stoneygate was over-represented with facilities for homeless persons, and information would be brought to the next meeting; · Action Homeless were present at the meeting. It was noted the team worked closely with the Dawn Centre and had 30 rooms at St James Terrace; · One Roof had three houses where people could be placed, with support workers. The organisation relied on donations.
Members noted that the work officers were doing at the Dawn Centre was important and valued, and that it was not an easy environment to work in. It was hoped that improvements would be made to communicate information to people.
Friends of Prebend Gardens informed the meeting that following the recent death, the police wanted to close the gardens due to the issues that occurred there. A Parks manager had objected, as there was a balance between closing a community venue, and tackling the issues. A site visit had taken place on 16 February with the Parks Team to discuss short and long term measured. It was agreed that hedges would be removed. The Trees and Woodland Team had also recommended the removal of some trees, due to a subsidence claim from neighbouring properties.
The CCTV was currently above the tree canopy. The police and ASB Unit would look to move the CCTV to allow direct views. Four benches in the park had been removed where street drinkers congregated. A consultation would take place with local residents to ask what they would like to see on the site, with the proposal that Section 106 monies be used. Longer term planning designs would be shared with residents, ... view the full minutes text for item 88. |
HIGHWAYS UPDATE There will be an update on Highways and Transport schemes within the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: Robert Bateman, Special Projects Manager, discussed worked taking place in the ward. It was noted:
· CEOs made 346 visits to St Stephens area, and gave out 96 FPNs; · Over 1,400 visits with 81 issues on Evington Road; · A petition submitted for Herschell Street residents parking had been progressed. Members and officers were due to visit the area to look at options. Consultation with residents would take place, and was work in progress; · Bollards were due to be installed around schools, including Leicester Islam Academy. Officers were visiting schools to try and get people to change their behaviour, and to encourage more walking; · A detailed design for traffic calming measures for Stoughton Drive North (from Evington Road towards Kingsway) had been drawn up, and included a combination of road markings and pedestrian refuges. Works were due to start summer time. Minute amended 24 September 2018.
Residents raised the following issues: · Speeding on Staveley Road, Chesterfield Road and East Park Road. Members would arrange a patchwalk in the area; · Taxis sat outside the Dawn Centre with engines running – this was an enforceable offence. Councillor Chaplin declared an interest as a family members worked for a taxi company; · An enforcement officer should be present during the bus lane operating hours on London Road; · It was queried of CEOs had a set programme to visit schools; · As a wheelchair user it was difficult to access pavements, which were often uneven or parked upon, and users very often had to go into a road; · The development and opening of Putney Road would make Stoneygate Ward more congested – the project was currently out for consultation.
The meeting was asked to note consultation on the proposed cycle lane on Victoria Park would include a briefing on 19 March, and three public exhibitions. Comments would be sought from Councillors then go out to public consultation. |
CITY WARDEN The local City Warden will provide an update on environmental works within the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: Darren Evans, City Warden for the Ward, presented the following:
· Fly tipping had gone down; · For bigger problems, Community Protection Notices were now used; · Leaflets had been circulated on Devana Road regarding recycling. The City Warden ensured everyone had orange bags as there had been problems ordering further bags; · Side waste was still a big problem; · A blanket notice on the whole of Tichbourne Street and Herschell Street had been circulated due to the amount of complaints received regarding bins left out and parking problems; · Work was continuing on problems around fly tipping on St Albans Road. Officers were working to ensure businesses were recycling properly; · Fly tipping on Skipworth Street had been resolved; · Grade 4 Roaming Officers had been appointed. They did not have a set ward, but were allocated around the city covering 12 wards each, and would assist CWs to pick up follow-on work, for example, second visits; · Helium canisters seen in the street should be reported. |
POLICE UPDATE The local Police team will be present to talk about Policing maters within the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: PC Charlotte Barber was present at the meeting and provide the following update:
· There were four 4 ASB jobs on the beat currently, which was low; · One priority was Prebend Gardens, which was receiving attention on walks for the removal of alcohol; · The whole of the east section was hit badly with burglary – Stoneygate had fared worse. A police operation to reduce burglary in the area had seen numbers reduced; · There were no real concerns to report on other crime; · Zero tolerance on street drinking needed to be linked to ASB, for example, shouting, fighting; · The police had a good relationship with the Dawn Centre, Heathfield House (London Road), and Mayfield House. At all three hostels, the staff were considered to be outstanding; · Residents should call 101 or email neighbourhood police for ASB incidents, who would be able to identify at which hostel a person had come from; · Residents were encouraged to ring in reports of drug offences from houses, to allow police to gather intelligence. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
Minutes: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer, gave an update on the Ward Community Budget.
Ward Councillors made the following declarations:
· Councillor Chaplin did not take part in discussion for the Art House application. · Councillor Thalukdar did not take part in the discussion for Leicester Welfare Society application. · Councillor Master did not take part in discussion for Leicester Nirvana.
Since the previous meeting, seven applications were supported, and there was a balance of £9,210 remaining, of which £1,800 could be carried forward. Residents were encouraged to submit bids, or pass on ideas to the CEO. The CEO would report the remaining balance to Ward Councillors following consideration of further submitted bids.
Priorities for 2018/19 included Prebend Gardens, Cedar Road, and summer party. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: · An Afghan community event (Persian New Year) will take place on Victoria Park, 24 March 2018, 11.00am to 1.00pm. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 8.15pm. |