Venue: Sparkenhoe Community Primary School, Saxby Street, Leicester, LE2 0TD
Contact: Laura Burt, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1876 email: ) Aqil Sarang, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 5591 e-mail: )
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. The Chair will introduce those present and Councillors will make any declarations of interest as required by the Councillors Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Master was elected as the Chair for the meeting and led on introductions. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Chaplin and Darren Evans the City Warden for the Stoneygate ward. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING The action log of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting, held on 30 August 2018, has been circulated and Members will be asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: Amendments were requested to be made to the previous Action Log and were noted
Item 4. “On this occasion the winning bid was from the group who had been running the centre for the previous three years” to be amended to read ‘On this occasion the winning bid was from the group who had been operating in the centre previously’. |
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK Ward Councillors will provide an update on local ward issues. Minutes: The Open Hands Centre on Highfields Street were running events where community involvement opportunities were available.
With the recent publication on Knife Crime a planned campaign was soon to be launched.
Works on Stoughton Drive North were to be completed before the end of the year.
Pot holes and parking issues had been recorded.
Residents were happy for a residents parking scheme on Herschell Street. More information on the consultation to be reported once it was available.
The area around Medway School was on the list for upcoming regeneration works to take place.
With information available on Civil Enforcement Officer patrols in the Stoneygate Ward, it was noted that approximately 5,000 tickets had been issued.
No streets were targeted by Officers unless reported by residents or emergency services.
The Front Wall Scheme was to be launched on Evington Road. Houses on one side of the road beginning from St Stephens Road to the One Stop Shop on Evington Road would have the front walls of their properties repaired as part of a pilot scheme.
A scheme to improve shop fronts on St Stephens Road was to be launched in the upcoming future.
Waste & Enforcement Teams had run checks on local businesses and their waste disposal licences. 84 inspections had been carried out with 62 businesses that were compliant and 22 non-compliant, resulting in Penalty Notices being issued.
Issues with bins that were left outside on Evington Road and streets adjacent to the main road was an issue to be reported to the City Warden.
Ward Community Engagement Officer to invite the team from Al Nisa, from the Mayfield Centre to the next meeting. |
PREBEND GARDENS UPDATE There will be discussions around Prebend Gardens and current developments. Minutes: Adrian Edge the Landscape Development Manger presented the proposed layout for Prebend Gardens.
Following the presentation at consultation with resident’s, amendments had been incorporated into the proposed plan for Prebend Gardens.
It was noted that 9 new trees were to be planted in the performance area and questions from residents in regard to the removal and replanting of trees would be relayed to the Trees and Woodlands Department.
Maintenance and management of the gardens would be controlled by the Parks Team and volunteer schemes were also being considered. It was noted that the Dawn Centre were also willing to get more proactive in involvement with maintenance and were appreciative of the gardens.
It was noted that adequate waste bins would be installed, with the aim to encourage the space to be enjoyed by the whole community and encourage local residents onto the gardens in a proactive manner.
Furthermore, it was noted that the Sacred Space next to Cedar Road Park would be incorporated into the Cedar Road Park Scheme. |
HEALTHWATCH LEICESTER AND LEICESTERSHIRE A presentation on Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire will be provided from Gillian Jillet. Minutes: Gillian Jillett – Healthwatch representative introduced the newly merged Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire: · Was an independent voice for the people of Leicester and Leicestershire. · Listened to and represented people’s views and provided local information and signposting. · Influenced health and social care locally to ensure local peoples voices were heard. · Visited General Practices (GP’s) and care homes, suggesting improvements. A revisit was then made to see if the suggested changes were implemented. · Residents were encouraged to share their experiences, or if they had any issues or concerns relating to Health and Social Care Services across the City. · Contact details have been attached. · Emergency dental services were now available 7 days a week, a leaflet with contact information is attached.
The City Warden will be present to discuss discuss any environmental issues within the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: In the absence of the City Warden a leaflet updating on matters addressed was distributed (attached).
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE The local Police team will be present to discuss policing matters within the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: Due to the time of year the Police urged residents to be more vigilant and cautious. Although there was a 20% reduction in burglary initiatives in comparison to the previous year, residents were encouraged to ensure homes were secure whilst out and measures were put in place to defer away any opportunist.
With the recent rise in theft from motor vehicles residents were encouraged not to leave any items of value on display.
It was also noted that criminals were using new technologies to access motor vehicles from driveways and residents were encouraged to keep car keys well away from the front door.
The Police were working in conjunction with the Council to develop a strategy to deal with long term issues that affect the ward, such as, the impact licensed premises have on the ward. Residents are encouraged to report any incidents of nuisance to the police.
It was noted that the new Police website or calling 101 were the best way to report anything to the Police.
It was reported that Anti-Social Behaviour on Abbingdon Road was leaving residents of the area at discomfort. The Police would investigate.
Signs left on a lamppost local to the Cedar Road Park in relation to the incident on Cedar Park needed removing. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET There will be an update on the Stoneygate Ward Community Budget.
Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them. Minutes: Since the last Ward Community Meeting 4 applications had been received and funded, leaving a closing budget of £9,503.05 (subject to change)
Ward Community Engagement Officer to contact the Parks Team in relation to Onslow Park. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: There being no further items of urgent business, the meeting closed at 8:10pm |