Venue: The Nasihah Centre, Mayfield Road, Leicester, LE2 1LR
Contact: Punum Patel, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6575 email: Jacob Mann, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 5843 e-mail: )
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR Councillors will appoint a Chair for the meeting.
The Chair will introduce those present and make any announcements.
The Chair and other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Thalukdar was appointed Chair for the meeting. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Rahman.
Councillor Master was not present at the start of the meeting. Councillor Thalukdar was informed that the meeting was inquorate. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING The action log of the previous meeting held on 5th December 2019 is attached for information and discussion. Minutes: The action log of the last meeting held on 5 December 2019 was noted. |
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK Councillors will provide an update on ward related matters. Minutes: Councillors reported that they were working together to consult with residents on local issues such as highways, housing, and parking. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: Officers were present to provide a Policing update. All to note.
· The number of robberies in the ward had decreased since the last meeting. · There had also been a reduction in the number of thefts from vehicles. · In the Spinney Hill area, new screws had helped reduce the number of number plate thefts. · There had been more Anti-Social Behaviour patrols in the area, these had received positive feedback from residents. · There hadn’t been an increase in knife crime
6.11pm Councillor Master arrived, and the meeting was quorate.
Residents reported issues with drug use on Ashfield Road, Elmfield Avenue, and Oakfield Road. The problem was ongoing despite regular reporting on the part of the residents. Threats on Elmfield Avenue were also reported. Police reported increased patrols had been implemented. Officers refereed residents to the Neighbourhood Link website where they can report the issues discussed. A leaflet was circulated and is appended for information. In the future Police would target hotspots with patrols based on information received through the site. .Action: Officer to take resident details.
Residents reported speeding on Staveley Road, failure to give way onto Chesterfield Road, and parking on pavements added to the need for traffic calming. Residents were informed the area was being considered for a 20 mph zone for 2022/23. Action: Feedback on surveys and process to be followed to be brought to a future meeting,
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: Darren Evans, the City Warden for the ward, gave an update on environmental issues in the ward. All to note:
· There was a decrease in fly tipping in December, but an increase in January. The City Warden continued to work on educating residents and landlords on fly tipping. · A new project began to clear up bins on the street and fly tips. All roads highlighted on the attached map fall under the scheme. · Issues with a garage on Ashover Road were resolved · A project to deal with issues relating to big bins on Draper Street was ongoing.
Residents reported a fly tipping problem on Elmfield Avenue, Oakfield Road, and Dixon Drive. Action: City Warden to bring roads under scheme.
Concerns were raised about the littering issue
on the side streets on Evington Road. Residents expressed
frustration with the number of new takeaways being allowed to open
on Evington Road. The City Warden reported the Evington Road Duty
of Cares would be commencing over the next few months. It was noted
a community projection notice could be given to premises to look
after a certain area outside. It was the responsibility of those
littering and not the premises. Action: Councillors to
consider a poster scheme in takeaways. It was explained that a Duty of Care was the legal responsibility of a business to ensure waste was contained and taken by a responsible contractor with waste transfer notes and registered as a carrier, otherwise the business could be fined and face court action.
Residents reported issues with the bins outside Dominos on London Road, it was reported that bins were taking up space and blocking the post box. Darren Evans reported that he had been in contact the previous manager of the shop over these issues, but now there is a new manager. Action Darren Evans to speak to new Dominos manager.
Concerns were raised about the student accommodation on St James Road. Darren Evans reported that the accommodation was on assisted collection but might be unsure about what they had to do. Action: Darren Evans to speak to housemaster. |
HIGHWAYS UPDATE Officers will be present to provide an update in Highways issues in the ward. Minutes: Abul Tarafder, the Highways Maintenance Leader, gave an update on Highways issues in the ward. It was reported that:
· A scheme to make Linton Street, Rowsley Street, Sawley Street, and Kedleston Road one way passed the first stage of consultation. The second stage of consultation would begin soon. · A parking scheme on Herschell Street would begin on 16 March. · A 20mph scheme in the Evington Valley Area was programmed to be done this year. Speed surveys would be carried out in March.
Residents reported that:
· Cars were speeding on Staveley Road. A speed reduction scheme was suggested.
· Bus shelters had still not been erected on London Road.
· Bollards on Chesterfield Road were being constantly knocked over. Residents wanted to know how many times this had happened.
· There were several potholes on St Phillips Road and Ashfield Road. #
· There were parking issues on Oakfield Road and Ashfield Road as well as blocked gullies due to leaves causing flooding, residents wanted to know when the gullies would be cleared.
· Residents asked if the top of St James Road would be closed to stop rat running.
· Residents wanted to know if the double yellow line on London Road would be enforced.
· Residents wanted to know how often Osmaston Road was patrolled by wardens and would like a Civil Enforcment Officer to attend the next meeting.
· Representatives from Darus Salam Mosque wanted to discuss suspension of residents parking for certain times with an officer.
· Action: Abul Tarafder to pass all points raised to the relevant council officer.
PERSONALISED TRAVEL PLAN PROJECT An Officer will explain how the new project aims to promote and increase awareness of sustainable travel methods, including walking, cycling, and bus routes. Minutes: Javed Shah, a Transport Development Officer, briefly outlined the Personalised Travel Plan Project (PTPP). A scheme which aims to encourage more residents to use sustainable transport methods such as cycling and public transport. (Information appended)
PTPs would be introduced to try and reduce traffic and congestion. 10 community events would be held from June to September 2020. Officers were keen to receive information on where to hold events.
The engagement period would be held in two parts, before the survey, there would be free information, walking/cycling maps available. Following which there would be a second survey to establish how residents has changed how they commuted.
Residents questions were answered, confirming that e-bikes and car pooling will be part of the scheme.
Residents raised concern that they did not see traffic wardens enforcing yellow lines, with people regularly parked on them. The meeting was asked to note there were only 55 wardens for the whole city, and that 28,836 tickets were issued in Stoneygate. Residents asked for a comparison on ticket numbers compared to other wards. Action: Statistics on traffic warden activity for the ward be brought to a future meeting. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
Minutes: The Ward Community Engagement Officer read out the supported applications since the last meeting. Details of those applications are appended. 12 applications were supported, leaving a balance of £1165.01. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: Residents enquired about Prebend Gardens, where work was meant to be starting at the start of 2020. It was reported that the work got delayed due to bad weather early in the year and should be starting when conditions improve.
A resident outlined the More Trees Please scheme, aimed at planting more trees. The resident also invited the community to the launch of the Climate Action group.
Residents enquired if a Planning Officer could attend the next ward meeting in order to hear concerns about the number of takeaways on Evington Road. Action: Councillors to enquire about a Planning Officer attending the next ward meeting.
It was noted that a scheme to help young people learn to cook was being run by Leicester Nirvana Football Club.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.39pm.