Venue: Community Meeting room, The BRITE Centre, Braunstone Avenue, Leicester LE3 1LE
Contact: Anita Clarke, Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6576) (e-mail: Jessica Skidmore, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: 0116 454 2623) (Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.
The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations of interest as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Barton (as Chair) welcomed those present and led the introductions.
There were no declarations of interest. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Singh Johal and the City Warden, Matthew Davinson. |
ACTION LOG OF LAST MEETING The Action Log for the last meeting, held on 21 April 2022 is attached for information and discussion. Minutes: The Action Log of the previous meeting held 21 April 2022 was agreed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLORS' FEEDBACK Ward Councillors will provide an update on local ward issues Minutes: The Chair paid tribute to a 14-year-old girl who sadly died as a result of a road traffic accident the day before.
The Chair also noted the sad passing of former Councillor Ann Glover a few months prior.
The Chair provided feedback on local ward activity which included the following:
· Covid-19 vaccine boosters and Flu Jabs were now available at local surgeries across the ward, some of which were accepting walk-in’s. · The 82nd Airborne Battalion Memorial Day was held in August. · A Manor House Fun Day and Food Bank event had been held. · The Proclamation of King Charles 3rd was held in Town Hall during September. · Ratby Crescendo band performed in Braunstone Park Gardens, where over 100 people were present including the City Mayor. · Eco 4 Flex Scheme grants were available for the installation of boilers and insulation. It was noted that applicants did not need to be in receipt of benefits although there may be other criteria to be met. · Local ward councillors had worked with Braunstone History and Heritage Group to secure the tenancy at the Stable Block, and the Museum would be open on Tuesday mornings. The group also held open days during the summer and that the group had also talked at County events. · Concerns were raised over the installation of 5G poles and cabinets in the area, some of which had been installed outside of houses and churches. Two proposed locations were objected to and had since been removed as locations for installation. · The introduction of the Landlord’s Licensing Scheme was noted to partially affect Rowley Fields but there was hope that the scheme would lead to better living standards for tenants in the area.
The Chair noted that residents were increasingly reporting concerns in the ward by telephone to Councillors, which was welcomed as being more efficient and effective. |
HOUSING UPDATE Housing Officers will be at the meeting to provide an update on housing issues in the Ward.
Minutes: Dragana Jovic, Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader was present to provide an update on Housing matters in the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward.
It was noted to be a busy period and housing officers were strained due to a number of ongoing projects, such as environment and landscape schemes in the Braunstone area.
The public were advised to contact local ward Councillors or the Neighbourhood Housing team if there was a concern requiring specific attention.
It was noted that a smoke free pilot scheme had been deployed and residents were asked to refer the scheme to those in need of assistance to stop smoking. Members of the public could contact officers at any time regarding the scheme and information and feedback would be fed back to Public Health.
It was further noted that funding for security lights for individual residences was available and residents could apply at any time.
The Chair enquired about the progress of the fence installation on Narborough Road outside of local residences. It was noted that the installation had been completed.
Councillors noted that the wooden planters that were due to be replaced had been urinated on and rotten and recommended that other forms of environmentally friendly and anti-vandalism materials should be looked at as their replacement. It was noted that comments would be taken back and reviewed.
The Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader was thanked for the report. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward. Minutes: PCSO Julie Wycherley (Leicestershire Police) was present to provide an update on local policing issues in the ward, as follows:
· Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) was an ongoing issue. Funding and advice was being sought for children and young person activities in the ward to divert attention to positive actions rather than antisocial behaviour. · Streetlights had started to be turned off earlier in a bid to become more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. · The Grove Community Centre security locks and doors were now in place and the penalty box now had its own entrance. It was noted that the building would be open daily. · The closure notice for Gaskell Walk had been deliberated in court on 27 October 2022. It was noted to be a positive impact on the local community and the Police were working closely with CrASBU to provide support and review the potential relocation of the occupant. · The Police were working with the management of Co-Operative stores on Narborough Road and Hallam Crescent East to tackle shop theft, which had led to an offender being arrested and remanded in custody. Another offender had been arrested a few days prior to the meeting. · The PCSO noted the increased threat of burglary offences with the darker nights and upcoming Halloween and Bonfire night events. Patrols had been increased to address the seasonal increase in offences. It was noted that Braunstone Town area was more susceptible, and residents were advised to undertake precautions and remove any valuables from cars and ensure vehicles were locked.
The PSCO also provided a statistics report of crimes in the area which were noted as follows:
· There were a total of 312 reports in 197 locations, with 177 identified victims and 118 suspects/offenders. · 94 reports of violence against the person, 73 reports of non-crime incidents, 51 reports of theft, 43 reports of criminal damage, 29 reports of public disorder, 10 reports of drug offences, 6 reports of sexual offences, 2 reports of robbery and 1 report of possession of a weapon.
Identified issues known as NICLS (National Incident Category List) were noted as follows:
· 114 Vulnerability reports, 69 Mental Health reports, 50 Substances reports, 43 Domestic Abuse reports, 5 Knife Involvement reports, 5 Prejudice reports, 4 Child Sexual Abuse reports and 2 Firearms reports.
PSCO Wycherley noted that while there was no peak day, there was some correlation on all days but Mondays and Wednesdays. The highest times for recorded crimes were between 2pm and 11pm, peaking more specifically between 4pm and 6pm.
Members enquired how 2022 crime statistics compared with prior years. ACTION: PSCO to review and feedback at the next Ward Community Meeting.
Members enquired whether patrols were performed regularly or only in hotspots of criminal concern. It was noted that patrols were regular, either by foot or by vehicle and there was a dedicated vehicle for Anti-Social Behaviour used daily. Night reports would continue to be monitored and addressed by response officers.
Members of the public raised concern over the number of bicycle issues ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
CITY WARDEN - UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward. Minutes: The apologies of City Warden, Matthew Davinson were noted, and a written update was read by the Ward Community Engagement Officer, which included the following:
· 63 complaints had been made, with 29 reports of fly tipping. These were reported throughout terraced areas of the ward such as Compton Road, Lambert Road and Wolverton Road. · CCTV was installed by the Warden’s Enviro-Crime team at the recycling point on Braunstone Avenue to combat increased reports of fly tipping. Due to this increase, a “Duty of Care” inspection was performed on nearby businesses to ensure their compliance in the correct disposal of waste. · A bin in the ward had been repositioned as it had attracted more waste in its original location. · Two complaints were made regarding dog fouling on Highway Spinney and on Hallam Crescent East. The locations and further complaints would be monitored in hopes to identify the culprits. · Several complaints were made concerning commercial bins left on the highway near Narborough Road. The issue was still ongoing, and it was noted that some businesses did not have room to store their bins. · There was a successful prosecution of a business on Narborough Road for fly posting. Leicester magistrates court found them guilty and a £440 fine was given.
Councillors noted increased reports regarding rubbish and fly tipping, with Narborough Road being highlighted as a hotspot. Any ideas or advice to target this issue were welcomed. |
HIGHWAYS UPDATE Highways Officers will give an update on highways issues in the ward. Minutes: It was noted that Highways Officers were absent from the meeting.
ACTION: Ward Community Engagement officer to ask Highways officers to provide an update and attend the next meeting.
Councillors noted regular presence of traffic enforcement outside schools in the ward, as school drop-off times were a cause for concern regarding parking and speeding. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget. A summary of grant applications submitted for consideration since the last meeting is attached. Minutes: The Community Engagement Officer provided an update report on the Ward Community Budget.
The Community Engagement Officer provided an update from Leicestershire Police, in collaboration with CRASBU, who had secured £5000 in ward community funding for a portable local CCTV camera. It was noted that the camera had been purchased in June 2022 and successfully deployed to various locations, via lamppost, to assist in the prevention of crime. The camera had been noted to have been repaired after being vandalised in October 2021 and had since been redeployed. The deployment of the camera had resulted in a decrease in reports of criminal activity in the areas it was installed.
A member of the public noted that the ward community funding had also assisted the Rowley Fields Allotments, benefitting 70 families. There was a slight underspend on the project and the extra funding would be used in the creation of a new pond in the area.
Regarding other uses of the Ward Community Budget, 23 projects had been supported, which had used up the total amount of the budget allotted for this financial year. The next budget would be provided on 1 April 2023.
Councillors considered a future cap for the fund and concerns about future projects that couldn’t be supported, such as the upcoming coronation for King Charles III.
It was noted that those still requiring funding could apply elsewhere, such as The Co-operative Fund, which helped provide funding to local community projects.
Councillors noted that the local Christmas lights switch on event was to be held on 3 December. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: Councillors enquired how members of the public usually heard about Ward Community Meetings. It was noted that constituents normally received notification through Council distribution lists. ACTION: Councillors and the Ward Community Engagement Officer to explore other means for spreading information across the ward.
NOTED: That the next Ward Community meeting would be arranged on Tuesday, 24th January 2023 at Manor House.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7:02pm. |