Agenda and minutes

Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Community Meeting - Thursday, 7 March 2019 5:30 pm

Venue: Manor House Community Centre, Haddenham Road, Leicester, LE3 2BG

Contact: Randeep Singh Mattu, Ward and Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 1835) (e-mail:  Ed Brown, Democratic Support Officer (tel:0116 454 3833) (e-mail:

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations of interest as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Corrall as Chair led the introductions and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.




An apology for absence was received from Sergeant Wayne Chapman of Leicestershire Police.



The Action Log for the last meeting, held on 1 November 2018, is attached for information and discussion.


Any update actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.


The action log of the previous meeting held 1 November 2018 was confirmed as correct.



Ward Councillors will provide an update on local ward issues


Councillor Corrall reported that actions had been agreed regarding traffic in Braunstone Park between Hinckley Road and Winstanley House.  These included: Speed humps, alligator teeth, rocks and a bollard to prevent people driving back into the park, enforcing the one-way system.


It was also reported that councillors had been working with local police to put actions into place regarding motorcycles on the park.



Leicestershire Police will be present to provide an update on issues they have been dealing with in the ward.


PC Anton Wilson gave an update on local police issues across the Ward, including:


·         Crime in the area was generally low.


·         Speed monitoring had been taking place in Braunstone Park.  Whilst this was not enforceable, it was still useful for information and research.


·         Options were being explored to tackle the issue of Motorbikes on Braunstone Park


·         Eviction proceedings against a resident on Gaddesby Avenue due to antisocial behaviour were ongoing.


·         £465,000 had been found in a van after it had been stopped by the Police, the money was confiscated, and the driver had subsequently been arrested and was under investigation.


·         An individual had been arrested for indecent exposure and was in custody pending ongoing proceedings.


·         There had been an ongoing issue of people breaking into and sleeping in allotment sheds.  However, this had not been so much of an issue recently.


PC Wilson invited residents to address him after the meeting to raise any concerns they may have.



An update on highways and transport works in the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward will be given.


Special Projects Manager Robert Bateman from Highways gave an update on Highways and Transport issues in the Ward, including:


·         Requested 30mph repeater signs had not been installed along Narborough Road as 30mph was the default limit for a built-up area.


·         The concern raised at the previous meeting about HGV parking had been noted, but since nothing had yet been decided on the issue it was asked to be deferred to the next meeting.


·         It was noted that officers on scooters had been covering the area on matchdays issuing tickets.


·         A highway audit had been carried out on school-run drivers.  People were subsequently encouraged to walk to school or use public transport rather than using cars.  It was explained that whilst measures such as bollards and lines were in place, a change in behaviour of drivers would be more effective in managing the situation.


·         Tactile paving and pencil-bollards were to be installed outside St Mary’s Fields Primary School.


·         Responding to a request for a 20mph limit sign on Collingham Road it was clarified that Collingham Road was not part of the 20mph Zone, however there was a 30mph limit sign on the entrance coming in from Heyworth Road.


Councillor Corrall suggested parking restrictions on the junction between Haddenham Road and Compton Road.  Action: Robert Bateman to investigate for the next Ward meeting.


Concern was raised about speeding on the dual carriageway section of Narborough Road as drivers were assuming that the limit was more than 30 due to it being a dual carriageway.  Robert Bateman responded that if speed data was collected then signs could be installed if warranted.  He also suggested that temporary vehicle-activated signs can be put in place.  Action: Robert Bateman to arrange a speed camera van visit in the 30mph area of the dual carriageway.


Concern was raised that whilst child-shaped bollards had initially been effective in reducing speeding, they were subsequently often ignored by drivers.  It was feared that a real child might be ignored being assumed to be a bollard.  Action: Robert Bateman to explore option of using pencil bollards instead.



The local City Warden will present information on environmental works within the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward.


City Warden Matthew Davinson gave an update on issues across the Ward.  Including:


·         There had been one complaint of dog fouling on Heyford Road.  City Cleansing were exploring the option of installing a dog-waste bin in the area.


·         There had been 97 complaints of fly-tipping in the area.  Particular attention was drawn to fly-tipping on Lavender Road. 


·         A house on Nuffield Road had been cleared and the contents left on the footpath outside.


·         There had been 7 untidy land complaints in the area.


·         36 complaints had been made through the Love Leicester app, many of which concerned Raymond Road and Compton Road.


·         Building materials left on the highway had been a problem, particularly on Narborough Road from the railway bridge to Imperial Avenue.


·         There were four fly-tipping cases under investigation which were hoped to lead to a fixed-penalty notice.








Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget.


Community Engagement Officer Randeep Singh Mattu gave an update on the Ward Community Budget.  Since the last Ward meeting:


·         11 applications had been received.

·         Applications from the following had been supported:

o   Friends of Western Park.

o   The Brite Centre.

o   Braunstone Children’s Centre.

o   Braunstone and Rowley Fields Councillors.

o   Polish Play and Learn

·         Applications from the following had not been supported:

o   Arty Holiday Club.

o   Western Ward Community Enterprise.

o   Dance Culturise.

o   Crafty Crafts.

·         Applications from the following had been deferred to the next financial year:

o   Rowley Fields Allotment Society.

o   Arty Holiday Club.

·         The entire budget for this financial year had been spent.

·         £18,000 would be available in the budget for the next financial year.

·         Applications for next financial year were welcomed.

·         There would be no carry-over of balance to the next financial year due to the election.


Councillor Corrall explained that Councillors could not make decisions on financial expenditure during the pre-election period.







Concern was raised over the removal of fences and bushes in a residential area on the corner of Narborough Road and Imperial Avenue.  It was claimed that the removal of these fences and bushes had destroyed habitat for local wildlife. It was also a concern that the bushes and fences had previously provided security and the complainant had been a victim of an arson attack which was claimed would not have happened if the bushes were still in place.  It was stated that District Manager Ellen Watts from housing had offered to put fences in, but this had not yet been done.  Action:  Councillors Corrall and Halford to pursue the issue with Ellen Watts and Sally Morris from Housing.


Councillor Corrall announced that this would be his final Ward Community Meeting before stepping down and thanked the residents of the Ward for having allowed him to be a Councillor.


The meeting closed at 6:00pm