Agenda and minutes

Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Community Meeting - Wednesday, 14 August 2019 6:00 pm

Venue: Manor House, Haddenham Road, Leicester, LE3 2BG

Contact: Anita Clarke, Ward and Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6576) (e-mail:  Ed Brown, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 3833) (e-mail:

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations of interest as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Apologies for absence will be noted.


Cllr Singh Johal (in the Chair) led introductions and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.



The Action Log for the last meeting, held on 7 March 2019, is attached for information and discussion.


The Action Log of the meeting held on 7 March 2019 was confirmed as a correct record.




Ward Councillors provided their individual updates on activities in the Ward as follows:


Councillor Halford:


  • The community facilities at The Grove were developing with  ‘Be Inspired’ taking over the day to day running under the Transforming Neighbourhoods initiative. It was noted that various activities were being arranged.


  • A local history group were researching the Winstanley family with the involvement of local schools.


  • A memorial service to the airborne troops had been arranged and publicised, the event would involve speakers including the City Mayor.


  • Increased Anti-social behaviour had been reported, particularly in the Meredith Road area.  The issues were being discussed frequently between the police and other partners.


Councillor Barton:


  • As a new Councillor to the Ward, several community events had been attended to become more familiar with issues in the Ward and to meet organisers.


  • Surgeries had been arranged and it was becoming evident that residents were becoming increasingly disheartened and frustrated by the increased levels of Anti-Social behaviour.  Meetings with Police and other partners had been convened.


  • Consultation on future policies was reported, as the Council’s desire to increase public involvement had been made an election pledge.  Current consultations included the workplace parking levy along with proposals on many other issues.  Residents were encouraged to become involved and the availability and use of social media to make responses was highlighted.


Councillor Singh Johal:


  • A planning application that had been submitted last year for a proposed development on Meredith Road and refused had recently been re-submitted.  That second application had also been rejected and it was noted that a meeting to discuss the objections and to make residents aware of the issues had been important in the process.  It was hoped that those informal residents meetings could continue.


  • An open day at the allotments and a Church event, both on Sunday 18 August were promoted.  Attendance at the events was encouraged.



Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward.


PCSO Rhiannon Green was welcomed and the following key issues affecting the ward and details of Police activities were reported and noted:


  • Increased Police presence and patrols had been arranged, including on Braunstone Park.


  • A focus on tackling vehicle crime had begun due to increased reports.


  • Enhanced liaison and engagement with the Council to consider CCTV footage had been undertaken.  It was considered that this would also assist in reducing the problem of motorbikes being used on Braunstone Park.  The lengthy process in dealing with offenders was noted.


  • A formal Management Plan had been introduced to address issues in Gaddesby Avenue.  A family had been evicted recently and engagement with the Housing Department was ongoing to ensure safeguarding issues were being addressed.  Anti-Social behaviour in and around Webster Road had been reported and further work with the Housing Department to have offenders moved was also ongoing.


  • Use of a WhatsApp group had been noted and although welcomed, the importance of reporting crime using the 111 phone number was emphasised, as this would ensure Police attendance.  It was recognised that the WhatsApp group and use of other social media could potentially highlight the problems experienced and provide an exaggerated view.


In response to questions the following issues were noted:


  • Problems with speeding had been noticed but unless significant numbers of reports were made to the Police, operations such as the use of speed guns would not be prioritised.


  • Inconsiderate cyclists were becoming an increased problem, with some using the pavements or shared space dangerously.  It was noted that many cyclists did not feel safe on the roads and used the pavement regularly.  The use of cycle bells was discussed, as this requirement seemed to have been ignored by modern cyclists.  It was confirmed that the nuisance caused by illegally riding on pavements had not been made a Police priority, though the increased awareness of the problem was noted.


  • The work and increased vehicular activity at Winstanley House had been noted and physical speed restrictions were to be introduced in the shared space, together with traffic bollards to be used from dusk to dawn.


  • Issues with burnt out cars were reported and noted, including an ongoing issue at Cort Crescent.




The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward.


Matt Davinson (City Warden) was welcomed to the meeting.  The following main environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward were noted:


  • There had been an increase in fly-tipping, including a significant number of reports where students had vacated properties.  Large items such as beds and mattresses had been deposited outside houses assuming their collection.  Liaison with local landlords had been increased.  The planning policies to control the occupancy of properties as Houses in Multiple Occupation (HiMOs) was noted.  The working practices of the waste management contractors, including Cleansing Services and Biffa, were reported and reasons for leaving items such as wet/sodden mattresses were also noted.


  • The bins of streets issue was ongoing, with some bins being left on the carriageway outside properties to reserve on-street parking.


  • Reports of dog fouling had increased.  It was considered by residents that this issue should be prioritised and dog-owners re-educated concerning the problem and the potential health dangers.


  • A driveway and pavement contractor had left unlawful signage throughout the Ward, with pallet sized advertising boards, as well as promotional adverts on lampposts and other street furniture.  Enforcement of the fly-posting had begun and was ongoing.


  • A recent initiative to hold an informal patch-walk with Councillors, members of community groups and partner organisations was successful and would be repeated.


  • The use of the ‘One Clean Leicester App’ was encouraged to report incidents and problems.  It was noted that reports involved GPS information to accurately identify locations and the time saving benefits were recognised, as opposed to writing and sending emails with details of problems.  The liaison with the Cleansing Team to remove discarded needles was highlighted in this regard.  Support to known drug users was ongoing but there were difficulties in maintaining proper engagement in any processes suggested.


In response to questions from Councillors, the following issues were to be investigated:


  • The Lambert Road garages had recently had a clean-up but the area was again becoming untidy.  It was noted that the problem extended to an area of Network Rail land adjacent to Wilberforce Road bridge.  It was suggested that a bin be provided to prevent repeated littering of the land.  Problems were also reported with an increase in pigeon droppings in the areas where birds roost under the bridge.


  • It was suggested that an alleyway that had been created at the back of Rowley Fields School extending to the Great Central Railway would benefit from litter/dog bins being located at either end to prevent continuing problems.



Highways officers will give an update on highways issues in the Ward.



Stuart Maxwell (City Transport Manager) was welcomed to the meeting to provide a highways update.


In reference to actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:


  • The viability of further parking restrictions at Haddenham Road was being investigated, it being noted that some restrictions and ‘keep clears’ were already in place.


  • The installation of pencil bollards would be considered at further locations around schools in the ward, as these were now preferred to the previous child-shaped bollards.


  • The issues concerning the speeding on the dualled sections of Narborough Road had been referred to the Police to enforce.


In terms of further updates, the following points were noted:


  • The Road Safety Partnership cameras at Evesham Road had recently been replaced and updated with digital technology, which also monitored ‘speed on green’ as well as the offence of crossing on red.  The data on offences was being gathered.  It was reported that proposals for safety cameras and mobile cameras could be registered for evaluation or enforcement at:


  • Forthcoming roadworks were announced, with a programme of surface dressing treatments and patching works at various locations in the Ward.


  • Bus lanes were being updated with improved lining and signing.


  • ‘Low Bridge’ signs were proposed for the approaches to the railway bridge. 


  • The design and style of speed humps and speed cushions were debated and explained.  It was noted that motorists often ignored speed cushions as they could avoid the restriction by steering between them, maintaining a high speed.  Problems at Cort crescent were raised and it was recognised that many near-miss incidents had occurred but were not reported, as no collision or injury had resulted.  The introduction of 20mph zones to control speeds around schools and parks were noted as measures that could be considered in future programmes.  The possibility of triggering the need for such measures through petitioning the Council was also noted.


  • Responses to the consultation on proposals in the Draft Local Plan were encouraged.


In response to questions and comments, the following points were noted:


  • Recent works on Narborough Road had resulted in road markings being removed but not replaced, with the left-turn arrow to Meredith Road across the bus lane being provided as an example.


  • Recent resurfacing works had caused problems to residents.  It was considered that the works had been carried out at an inappropriate period when the weather was unusually hot.  This excessive heat had led to the tar and chippings being spread into homes.  The complaint was noted. 


The Chair referred to the need to carefully plan the programme and commented on the poor standard of work of some contractors.  The need to properly resurface Dumbleton Avenue was raised in addition as a particular concern.


  • An opposing and contrary view was raised concerning the height and width of speed humps or cushions used to calm traffic. It was suggested by some residents that considerate drivers did reduce their speed for the lower and narrower measures and that increases in height or severity would lead  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget.


The Community Engagement Officer provided an update on the Ward Community Budget.


It was noted that 12 applications had been supported with a total of £11,056 being allocated.  The remaining balance to support other projects was confirmed as £6,944.


A list of the organisations supported to date was read by the Chair.


It was clarified that applications up to £500 could be agreed by Councillors on an ad-hoc basis as they were received, and applications for projects with costs in excess of £500 were deliberated separately and at three periods per annum.  The deadlines for applications were noted as 31 January, 31 May, and 30 September in each year.


Applications for suitable community projects or events were encouraged and advice was available online, or by contacting the Community Engagement Officer.


In conclusion, and as a project update, it was noted that the Rowley Fields Community Association had installed the defibrillator adjacent to the Church. It was suggested that a map showing the location of this and other defibrillators should be created.




a)  LASALS Courses


A prospectus of courses offered by the Leicester Adult Skills and Learning Service was made available to attendees and registration was encouraged.


b)  Future Ward Community Meetings


It was reported that the dates and venues of the Ward Community Meetings had already been arranged for the municipal year and residents and representatives of community groups welcomed this early confirmation.


c)  Ward Councillors


It was noted that the contact details and surgery information for the Ward Councillors was available.





The meeting closed at 7.50pm.