Agenda and minutes

Saffron Community Meeting - Monday, 7 August 2017 6:00 pm

Venue: Aylestone Leisure Centre, 2 Knighton Lane East, Leicester, LE2 6LU

Contact: Laura Burt, Community Engagement Officer, (Tel: 0116 454 1876) (Email:  Angie Smith, Democratic Support Officer, (Tel: (0116) 454 6354), (Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Shelton, Chair for the meeting, welcomed everyone and led the introductions.


No declarations of interest were made.




Apologies were received from Jane Findley.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 361 KB

Attached for information is the Action Log from the last Saffron Ward community meeting.


The Action Log for the previous meeting on 9 March 2017 was confirmed as a correct record.


CITY WARDEN pdf icon PDF 948 KB

The City Warden will give an update on any environmental issues.


The agenda items were heard out of order, and the following item was heard next.


Noel Cazley, City Warden, circulated an information sheet (attached) and provided the following information:


·         Following the previous ward meeting, bins on streets had been an issues in St Andrews with students moving out. Landlords were written to, informing them of their responsibility for properties when students left, which residential waste then became commercial waste;

·         City Wardens would push the use of orange bags with landlords and students in the new academic year, as it was estimated 90% of waste could be recycled;

·         There was an increase in alleyways rubbish, with people not using the bulk collection service. People were responsible for alleyways in their deeds, and enforcement notices would be given out;

·         The Council had undertaken bramble removal, usually in empty homes and poorly-ran properties;

·         There was an increase in businesses using the orange bag recycling scheme. Businesses needed to have their own waste collection arrangements in place;

·         £313 of ward budget had been used to purchase dog bags, split between Aylestone, Braunstone and Saffron wards. Early morning plain clothes patrols were in place to give out penalty notices, and were also planned for late evenings. A request was made for City Wardens to cover Aylestone Meadows as well.


The City Wardens were thanked for their work.



Councillors will provide an update on ward information.


·         The Saffron Fete would be held on 19 August 2017.

·         St Andrew’s Playgroup had reported to the Police issues around drug dealing/usage in the Thirlmere Street Gardens.

·         House infested with rats on Burnmoor Street – the tenant was informed by the Housing Association that nothing more could be done. Councillors would continue to contact them until the problem was solved.

·         A Housing Association for a house on Saffron Lane had failed to take action regarding asbestos in the property. The tenant had contacted Jonathan Ashworth MP, and Councillors regarding the issue. To date there had been no response from the Housing Association following attempts to contact them. Councillors would continue to chase. Ian Craig, Council Housing Officer said that asbestos was only an issue if broken up and fibres exposed.

·         Derelict shops on St Andrews would be demolished by the end of the year.

·         A patchwalk with the Police and Crime Commissioner had taken place. Residents were seen to be using drugs at a block of flats on Cavendish Road – the Police were aware and were monitoring the situation.

·         Councillors had received complaints about the grass not being cut in the area, for example, it was preventing residents from using the outdoor gym.

·         The St Mary’s development was going well. Residents were happy with the contractors.

·         A ward funding bid had been approved for more bollards outside Knighton Fields Road Academy.

·         Councillors had been asked to look at the results of the Youth Services consultation and use of buildings, in reference to the Kingfisher Centre for current and future years.

·         Meetings had taken place with a team of officers at Cavendish Road and Saffron shopping precincts with a view to improving the areas, for example, new signage, parking facilities and short stay bays.

·         Travellers in the area over the summer had now moved on.

·         ‘Soft’ consultation with residents on St Andrews regarding traffic and parking spaces had taken place. Councillors suggested making the consultation more formal with housing and management groups.

·         Marriot Primary School – there was potential for making some of the roads 20mph following consultation with partner agencies and local councillors, and work undertaken by the police. A conversation between all parties was needed.



Information on the Local Plan in relation to Saffron Ward will be presented.


Rachel Mkanza and Paul Statham, Planning Policy, Leicester City Council, delivered a presentation on the new 15 year Leicester Local Plan, and is attached for information.


A discussion took place and the following points were made:

·         The authority had a duty to demonstrate to Government they had doen everything they could to meet housing need;

·         The city had grown significantly over 60 years, and the settlement boundary was now constrained;

·         Surrounding authorities would have to accommodate some of the city’s population growth;

·         Local residents would have an input and opinion on whether areas should stay as they were or be developed, for example, parks;

·         Longstanding highways schemes were being consulted upon as to whether they were still needed or not, for example, the East/West link road.


Residents were encouraged to take part in the consultation process which would run for 14 weeks from 26th July to 31st October 2017. Further details could be found online at



There will be an update on the Council Tax consultation.


This agenda item was deferred to a future meeting.



An update on the safety issues of Knighton Fields Road bridge will be discussed.


Steve Warrington and Graham Seaton (Transport Development Officers) were present. The following information was given:


·         A trial of chicanes would commence 21 August 2017, during the school holiday, then when schools re-opened. Residents were asked to observe the trial. Concerns were raised over how lorries would cope. Results on the trial would be brought back to a future meeting;

·         On 24 July the bridge closed when network rail undertook inspection work, during which street lighting went in and put in some LED strips, but were unable to complete the installation. Lighting would arrange for their own road closure;

·         Work would continue with Network Rail to paint black and yellow markings around the opening of the bridge.



An update will be delivered relating to any Housing issues in Saffron Ward.


Ian Craig, Head of Service, was present and provided the following information:


·         There had been a review of the housing repairs service, which were now undertaken as functions, for example, plastering;

·         14 August 2017 would see the introduction of tenants job satisfaction sign off, which would provide immediate feedback to management;

·         Visits to properties would be made to inspect emergency lighting, fire doors, maintenance of properties, communal areas, etc. There were no known issues regarding cladding on flats;

·         The authority had a ‘Stay Put’ policy, as fire doors would hold off a fire for an hour. Officers were asked to check all residents had been written to with regards to the policy;

·         The emergency timeframe for urgent jobs was now 12 hours;

·         Rails to stop vehicles parking on grass were installed in Neston Gardens.


Councillors asked if external cladding on houses was of a similar type to cladding installed on tower blocks. Information would be sought and provided to Councillors.



Officers from the local Police team will be present to provide an update on police issues in Saffron Ward.


PCSO Jordan Spencer updated the meeting with the following:


·         Additional patrols to combat anti-social behaviour were in place, mainly around the Linwood and Kingfisher Centres. Children had climbed on the roofs and cameras had helped police identify them – parents had been contacted;

·         Residents had pointed out issues with youths on quad bikes / mini motors, and the police were confident of where some of them lived. Warning letters had been sent to addresses and the problem had reduced in the last month or so;

·         Lots of cars were known to be driving on Aylestone Recreation Park, thought to be parents for local football players. A discussion would be held with Parks to try and resolve the issue;

·         The Kicks project was no longer running due to funding. The project had moved to Wigston, and children attending Guthlaxton College had been informed;

·         Beat surgeries had ceased at the Kingfisher Centre, as they were not well attended;

·         Cavendish road residents had raised concern over flats some flats, with issues including drug dealing. It was explained that it was difficult to target individual flats, and police were gathering information;

·         PC Michael Thomas had been tasked with setting up a joint action group (JAG) ( ambulance, council, police, fire) which would consult with residents to find out how the services could help them. One county beat and one city beat would be held. It was work in progress and an invitation would be forwarded to Councillors to attend. JAGs were still ongoing but not all were open to the public.




Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community budget.


It was reported that £12,231 had been spent from the current budget.


The meeting noted that Laura Burt, Community Engagement Officer (CEO) could assist applicant with the completion of online forms. A request was made that evaluation form be returned to the CEO following receipt of ward funding.




The meeting closed at 7.23pm.