Agenda and minutes

Saffron Community Meeting - Monday, 30 October 2017 6:00 pm

Venue: Aylestone Leisure Centre, 2 Knighton Lane East, Leicester, LE2 6LU

Contact: Laura Burt, Community Engagement Officer, (Tel: 0116 454 1876) (Email:  Angie Smith, Democratic Support Officer, (Tel: (0116) 454 6354), (Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Cutkelvin, Chair for the meeting, welcomed everyone and led the introductions.


No declarations of interest were made.




Apologies were received from Noel Cazley (city Warden), Alan and Ann Sturgess.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Attached for information is the Action Log from the last Saffron Ward community meeting.


Action Note 44 – Housing Update – detail had been previously requested on the external cladding on houses, and would be provided under agenda item 6.


The Action Log for the previous meeting on 7 August 2017 was confirmed as a correct record.



Councillors will provide an update on ward information.


·         Councillors had emailed Transport Officer for a meeting to discuss traffic calming on Hughenden Drive;

·         Windley Road bus stop shelter – due to constant vandalism of the shelter, Councillors were seeking information on whether an alternative, unbreakable material can be used;

·         Following speeding traffic on Windley Road / Brookfield Rise, and a recent traffic accident, residents had formed a petition and taken the issue up with Leicester South MP, Jon Ashworth. Councillors would also be meeting with the lead petitioners;

·         A walkabout had taken place with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Lord Willy Back, Jon Ashworth MP, police and councillors in the Saffron Lane area and parts of Aylestone park. Councillors also visited the Saffron Lane area with Council officers to discuss cleaning up shop fronts, with contributions from the shop owners;

·         Councillors thanked Ann Baldwin and May Jones on their work toward the free Kingfisher Christmas event. It was noted that with the rollout of Universal Credit, there would be more parents unable to afford day to day living, and the event would enable their children to see and receive a gift from Santa;

·         Funding was being sought to make permanent the chicane trial at Knighton Fields Road West and East bridge junction, and to reinforce the 20mph zone;

·         Westley developers had cut back greenery at St Mary’s allotment too far, and without informing the Council. A meeting had been held with the developers regarding the development of the green space which had been useful;

·         Two bollards were damaged outside of Knighton Fields Road Primary Academy by a lorry driver. Video footage of the incident was being investigated by the Police and Council. It had demonstrated there was an issue with vehicles near to and outside the school. The bollard was replaced before the school reopened after half term.



Information will be presented on the Flood Plans within the Saffron Ward.


Philip Thompson, Flood Risk Manager, provided the following information:


·         Leicester’s The Integrated Flood Risk Management Strategy, prepared jointly with the Environment Agency, was available for viewing online at  

·         Residents were encouraged to share their views on the Strategy for the whole of Leicester by completing an online questionnaire. Copies of the Strategy and questionnaires were also available at libraries and the Customer Services Centre on Granby Street;

·         The Strategy outlined how flood risk would be tackled in the future. A lot of properties were at risk in Leicester, including some in the Saffron area;

·         The City was split into catchment areas and consultants had drawn up outline proposals and interventions on how to protect the properties;

·         Saffron Brook was classed as a main river with the potential to flood approximately once every 100 years. The Brook was hidden away, and people did not realise there was a risk, but a sudden heavy downpour could raise water levels significantly and increase sewage contamination risk;

·         Leicester City Football Club was in a flood risk zone. There were plans for work on the River Soar which would reduce the risk for the Club;

·         Residents were able to visit the Environment Agency website, and input a post code to see if a property was at risk;

·         A lot of money had been spent in the 1960s to prevent flooding, however, a lot of properties remained at risk due to urban growth;

·         It was planned to improve water storage in Knighton to reduce to flow of water along Saffron Brook. Improved water storage and raised defences at St Mary’s Allotments was also planned;


Councillors noted there was a problem at Saffron Brook with built-up debris. Flood Wardens had reported the debris and the Flood Management Team had dealt with it promptly. Flood Wardens were volunteers signed up to the Environment Agency, and were the eyes and ears to spot issues, contact vulnerable people and provide useful information to the Council.



A housing update will be delivered on local housing matters within the Saffron Ward.


Ellen Watts (District Manager, South) and Daksha Tailor (Neighbourhood Housing Officer) provided the following information:


·         The External Wall Insulation Scheme would commence in the area. Houses affected had been contacted;

·         It was noted the cladding on houses was different to that on Grenfell Tower, in that there was no cavity between the insulation and building, and used a non-combustible base coat render prior to applying a topcoat finish. All systems had been tested and met all necessary fire and building control regulations;

·         Asbestos surveys were currently ongoing on the houses affected;

·         It was not known how many owner occupiers homes were affected, as owners had to pay for the scheme themselves;

·         Before and after photos were circulated with projects undertaken in Neston Gardens, Grace Gardens and Heathcott Road. It was reported that the budget for 2017/18 had been spent, and ideas for next year’s budget were being prepared.


Councillors requested feedback on what had been spent in Saffron Ward. The Officer would supply the information.


The following suggestions for spend in 2018/19 were made:


·         St Andrews cladding and fencing;

·         Enclosed bin space in Neston Gardens


The Officer made reference to plans for Thorpe House, Heathcott Road (24/7 supported housing). It would be separated off to that people did not cut across the front of the property, and improve it visually.


Residents reported brambles and grass that required cutting. The Officer would contact Leicester to Work to see if they could be utilised.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in Saffron Ward.


Apologies were received from the City Warden. A leaflet of recent works was circulated at the meeting (attached for information).



The local Police team will be present to deliver an update on any Policing matters within the Saffron Ward.


CPSOs Jackie Moore and Hannah Fletcher were present, and provided the following information:


·         There were some pockets of anti-social behaviour, with known names. The Police were working with the Council to have warning letters sent, and were collating evidence on those involved;

·         A phone call was received regarding anti-social behaviour and sexual activity in toilets on Saffron Lane. The Police did not want to stop people that legitimately wanted to use the toilets and would continue to observe the toilets. It would be helpful they suggested if the public could record car registration numbers of those engaging in offensive behaviour;

·         Robbery of Asian jewellery in Oadby was reported as an issue, as was theft from motor vehicles, mainly in Knighton;

·         It was reported that there were issues currently on Helmsley Road, with police seizing lots of cars with no tax or insurance.


Councillors asked that Police from Mansfield Street, who covered the St Andrews area be invited to the next Community Meeting. They also stated that if residents had any problems, they could contact Mansfield Street on behalf of residents.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community budget.


It was reported that the balance remaining for 2017/18 was £2,699.


Thanks were given on behalf of Aylestone Park Residents’ Group for the contribution of Ward Community Budget to the Cavendish Road War Memorial. Ndi Igbo Leicestershire also passed on their thanks for funding towards a seaside trip for families.




·         A by-election would take place on 23 November 2017 in Eyres Monsell Ward.

·         Five bags of rubbish had been spotted on Aylestone Recreation Ground – could the City Warden please check to see if it had been removed.




The meeting closed at 7.11pm.