Agenda and minutes

Saffron Community Meeting - Thursday, 10 October 2019 6:00 pm

Venue: Pork Pie Library, Southfields Drive (Pork Pie Island), Leicester, LE2 6QS

Contact: Punum Patel, Community Engagement Officer (Tel: (0116) 454 6575), (Email:  Ed Brown, Democratic Support Officer, (Tel: (0116) 454 3833), (Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


Any apologies for absence will be noted.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Shelton as chair welcomed those present and introductions were made.


There were no declarations.


There were no apologies for absence.



The Action Log of the meeting held on 25 July 2019 is attached for information and discussion.


The action log of the meeting held 25 July 2019 was confirmed as a correct record.


It was reported that the fence damaged in the helicopter crash had now been fixed by Leicester City Football Club.



Councillors will provide an update on ward information.


Councillor Cutkelvin reported on the following:


·         A meeting had been held regarding the Christmas Fete at Kingfisher Youth Centre.  It was reported that more stalls would be welcome.

·         It was reported that the Saffron Lane Velodrome was to be developed.

·         More traffic-calming measures in addition to speed humps would be installed on Brookfield Drive.


With regard to speeding on Brookfield Drive, it was questioned as to whether speed humps deterred speeding as cars had been crashing into gardens.  The need for further measures was emphasised.


Councillor Shelton reported on the following:


·         A leaking drain near the Kingfisher Youth Centre had been fixed following liaison with the Transport Department.

·         A meeting was to be held on 11 October 2019 regarding reports of drug dealing from a council property in the Ward.  It was unsure as to whether dealing was actually taking place or whether it was residents smoking cannabis.  It was hoped that the issue would be resolved at the meeting at which the complainant would be present.


A resident reported a water leak had occurred on Neston Road.   Whilst this had initially been fixed by Severn Trent it was now an issue again as rust-coloured water was flowing down from the car park into the road. Action: Councillor Cutkelvin to report the issue to Severn Trent.



Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in Saffron Ward.


Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Jackie Moore-Freakley of Leicestershire Police reported on the following:


·         Volunteers with a speed gun had been monitoring traffic on The Fairway and Brookfield Rise.  It was reported that further speed restrictions would be put in place.

·         Cannabis had been seized on Marriott Road.

·         Damage had been caused by three children to Saffron Acres including vegetables pulled up, signs smashed, and lids removed from beehives.  PCSO Moore-Freakley reported that she had the names of these children and had spoken to two of them who had admitted causing the damage.  A third child had been identified who was in care.  All of these children attended Marriott Primary School.  Action: PCSO to talk to the third child, their guardian/foster carer, and staff and students at the Marriott School.

·         Stolen vehicles had been seized, including one on Neston Road.  Vehicles without insurance had also been seized.

·         There were currently fewer reports of anti-social behaviour than there had been over the summer.

·         Consultation sessions with the police would be held on 19October 2019 11AM-12Noon at the Church of the Nativity on Cavendish Road and on 23 October 2019 10AM-11AM at Aylestone Leisure Centre.


A resident enquired about getting some purse-bells to avoid her purse being stolen.  Action: PCSO Moore-Freakley to provide purse-bells to resident.


Councillor Cutkelvin updated those present on the Traveller encampment on Aylestone Leisure Centre car park.  A ‘Direction to Leave’ notice had been issued for 11 October 2019 meaning they had until 13 October 2019 to leave.  If they had not left by 13 October a court order would be issued.


Councillor Cutkelvin asked to be informed of any Police issues that could benefit from Councillor involvement.  Action: PCSO Moore-Freakley to inform Councillors of issues that could benefit from their involvement.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in Saffron Ward.


City Warden Noel Cazley gave an update on issues in the Ward including:


·         Cross-border enforcement was being conducted in conjunction with Blaby District Council to tackle issues such as fly-tipping.

·         Court cases were approaching for breaches of Household Duty of Care, such as messy gardens and the use of unauthorised waste carriers.

·         The City Warden had been engaging with letting agents who were not following the Duty of Care.

·         Flyers had been posted around student accommodation in the Ward and were causing litter.  This had been a particular problem as the flyers were blowing around road junctions causing a hazard to road users.  The City Warden had been working to clear this and prevent it happening in future.

·         Five notices for issues such as untidy land had been served on properties in the Ward, and one warrant had been executed on Lansdowne Road.

·         Duty of Care inspections were being carried out on local businesses to ensure that paperwork was in place and that they were using the correct commercial waste receptacles rather than public bins.

·         The City Warden had been enforcing bins on streets and fly-tipping around Filbert Street, Hazel Street, Walnut Street and Brazil Street.  It was reported that the procedure had re-started since September when a new influx of students had moved in.  He reported that the system was working well.

·         The City Warden was being proactive in preventing people going through waste left by students looking for items to sell.


Councillor Cutkelvin reported that a resident had contacted her about a fly-tipping issue.  The City Warden confirmed that he had already contacted the Housing Association on the matter.


A resident reported a fridge dumped on Cavendish Mews.  The City Warden stated that since this was on private land the landowners needed to be contacted.  He further reported that two fixed penalty notices had been issued and the next step would be to prosecute as the landowners were now breaching the Community Protection Notice.  The City Warden acknowledged that the issue of waste on this land had been continuing for four months.


A resident reported bins on the street as well as duvets and bedsheets dumped on the public highway on Aylestone Road.  This City Warden encouraged others to make similar reports as they relied on such reports to tackle such issues.  Action: City Warden to investigate and get waste removed from public highway.  Notice to be served if a specific property is identified.


Councillor Cutkelvin raised the issue of cigarette ends being dropped by staff from Leicester Royal Infirmary on the ground outside the St Andrew’s Estate.   The City Warden suggested adding the hospital to planned enforcement days, but the issue was difficult due to the large numbers of hospital staff involved.   Action: Councillor Cutkelvin to email City Warden on the issue and City Warden to relay on to his team.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community budget.


Community Support Officer Punum Patel provided an update on the Ward Community Budget.


It was reported that since the last Ward meeting three applications had been approved.


·         Pork Pie Library and Community Centre – Macmillan High Tea Event - £150

·         Saffron Neighbourhood Management Board – Community Christmas Event - £2300

·         AFC Andrews – Summer Football Camp - £640


A balance of £8263 remained for the municipal year.


The next deadline for applications would be the end of January 2020.  All applications were to be made online, Community Support Officers would be able to help potential applicants with their applications.




A resident welcomed the cutting back of vegetation on the Mud Dumps which had improved visibility in the area.  The City Warden added that whilst this would mean that litter would now be more visible, it would now be easier to litter-pick.


PCSO Jackie Moore-Freakley enquired as to information regarding the demolition of the old pavilion on Aylestone Recreation Centre.  Councillor Cutkelvin reported that electrical issues had been identified in relation to the building and that no more had been head on the issue since 21 July 2019.  She also reported that the possibility of fencing the building off had been explored, but this would potentially enable people to climb on the building.  Councillor Cutkelvin put PCSO Moore-Freakley in touch with the person responsible for the pavilion.


The Service Delivery Manager of Pork Pie Library reported that the library would be getting an artist in residence, Dave Stickman, who would interact with visitors three days a week over the course of a year, beginning 28 October 2019.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 6.48PM