Venue: St Barnabas Library, 2 French Road, Leicester, LE5 4AH
Contact: Angela Martin, Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6571) (email: Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: 0116 454 6369) (Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES & DECLARATIONS Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Osman, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
Apologies were received from Mike Pears – Team leader, Highways Asset Management and Adrian Edge, Landscape Development Manager who both requested an item on the next meeting’s agenda to give an update.
Percy Thomas, member of the community – sent apologies (following the meeting). |
COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK The North Evington Ward Councillors will provide feedback on the issues they have been dealing with as Councillors for the North Evington Ward. Minutes: North Evington Ward Councillors informed the meeting of issues they had been dealing with in the ward some of which included; clearing waste issues at several locations, housing/ council tax queries and school admission places.
Resident concerns: · Works to brighten some LED street lights and add a new lamp column had been carried out at the junction of Copdale Road and Crownhills Avenue. A resident queried the correct placing of the lighting works. Councillor Khote would contact the lighting officer. · Problems of speeding on Copdale Road. Cllr Khote stated that a petition for cushions to be placed on the road had been circulated in the area. · Councillor Fonseca spoke in regards to Sparrow Park and hopes that following the consultation a children’s play area would be installed. · It was noted that Councillors and MP Keith Vaz were looking to meet with managers of Barclays bank to discuss the closure of the Woodhill branch. It was noted that petitions were available to sign. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Ward. Minutes: PC Dave McCartney presented the following information at the meeting:
· Sparrow Park – a female was now in court following an issue of her dogs attacking other dogs. · ASB concerns in the area near William Hill betting shop were noted. · Councillor Khote requested more visibility of Police near Asfordby Street/ car park area as there were concerns regarding nitrous oxide and needles in the bushes. Police would look into this and also stated that there had been an issue of females begging for money in that same area but they had recently shifted activity near Green Lane Road outside the shops. Police were still looking into this. · Due to a recent spate of burglaries in the ward, Councillor Osman requested PC Dave McCartney to follow up on a move around camera which was said to have been promised by Sergeant Chauhan to be placed on French Street/ St Barnabas Road. PC McCartney informed the meeting of burglary crime prevention measures, these measures were also being informed to local shop owners. · It was noted that the possibility of a Neighbourhood Watch in the area on Copdale Road & Prospect Road would be explored. Following the meeting, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) agreed to take residents contact details and forward to the relevant contacts. · PC McCartney agreed to find information regarding relevant ASB legislation. · Councillor Osman requested street drinking and burglary statistics for the ward at the next meeting. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will provide an update on environmental and enforcement activities in the North Evington Ward and give feedback on the Patch Walk. Minutes: Jethro Swift, City Warden for North Evington gave an update on environmental issues in the ward and feedback from the patch walk.
Several issues identified at the patch walk had been passed to the relevant department and were now complete.
Ongoing issues included: · Private land to the rear of 92-104 Forest Road – a notice was served on the land, meeting held with residents and contact made with the land owner. Jethro was informed that works to clear the site would commence the 1st week of October. A further letter would be sent from City Warden to the land owner informing them of the consequences if the land was not cleared. · Residents made requests for new alley-gates on Halstead Street & Baggrave Street due to fly tipping and ASB in the alleyways. City Wardens were looking into the Baggrave Street gate request. A new gate was approved for Halstead Street and due to be fitted in October 2015, however a resident had contested the proposed gate therefore the planned installation had to be cancelled. This case would now be referred to the legal department and all residents would be informed on the progress. · Issues of litter and rubbish in the Willowbrook storm drain – a request for the entrance to be cleared was sent to the Highways Maintenance department, the City Wardens were awaiting a response. · Fly tipping on Humberstone Road and Mornington Street – The private land belonged to company ‘JCDecaux’ and was their responsibility to maintain. The company had now cleared the rubbish and enquiries were made by the Cleansing Local Area Manager for North Evington to work with JCDecaux to set up regular cleaning schedules. · Nisa Groceries shop located at 131 Bridge Road - Goods such as; metal cages, plastic trays, wooden crates, their commercial bins and more were encroaching on the public highway of Bridge Road/ Green Lane Road which was not permitted. The City Warden had spoken to the shop owner regarding the issues; however no major improvements were made. Jethro was currently in the process of drafting a letter listing the offences which were being committed and the results if the breach continued. · Fly tipping was a general issue across the ward and city wide. The City Warden had been door knocking and speaking to residents in the local area. Information, education or warning letters regarding the matter had also been sent to several residents. Jethro was currently putting in place a project with other City Wardens to educate residents on pigeon feeding.
Comments made by Members: · Councillor Osman requested the City Warden to look into providing language translations for the service. · In regards to Highways matters, Councillor Osman requested the Community Engagement Officer to invite Martin Fletcher from the Highways Team to the next meeting to give an update on traffic and parking issues on Green Lane Road. · It was noted that the Ward Councillors had been working with the City Mayor regarding ‘one way systems’ in the ward. Plans were ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
HOUSING UPDATE Housing Officers will give an update on housing matters in the ward. Minutes: Tracy McAllistair, Team Leader for Housing gave an update on housing works taking place. It was noted that there were currently seven empty Council properties in the ward.
Improvements taking place this year would include: · Beatty Avenue – Renewing part of car park surface (phase 1) was completed in August 2015. Plans to remove the shrubs (phase 1) from in front of garages was due to commence in November 2015. The works would be completed in phases and future phases would be identified in next year’s budget. · Charnwood Estate – Door entry systems were installed. Court yards would be fixed up this year. · Fairfield Walk – The old worn bench would be replaced with a new bench and uneven/ damaged slabs would be replaced with ornate block paving. · Helena Roberts House – A refurbishment outside would be taking place from October onwards i.e. replacing slabs, plants, benches & seats. · Hastings Park – Installation of new gym equipment November 2015. · Lombardy Rise – Block paving the walkway on Redwood Walk. Morton Road flats to be deep cleaned, due to commence November 2015. · Bulbs would be planted throughout the estates.
Comments made by Members and residents: · Councillor Osman stated a person with a disability had a problem with the paving of the ramp at rear of Beatty Avenue. Cllr Osman to email Tracy McAllistair with persons details to follow this up. · An update regarding overgrown trees in the ward was requested. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update will be given on the Ward Community Meeting Budget.
The following applications will be considered at the meeting:
Bid: 1454 Applicant: Northfields Tuesday Indoor Bowls Project Name and Summary: Day trip to the Coast Amount Requested: £500
Bid: 1469 Applicant: St Barnabas Library Project Name and Summary: Peas and Pods – An interactive early year’s session for targeted rising 3 year-olds and their families. Amount Requested: £500
Joint Bid: 5112 Applicant: Mr Eric Hudson/ Leicester Jamaica Community Service Group Project Name & Summary: Christmas dinner event at Moat CC for Elderly African users who attend the Senior Citizens Project Day-care Centre. Amount Requested: £950
Joint Bid: 5116 Applicant: Sikh Community Centre Project Name & Summary: Pass it On event – working with the Blood Cancer Awareness month Amount Requested: £750 Minutes: Angela Martin, the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) presented an update on the Community Meeting Budget.
The following items were considered at the meeting:
1454 – Northfields Tuesday Indoor Bowls – Requested £500 to support a day trip to the Coast – grant of £500 approved in full.
1469 – St Barnabas Library – Requested £500 for ‘Peas and Pods’ – An interactive early year’s session for targeted rising 3 year-olds and their families – grant of £400 approved.
5112 – Mr Eric Hudson/ Leicester Jamaica Community Service Group – Requested £950 to hold a Christmas dinner event at Moat CC for Elderly African users who attend the Senior Citizens Project Day-care Centre – application deferred – further information requested regarding the number of residents attending from North Evington Ward.
5116 – Sikh Community Centre – Requested £750 to support a Pass it On event – working with the Blood Cancer Awareness month – application deferred – the event had already passed. Applicants advised to withdraw application and resubmit.
1532 – Islah Trust Leicester – To publish a colour publication – requested £1,500 – grant of £1,500 approved in full (£1,300 was noted approved at the meeting, following this the amount was approved in full).
1546 – Leicester Hindu Festival Council – Requested £499 to present a diwali celebration stage performance on 11th November 2015 – grant of £499 approved in full. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: The next North Evington Ward Community Meeting will take place on Wednesday 25th November 2015 at 6.30pm – venue to be confirmed. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 7.53pm |