Agenda item


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer, will give an update on current spend on the Community Meeting budgets, and will introduce any applications that have been received.


The following applications have been received and are attached to this agenda:


Application 1 – Act Up Young People’s Theatre Company Application 1 (Application to be joint funded with Eyres Monsell Community Meeting)

Application 2 - Act Up Young People’s Theatre Company Application 2 (Application to be joint funded with Eyres Monsell Community Meeting)

Application 3 - Catch22 Leicester prevention programme – Fit and Active Families

Application 4 - Disability/Mobility Scooter Scheme – Freemen/Eyres Monsell (Application to be joint funded with Eyres Monsell)

Application 5 - Saffron Fete Community Procession

Application 6 – Lancaster Boys’ Choir – outfits

Application 7 – Freemen Fairytales Music, vocal and dance project.


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer, introduced applications for funding that had been received and they were discussed as follows:


Applications 1 and 2 – Act Up Young People’s Theatre Company


Jenny Hoole from the Speakeasy Theatre Company gave a brief explanation of the aims and work of the group, stating that it offered performance opportunities for local young people. Among their activities, they were scheduled to perform at the Special Olympics opening ceremony.


It was noted that the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting had agreed to support half of the requested funding.


AGREED: that the Community Meeting recommends the approval of £1500 from the Ward Community Fund and £915 from the Community Cohesion Fund.


Application 3 – Ministry of Food Project 2


Ali Clements, Co-Ordinator of Fit and Active Families, gave a brief explanation of the Ministry of Food project, which aimed to educate parents how to cook healthily and cheaply, and then pass this knowledge on to two friends.


It was noted that the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting had agreed to support half of the requested funding.


AGREED: that the Community Meeting recommends the approval of £405 from the Community Cohesion Fund.


Application 4 – Mobility Scooter Scheme – Saffron Resource Centre


A brief explanation was given on the scheme and who it aimed to benefit. The scooters would be hired out to people who needed them temporarily or wanted to try them before buying one. Members of the public stated that if the meeting agreed to support the proposal, it should be available for all parts of the ward. This was confirmed.


It was noted that the proposal was also to be considered at a future Eyres Monsell Community Meeting.


AGREED: that the Community Meeting recommends the approval of £2,000 from the Ward Action Plan budget.


Application 5 – Saffron Fete Community Procession

Councillors Shelton and Keeling pointed out that they had an interest in this application, as members of the committee, but that, as there was no personal financial gain, they remained in the meeting.


It was noted that the procession got larger every year and was the main part of the Saffron Fete.


AGREED:  that the Community Meeting recommends approval of £1,500 from the Ward Community Fund.


Application 6 – Lancaster Boys Choir Outfits


Councillor Keeling stated that he would not vote on the matter, as he had submitted the application on the choir’s behalf.

It was noted that the cost was to be split between the Freemen and Knighton Wards.


AGREED: that the Community Meeting recommends approval of £400 from the Community Cohesion Fund.


Application 7 – Move and Groove  music, dance and vocal project


Anand Bhatt from the Fairtyales 18, 72 group gave a brief explanation of the project, stating that a performance was due to take place at the Curve Theatre. The meeting asked that, if funding was allocated, the project should be open to all parts of the ward. This was confirmed. For clarification it was noted that the funding would not be sued for salaries, but would be used to buy in services.


AGREED; that the Community Meeting recommends the approval of £2,950 from the Ward Action Plan.

Supporting documents: