Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The meeting will consider the following applications that have been received:


B1 – Fitness Fusion – request for £227 from Anisha Karolia


B2 – London Day Trip – request for £500 from the Punjabi Charitable Society


B3 – Playscheme in the Park – request for £750 from Build Community Development


B4 – Office Equipment – request for £2,250 from St Peters/Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Association


B5 – Newsletter – request for £533 from St Peters/Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Association


B6 – City Warden publicity – request for £31 from the City Wardens Team


B7 – Multi-Cultural Celebration – request for £855 from Shree Patel Samaj


B8 – Community Project – request for £6,019 from Barbuda Development Initiative


B9 – Cookery/Embroidery/Beauticians Clubs – request for £400 from st Peter’s Women’s Group


B10 – Brogan’s Boxing – request for £5,500 from Mark Brogan


B11 – Colours of Health – request for £4,533 from the Centre for Indian Classical Dance.


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, stated that the following applications had been received.  He also explained that the Councillors had met prior to the meeting to indicate their views on each application.


B1)      Fitness Fusion – request for £680 from Anisha Karolia.

            To pay for boxing equipment for classes aimed at women.



                                    That the application be rejected.


B2)      London Day Trip – request for £500 from the Punjabi Charitable          Society.

            To pay for a day trip to London for elderly and disabled residents living            in Spinney Hills



                                    That the application be rejected.


B3)      Play-scheme in The Park – request for £750 from Build Community   Development.

To pay for a contribution towards an event that brings young people     from different play schemes across the City together.



                        That a sum of £750 be supported from the Ward Action Plan.


B4)      Office Equipment – request for £2,250 from St Peters/Stoughton Street         Tenants and Residents Association

            To pay for a photocopier, carpeting, blinds, office desks and chairs. 



                                    That a sum of £1.500 be supported from the Ward                                              Community Fund.


B5)      Newsletter – request for £533 from St Peters/Stoughton Street             Tenants and Residents Association.

            To pay for the printing of a community newsletter.



                                    That a sum of £533 be supported from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund.


B6)      City Warden Publicity – request for £31 from the City Wardens Team

To pay for publicity of the work of the City Wardens team.  The application was on behalf of the St Peter’s Neighbourhood Scheme.



                                    That a sum of £31 be supported from the Ward Action Plan Fund.


B7)      Multi-Cultural Celebration – request for £855 from Shree Patel Samaj

            To pay for various components as a contribution towards a community            event.



                                    That a sum of £550 be supported from the Community Cohesion Fund.


B8)      Community Project – request for £6,019 from Barbuda Development Initiative

            To pay for a carnival float for the 2010 Caribbean Carnival.



That the application be referred to the Council’s central Community Cohesion fund.


B9)      Cookery/Embroidery/Beauticians Clubs – request for £400 from St                Peter’s Women’s Group

            To pay for various items to start up the cookery, embroidery and           beautician clubs.



                                    That a sum of £400 be supported from the Ward Community Fund.     


B10)    Brogan’s Boxing – request for £5,500 from Mark Brogan.

To pay for various items of boxing equipment, hire of changing facilities, computer equipment, promotional materials and insurance.



                                    That a sum of £1,500 be awarded from the Ward Action Plan with the condition that the insurance be purchased first. 


B11)  Colours of Health – request for £4,533 from the Centre for Indian          Classical Dance.

             This was a joint application for funding from the Castle, Spinney Hills and Stoneygate Community Meetings.  The application was for the provision of 20 dance workshops at 6 different venues across the three wards.  The application also covered costs around publicity, marketing, DVDs, photography, administration costs, the purchase of instruments, performances and hall hire. 



            That the application be rejected, but that the applicant be encouraged to participate in the Play-scheme in the Park.

Supporting documents: