Issue - decisions

Future of the Council's Eight Elderly Person's Homes and Provision of Intermediate Care Facilities

07/10/2013 - Future of the Council's Eight Elderly Person's Homes and Provision of Intermediate Care Facilities

1. To close and sell the Council’s Eight Elderly Persons Homes subject to the phased approach as set out below.

2. To approve the Intermediate Care and Short Term Residential Care Commissioning Strategy (ICSTRCCS)

3. To approve, in accordance with the ICSTRCCS,  the development of Intermediate Care Facilities for 60 beds and to close Brookside Court accordingly.

Phase I

  • Close Elizabeth House, Herrick Lodge and Nuffield House in 2014 and move the residents to other residential care homes.
  • Market for sale Abbey House and Cooper House as going concerns in 2014/15.

Phase II – To proceed, subject to confirmatory Executive decisions, following an evaluation of Phase I and its consideration by the ASC Scrutiny Commission.

  • Close Preston Lodge in 2015/16.
  • Market for sale Arbor House and Thurn Court as going concerns. Procurement expected to commence in 2015/16 with sale anticipated in 2016/17.
  • Close Brookside Court following the opening of new Intermediate Care facilities.

In making these decisions, assurance is given that:

a)     Current residents and their families/carers will be fully supported through all changes, including detailed plans developed carefully with and for every resident moving to another residential home.

b)    The Council will invest in Extra Care housing to increase the number of supported self-contained flats available for older people in the city.  This reflects the increasing demand for this type of accommodation.    

c)     The Council’s quality monitoring of the independent residential homes will be enhanced to ensure the provision of good quality of care and quality standards will be published. This will include raising awareness of the standards and staff training and development.