Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Ed Brown, Senior Governance Officer, Tel: 0116 454 3833. Email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To issue a welcome to those present, and to confirm if there are any apologies for absence. Minutes: The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cllr Halford – Cllr Dr Barton substituted. Apologies were received form Cllr Haq due to Council business – Cllr Porter substituted. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members will be asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they may have had in the business to be discussed. Councillor Dr Barton declared with relation to Item 10 on the agenda, that she had attended presentations from outside bodies regarding the café, however, these were non-decision-making, informal discussions, and she approached the issue with an open mind. Councillor Porter declared with relation to Item 10 on the agenda, that he was a regular visitor to Leicester Museum and Art Gallery (LMAG) and had put forward the call-in.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of the Culture and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission held on 25 April 2024 have been circulated, and Members will be asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: AGREED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Culture and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission held on 25 April 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.
CHAIRS ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair is invited to make any announcements as they see fit. Minutes: None. |
QUESTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND STATEMENTS OF CASE Any questions, representations and statements of case submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures will be reported. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that none had been received. |
PETITIONS Any petitions received in accordance with Council procedures will be reported. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that none had been received. |
MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMISSION 2024/25 The Membership of the Culture and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission is as follows:
Cllr Dawood – Chair Cllr Mohammed – Vice Chair
Cllr Aldred Cllr Halford Cllr Singh Johal Cllr Chauhan Cllr Joshi Cllr Haq
Members of the Commission are asked to note the membership of the Culture and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission 2024/25. Minutes: The Membership of the Commission was confirmed as follows: Cllr Dawood – Chair Cllr Mohammed – Vice Chair Cllr Aldred Cllr Halford Cllr Singh Johal Cllr Chauhan Cllr Joshi Cllr Haq |
DATES OF MEETINGS FOR THE COMMISSION 2024/25 The dates of the Culture and Neighbourhood Scrutiny Commission are as follows:
8 July 2024 22 August 2024 4 November 2024 16 January 2025 27 February 2025 3 April 2025
Members of the Commission are asked to note the dates for 2024/25. Minutes: The dates of the meetings for the Commission were confirmed as follows:
8 July 2024 22 August 2024 4 November 2024 16 January 2025 27 February 2025 3 April 2025 |
The Commission will be asked to note the Terms of Reference. Minutes: The Commission noted the Scrutiny Terms of Reference. |
CALL-IN OF EXECUTIVE DECISION - LEICESTER MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY CAPITAL PROGRAMME The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submits a report to provide an update on the Executive decision taken by the City Mayor on 28 May 2024 relating to continuation of Phase 4 and 5 capital works programme at Leicester Museum and Art Gallery (LMAG).
The Culture and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission is recommended to either:
a) Note the report without further comment or recommendation. (If the report is noted the process continues and the call in will be considered at Council); or
b) Comment on the specific issues raised by the call-in. (If comments are made the process continues and the comments and call in will be considered at Council); or
c) Resolve that the call-in be withdrawn (If the committee wish for there to be no further action on the call-in, then they must actively withdraw it. If withdrawal is agreed the call-in process stops, the call-in will not be considered at Council and the original decision takes immediate affect without amendment).
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Monitoring Officer submitted a report informing the Commission that the Executive decision taken by the City Mayor on 28 May 2024 relating to continuation of Phase 4 and 5 capital works programme at Leicester Museum and Art Gallery (LMAG) had been the subject of a 6 member call-in under the procedures at Rule 12 of Part 4D, City Mayor and Executive Procedure Rules, of the Council’s Constitution.
The Chair clearly outlined the process that he would follow in determining how to resolve the call-in. The Commission was recommended to either:
a) Note the report without further comment or recommendation. (If the report is noted the process continues and the call in will be considered at Council) or
b) Comment on the specific issues raised by the call-in. (If comments are made the process continues and the comments and call in will be considered at Council); or
c) Resolve that the call-in be withdrawn (If the committee wish for there to be no further action on the call-in, then they must actively withdraw it. If withdrawal is agreed the call-in process stops, the call-in will not be considered at Council and the original decision takes immediate affect without amendment).
The Chair invited the proposer of the call-in, Councillor Porter, to the table and allotted them five minutes to make their case. The proposer raised the following points:
The Chair invited the seconder of the call-in, Councillor Joshi (the original seconder, Cllr Osman, could not attend the meeting), to the table and allotted them five minutes to make their case. The seconder suggested that this was not aa priority given the economic issues faced in the city and the suffering it caused citizens.
The Chair invited Assistant City Mayor for Culture, Libraries and Community Centres, Councillor Dempster, to respond and the following points were raised:
INTRODUCTION TO CULTURE AND NEIGHBOURHOODS SCRUTINY COMMISSION Directors will give a presentation providing an overview of the Culture and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission. Additional documents: Minutes: Directors gave a presentation providing an overview of the Culture and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission.
The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment gave a presentation using the slides attached with the agenda pack and noted that reports could be brought at the request of the Commission.
The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services gave a presentation using the slides attached with the agenda pack, he added the following:
The Committee were invited to ask questions and make comments. Key points included:
The Director of Corporate Services introduced himself and noted that his department was relatively new and managed Human Resources, emergency management, customer services, equalities and corporate communications.
AGREED: 1) That the presentation be noted. 2) That comments made by members of this commission to be taken into account by the lead officers.
During the consideration of this item the Chair needed to leave. The Vice-Chair took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. |
The Director of Corporate Services submits a report providing an overview of the advancements and future direction of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Engagement Strategy.
Members of the Commission are recommended to note the report and provide any comments or recommendations to officers. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Corporate Services submitted a report providing an overview of the advancements and future direction of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Engagement Strategy.
The Assistant City Mayor for Communities, Adult Learning introduced the report.
Key points included:
· When the strategy was introduced, there were six pledges. This plan had a number of plans and actions to cover the six pledges. · This was a four-year strategy. · The first priority was to understand how the different departments could deliver as there was a large area of work which needed a clear picture of how much engagement existed between the departments. · The second priority was to engage with the voluntary sector to establish which services were being delivered, what their needs were and how they could become sustainable. · It was desirable to have a clear system in place whereby it should be possible to measure what was being delivered. · There would be quarterly, six-monthly and annual reviews and there would be milestones and measurements along the process. · There would be challenges, but this work would ensure that there was a sustainable VCSE sector in the city. · An event to bring the business sector and voluntary sector together had been interrupted by the general election, but it was hoped that this would take place in August. Members were encouraged to attend.
The Committee were invited to ask questions and make comments. Key points included:
· The financial contribution made by the Council to voluntary organisations was small and covered the two staff in the engagement team and also infrastructure support such as Crowdfund Leicester and other necessary infrastructure support. · These groups made an impact to the lives of people in the city and provided services that the Council could not. Therefore, such groups were important to support. They were very cost effective and do not take a large amount of the budget. · Any money given to the organisations was purely for furthering the objectives of the organisations and was not given to individuals. · Organisations needed initial support in order to be able to access crowdfunding. · In response to a comment about the importance of benefitting smaller grassroots organisations, it was noted that it was hoped to create a service whereby organisations could contact the council directly so that they could be advised and guided in order to help them in terms of their basic infrastructure. · It was recognised that it was important to focus on smaller organisations and it was hoped that Councillors could act as a bridge between organisations in their wards and the Council. · In terms of the budget, members were directed to section 4.4 of the report which explained that the budget was not solely for Crowdfund Leicester. The cost to access Crowdfund Leicester was approximately £19-20k. This was specifically aimed to target people in the civic space. The money was used on different initiatives and money had been raised from communities and businesses to contribute to organisations through Crowdfund Leicester, so it was good that there was ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
Members of the Commission will be asked to consider the work programme and make suggestions for additional items as it considers necessary. Minutes: A Grassland Maintenance Report was added to the workplan to include areas for sports and recreation.
The work programme was noted. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: There being no further items of urgent business, the meeting finished at 19:26. |