Agenda and minutes

Beaumont Leys Community Meeting - Wednesday, 5 December 2012 6:00 pm

Venue: Christ the King Church, Beaumont Leys

Contact: Angie Smith / Jerry Connolly 

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.



that Councillor Dempster be elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Matthew Davinson, City Warden.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillors a were asked to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary or Other Interest they had in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate if Section 106v of the Local Government finance Act 1992 applied to them.


Councillor Westley declared an other interest in Item 5, Welfare Reform, as he had family members who were Council tenants.


In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, the interests was not considered so significant that it was likely to prejudice the respective Councillors’ judgement of the public interest. He was not therefore required to withdraw from the meeting during discussion of the item.



The minutes of the previous Beaumont Leys Community Meeting, held on 5th September 2012, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



Minute 16, Policing Update - the police asked that a spelling amendment be made to paragraph two, line three of the minute, to read '...funding drug habits...'.



that the minutes of the previous Beaumont Leys Community Meeting held on 5th September 2012 be approved as a correct record subject to the amendment being made.


Councillor Dempster announced the sad loss of Mr Leo Bennett from the Astill Lodge Community Association, who died on Saturday 1st December 2012. Mr Bennett had attended Ward Community meetings in the past and would be sorely missed. The meeting was informed the funeral would take place at Gilroes Cemetery on 12th December at 10.30am.



An Officer from Revenues and Benefits will be present to discuss benefit changes with residents.


Suzanne Collins (Property Lettings Manager, Housing) and Mike Watson (Income Collection Manager, Housing) delivered a presentation on government changes to welfare benefits, which is attached to the minutes for information. They reported that working age people would be affected but not pensioners. The content of the presentation covered the following areas:


·         Overview of the charges

·         Which services offered advice

·         What the City Council were doing to help

·         Advice and communication

·         Consultation on the new Council Tax Support scheme


Mike reported from April 2013 changes would be made to the following:


·         Council Tax would be abolished and a local scheme of Council Tax Support introduced. Suzanne said that a saving of 10% off the current spend of £3.1 million would have to be made up by working age people, as pensioners would be protected. Suzanne added that Leicester City Council would need to prioritise vulnerable groups to receive the benefit.

·         There were some exceptions to the changes, which included Working Tax Credit and Disability Living Allowance (moving to Personal Independent Payments).

·         Benefit Income Capping – combined benefits such as jobseekers allowance, housing benefit and council tax benefit would be capped, and would affect working age people.

·         Under occupation (bedroom tax) on housing benefit – would affect households (including pension credit age but not state pension age) where people lived in homes bigger than required, which equated to a 14% reduction for one extra bedroom, and 25% reduction in benefits for more than one extra bedroom. Some protection was in place for foster carers and 24 hour overnight care.


The meeting was informed the City Council had a fund for Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) to assist people in genuine hardship. The payments would be time limited and the DHP policy was due to be reviewed and a new claim route would be developed for welfare assistance. Mike stated the changes to the welfare benefits would result in an additional burden for Local Authorities.


From October 2013, changes would be made to the following:


·         Universal Credit would replace;

o   Income support

o   Job seekers Allowance

o   ESA

o   Housing Benefit

o   Tax Credits

·         It was reported there would be no front-facing service, and claims would be made online, though there would be telephone support, though details were not clear how much support there would be.

·         Benefits would be paid directly to claimants monthly in arrears.

·         Housing Benefit payments would be made to the tenant and not the landlord, though there would be exceptions for people classed as vulnerable. Meeting attendees voiced concern that people would have to budget a large amount of money for the month, and private landlords would be reluctant to house people on Housing Benefit.

·         The Homelessness Review proposed to close hostels which would bring additional pressure to the benefits system. 


Suzanne reported work would continue with the Housing Benefits section to develop an action plan to contact and offer help to customers affected by the benefits cap in April 2013. It was hoped that more RSLs (Registered Social Landlords)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.



An update will be given on recent Police developments and successes.


Sergeant Dave Thompson, Leicestershire Constabulary, introduced himself and provided the meeting with an update on the latest crime statistics for Beaumont Leys Ward.


He reported that a month-long campaign had been held which included 350 bus panels advertising crime prevention tips, with particular focus on burglaries, which tended to increase around the Christmas period.


Advice on the following was included:


·         Do not leave presents on view from a window.

·         Dispose of packaging carefully.

·         Lock doors, garages, sheds and put keys away.

·         Put timers on lights.

·         Report suspicious activity on 999.

·         The police provided ultraviolet pens to postcode items.

·         Residents should check the ID of callers, and should not let them in if they are not expected.

·         Park cars in well-lit areas of car parks.

·         When out and about, keep safe money, keys and phone.

·         Don't drink and drive. Use taxis, order soft drinks or have a nominated driver when out for the evening.

·         Beware when online shopping.  Use a secure payment site.


Sgt. Thompson then provided crime statistics for the Beaumont Leys Ward for the 90 days period up to the date of the meeting.


Burglary dwelling - 11

Burglary other than dwelling (i.e. sheds/garages/businesses) - 8

Theft of a motor vehicle - 11


Sgt. Thompson said the police had a target of 10% crime reduction in the area but still had work to do, and the advice given was to try and prevent people from becoming victims. He added there were no other drastic figures to report but during December the prevention of burglaries would be a priority.


Nick Langton said he had reported bikes on the park in the summer, and one of the culprits had been caught. He thanked the police for their work. Sgt. Thompson said the number of bikes on the park always peaked during the summer period and that work was on-going.


A resident asked who would be at fault, if a person was cycling with no lights and was knocked over. Sgt. Thompson responded that each incident would be investigated.  He added that the police would stop and advise anyone cycling without lights. A resident said the Government should make it compulsory for cyclists to have lights.


Sgt. Thompson informed the meeting the police had a safety shop in Fletcher Mall at Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre which was run by volunteers and Community Support Officers, which offered crime prevention advice and safety items. Jerry Connolly added some of the safety items on offer were free if residents could show they lived in the Beaumont Leys or Abbey Wards.


Terry McGreal, LE4 Action Group, informed the meeting that a long-standing complaint had been dealt with by the police which he thanked them for.


Councillor Dempster reported that the Police & Crime Commissioner (P&CC) had now been voted in, and that a panel, with representatives from the city and county, had been selected to hold the P&CC to account. She added that 3-4 meetings would be held each year and Councillor Westley was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.



The Local City Warden will provide an update for the area.



Matthew Davinson, City Warden was not present at the meeting but had provided the Chair with an update sheet, and the following information was presented:


·         Fly tipping reports were received for Harvest Close, Collett Road, Oronsay Road, Parham Close and Pankhurst Road. No evidence of fly tipping was found and waste, if any, was removed by cleansing services.

·         Dog fouling reported in Astill Lodge Footpath, Barnsdale Road, Martinshaw Close would be incorporated into the City Warden’s normal patrols and monitored accordingly.

·         Nuisance Parking was reported in the Astill Lodge area. There was not enough evidence found to issue a fixed penalty notice but the problem would continue to be monitored, which occured throughout the ward.

·         In October 2012, the City Warden worked with Parks Officer Jenny Jackson, to try and combat the on-going problem of fly tipped garden waste from houses on Maplewell Close onto Asill Lodge Park. Properties which backed onto the park were visited. Residents would be educated on how to get rid of their garden waste responsibly by making them aware of the councils “Bulk Collection Service”. Matthew and Jenny both agreed it was a success as some residents were totally unaware that they were committing a criminal offence and were using the wooded area as a compost heap.


Complaints about dog fouling were raised after a patch walk the Councillors attended in September. To remedy the problem, Matthew organised two enforcement days around the Astill Lodge Footpath and surrounding areas. Altogether 13 fixed penalty notices were issued, 4 of which were for the offence of dog fouling.


Nick Langton reported that he had a meeting with Parks Groundsmen as he wanted to donate a football goal, to be installed at the back of the Police Station. He stated he had consulted with several people but had not had any success. The Chair reported the issue would be raised with Adrian Russell, Director Environmental Services, and asked officers to pursue the issue.



Members will provide an update on patch-walks in the Beaumont Leys.


Councillors informed the meeting that a patchwalk had taken place in the Astill Lodge area with the City Warden. Issues raised were reported in the City Warden's update, but showed the value of the patch walks. The Chair informed residents that if they wanted a patchwalk in their area they should contact the Ward Councillors.


The Chair reported on current issues in the area:


·         Redruth Road - there were parking issues and yellow lines would be introduced following a legal process and established on 13th January 2013 unless there were objections.

·         Heathley Park estate main road - yellow lines were introduced to the road two years ago which residents wanted extending.

·         Gipsy and Traveller sites - issues had been raised with the City Mayor previously, and a decision would be made by the City Mayor in the near future. A resident enquired as to why the decision had taken so long to make. The Chair responded the consultation period had been extended, and had prompted a huge response. She added that in law, when a councillor or the City Mayor took a decision, they had to look at all of the evidence to make a considered judgement, and that other options had arisen from the consultation. The meeting was informed that the site at Ratby Lane had also been considered, and the City Mayor wanted the views of all local residents.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following budget applications will be considered:-


Application 1


Applicant:      Beaumont Town FC


Amount:         £1,500


Proposal:       Midlands Rainbows Tournament


Summary:     The remaining balance of £1,500 as the organisation could not secure additional funding from other organisations.



Application 2


Applicant:      Healthy Living Centre


Amount:         £500.00

(Abbey have agreed £500)


Proposal:       Food parcel scheme


Summary:     To replenish the food parcel supplies as demand has increased.



Application 3


Applicant:      Stocking Farm Pre-School


Amount:         £500.00

(Abbey have agreed £500)


Proposal:       Community / Playgroup Gardens


Summary:     To utilise a piece of waste land and turn it into a play area for pre-school children and a sensory / quiet area for the whole community.



Application 4


Applicant:      Leicester City Ladies FC


Amount:         £1,750.00


Proposal:       Girls (and boys) Football in the Community


Summary:     To organise a tournament at the end of the season to promote the club and attract more kids into football.



Application 5


Applicant:      Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire


Amount:         £762.82


Proposal:       Castle Hill Country Park Leicestershire Heritage Apple Orchard Project


Summary:     To create a community orchard of local heritage importance, and to train people to be able to plant and grant the orchard.



Application 6


Applicant:      Paul Southwood


Amount:         £200.00


Proposal:       Noticeboard


Summary:     For use by Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Constabulary.



Application 7


Applicant:      NDI IGBO Leicestershire (Nigerian Community Association)


Amount:         £225.00


Proposal:       Christmas Gala Night / Get together


Summary:     The Gala Night will be held on December 15 2012 at the Afro Caribbean Centre, for social interaction between members of the Nigerian, Black and Ethnic Minority communities.


A budget information sheet is attached to the agenda for information.




Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer, introduced the budget requests that had been submitted. It was reported that there was £10,296 remaining in the budget, and bids had been submitted to the value of £13,232. There was then a short recess whilst the Ward Councillors reached their decision on each application.


Application 1 – Beaumont Town FC - Midlands Rainbows Tournament


The application was for £1,500, which was the remaining balance of a funding application, as the organisation could not secure additional funding from other organisations.


The applicant stated he had passed 3,000 leaflets around schools regarding the tournament, but had been unable to find additional funding by the summer.



that the application be supported and £1,000 be allocated.


Application 2 – Healthy Living Centre – Food Parcel Scheme


The application was for £500.00 (match funding with Abbey Ward who had agreed £500), to replenish the food parcel supplies as demand had increased.


Councillor Westley stated the organisation had to ensure the scheme was benefiting the residents in the Abbey and Beaumont Leys Wards.



that the application be supported and £250 be allocated.


Application 3 – Stocking Farm Pre-School – Community / Playgroup Gardens


The application was for £500.00 (joint bid with Abbey Ward who had agreed £500), to utilise a piece of waste land and turn it into a play area for pre-school children and a sensory / quiet area for the whole community.


Members requested further information on the project.



that the application be supported in principle, but the organisation be contacted for further information.


Application 4 – Leicester City Ladies FC – Girls (and boys) Football in the Community


The application was for £1,750.00 (joint bid with Abbey Ward also asked for £1,750), to organise a tournament at the end of the season to promote the club and attract more children into football.


It was reported that 10 children from Beaumont Leys were in the Football Club. The Club also wanted to eventually own their own piece of land.



that the application be supported and £1,200 be allocated.


Application 5 – Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire – Castle Hill Country Park Leicestershire Heritage Apple Orchard Project


The application was for £762.82 (approximately 50% of the total project cost), to create a community orchard of local heritage importance, and to train people to be able to plant and grant the orchard.



that the application be supported and £350 be allocated.


Application 6 – Paul Southwood – Noticeboard


The application was for £200.00 (50%), for a noticeboard for use by Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Constabulary. £200 had previously been contributed by Leicestershire Constabulary towards to cost of the noticeboard.



that the application be supported in full and £200 be allocated.


Application 7 – NDI IGBO Leicestershire (Nigerian Community Association) – Christmas Gala Night / Get together


The application was for £225.00 for a Gala Night to be held on December 15 2012 at the Afro Caribbean Centre, for social interaction between members of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.




The meeting closed at 8.43pm.