Agenda and minutes

Spinney Hills Community Meeting - Monday, 28 June 2010 6:00 pm

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.



                        That Councillor Dawood be elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Aqbany.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the previous Spinney Hills Community Meeting, held on 1 March 2010 are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



The minutes of the previous Spinney Hills Community Meeting, held on 1 March 2010 were approved as a correct record. 



Offices from the Access, Inclusion and Participation Division, Leicester City Council, will be present to provide an update on Integrated Services Hubs and respond to queries raised on the matter at the previous meeting.


David Thrussell, Interim Director, Access, Inclusion and Participation Division, Leicester City Council was in attendance to provide an update on Integrated Services Hubs (ISH).


David explained that the main objective of ISH was to bring together co-located services.  In terms of the Spinney Hills and Highfields areas, it was reported that Moat Community College was to serve as the Hub and that the Mayfield Centre had been identified as a spoke.  He stated that extensive consultation had been carried out in relation to the hub and spoke model prior to its implementation.  It was pointed out that the Central Government had indicated its support for this model.  The meeting heard that the overall programme for the city would see the use of both existing and new buildings. 


The meeting heard that a planning event for the co-location of services from 0-12 year olds in Spinney Hills and Highfields was to take place on Thursday 8 July at the Highfields Centre.


In terms of engaging local neighbourhoods with the process, it was noted that a number of advisory boards had been established.  David also stated that officers remained committed to the existing time-table which would see the capital programme completed by August 2011, subject to the release of funding. 


The decision around the location of the hub and spoke for the area was questioned.  David responded by confirming that the model was agreed following a wide consultation in 2008.  He stressed the need for a flexible model in order for local needs to be incorporated.  There was also a requirement for substantial further planning, and this was the role of local advisory boards.  He also made it clear that local models needed to be seen as a starting point and that this could be significantly different over time.  Furthermore, it was noted that a consultation took place that gathered the views of local young people as well as the Young People’s Council.


In response to an additional query, it was confirmed that the composition of the advisory board was one third representation from the public sector, one third from the voluntary sector and one third young people from local schools.






Officers from the Regeneration, Transport and Highways division, Leicester City Council, will be present to provide an update on highways and transportation issues in the Spinney Hills Ward, including issues relating to Gwendolen Road.


Andy Thomas, Head of City Development, was in attendance to provide an update on the highways issues in relation to Gwendolen Road.


Andy confirmed that during the information fair section of the meeting, he had discussed concerns from residents who lived in the Gwendolen road area.


Further to the earlier discussions, Andy stated that discussions with the Police were ongoing with regard to alleviating concerns with parking at the top of Gwendolen Road, close to the general Hospital.  A number of short-term measures had been identified, but Andy stated that the long-term question was whether or not there should be a residents parking scheme in the locality.  If such a scheme was to be implemented, then the support of the majority of residents affected by it would be required. 


In terms of the shorter term measures, Andy reported that parking enforcement on the streets surrounding Gwendolen Road would increase in the near future.  As the problems with hospital parking had not eased, Andy was to meet with the Hospital’s Director of Premises.  He felt that solution for this would be comprehensive, and should consist of installing some new restrictions as well as removing some existing ones. 


Several Members of the Public explained that it was difficult for them to park on Dorothy Road and Margaret Road as many people who accessed the hall and the gym parked on these roads, which left fewer spaces for residents.  On hearing this, Andy agreed to increase enforcement on these roads during the late evening period.  Residents acknowledged that it would not be beneficial to remove yellow lines from these roads altogether. 


In terms of constructing a scheme, Andy explained that residents from several streets would be advised to jointly request a residents parking scheme, as officers considered setting up schemes for blocks of streets.  Once this stage had been reached, all residents potentially affected would be surveyed.  He stressed that this stage was crucial as officers did not desire to impose a scheme in an area where the majority of residents felt that it was not required.


A question was asked around whether the consultation could commence immediately.  In response, Andy confirmed that this could not be undertaken until it was clear that officers had attempted to curtail enforcement problems.  A view would then be taken after increased enforcement had taken place.



Officer Identified


That parking enforcement patrols increase on the roads surrounding Gwendolen road

Andy Thomas






The new City Warden for the Spinney Hills Ward will be present to introduce themselves to the community meeting.  There will also be an update on the work that has taken place within the ward, particularly in relation to the ‘One Clean Leicester’ and graffiti removal programmes.


Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Manager, was present to provide an update on the work that had taken place within the ward, particularly in relation to the ‘One Clean Leicester’ and graffiti removal programmes.  She also introduced Yagnesh Antunes as the new Spinney Hills Warden.


Barbara reported that a number of successful community litter-picks had recently taken place within Spinney Hills and that more were scheduled to take place. 


Residents were reminded that the Council offered a free bulk waste collection for up to five bulky items over a three month period, and that this was free of charge.  She encouraged those present to inform others of the service. 


The meeting also heard that a new anti-graffiti campaign had recently been launched.  The City Wardens carried small graffiti removal packs and these were used to clean smooth surfaces.  An officer from the Graffiti Team was present and encouraged residents to obtain such a removal pack from the City Council.  He also explained that graffiti on non-smooth surfaces or particularly large pieces of graffiti were needed to be removed by the Graffiti Team.  It was further stated that any graffiti of a political, racial or obscene nature would be removed within 24 hours.  All other graffiti would be removed within 21 days. 


In response to a question from a member of the public, it was confirmed that trading standards were currently dealing with the problem of the illegal sales of vehicles on streets. Barbara reported that the City Wardens team had provided trading standards with information for them to investigate. 


In response to a question around advertising, Barbara confirmed that the City Wardens service was advertised on the Council website and the Police’s website, as well as at schools, on the radio and in the Leicester Mercury and Leicester Link magazine. 


The Warden was advised that there was a problem with litter being mass dumped late at night on Barnard Close where the lighting was said to be of a poor standard. Barbara encouraged such incidents to be reported to the City Wardens team by ringing 0116 2527000, who would in turn visit the reported site.  With cases such as the one identified, Barbara explained that CCTV was often used to identify offenders, and that a close working relationship with the relevant waste contractors had been established. 


In response to a further query in relation to the dropping of litter from take-away restaurants, Barbara alerted the meeting to the fact that the City Wardens team were able to issue litter control notices which instructed license holders to clear away any rubbish from their restaurant within 100 metres of their premises.  Councillor Dawood thanked Barbara for raising this point but also stated that the individual should also take responsibility for disposing of their own litter properly.




BUDGET pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The meeting will consider the following applications that have been received:


B1 – Fitness Fusion – request for £227 from Anisha Karolia


B2 – London Day Trip – request for £500 from the Punjabi Charitable Society


B3 – Playscheme in the Park – request for £750 from Build Community Development


B4 – Office Equipment – request for £2,250 from St Peters/Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Association


B5 – Newsletter – request for £533 from St Peters/Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Association


B6 – City Warden publicity – request for £31 from the City Wardens Team


B7 – Multi-Cultural Celebration – request for £855 from Shree Patel Samaj


B8 – Community Project – request for £6,019 from Barbuda Development Initiative


B9 – Cookery/Embroidery/Beauticians Clubs – request for £400 from st Peter’s Women’s Group


B10 – Brogan’s Boxing – request for £5,500 from Mark Brogan


B11 – Colours of Health – request for £4,533 from the Centre for Indian Classical Dance.

Additional documents:


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, stated that the following applications had been received.  He also explained that the Councillors had met prior to the meeting to indicate their views on each application.


B1)      Fitness Fusion – request for £680 from Anisha Karolia.

            To pay for boxing equipment for classes aimed at women.



                                    That the application be rejected.


B2)      London Day Trip – request for £500 from the Punjabi Charitable          Society.

            To pay for a day trip to London for elderly and disabled residents living            in Spinney Hills



                                    That the application be rejected.


B3)      Play-scheme in The Park – request for £750 from Build Community   Development.

To pay for a contribution towards an event that brings young people     from different play schemes across the City together.



                        That a sum of £750 be supported from the Ward Action Plan.


B4)      Office Equipment – request for £2,250 from St Peters/Stoughton Street         Tenants and Residents Association

            To pay for a photocopier, carpeting, blinds, office desks and chairs. 



                                    That a sum of £1.500 be supported from the Ward                                              Community Fund.


B5)      Newsletter – request for £533 from St Peters/Stoughton Street             Tenants and Residents Association.

            To pay for the printing of a community newsletter.



                                    That a sum of £533 be supported from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund.


B6)      City Warden Publicity – request for £31 from the City Wardens Team

To pay for publicity of the work of the City Wardens team.  The application was on behalf of the St Peter’s Neighbourhood Scheme.



                                    That a sum of £31 be supported from the Ward Action Plan Fund.


B7)      Multi-Cultural Celebration – request for £855 from Shree Patel Samaj

            To pay for various components as a contribution towards a community            event.



                                    That a sum of £550 be supported from the Community Cohesion Fund.


B8)      Community Project – request for £6,019 from Barbuda Development Initiative

            To pay for a carnival float for the 2010 Caribbean Carnival.



That the application be referred to the Council’s central Community Cohesion fund.


B9)      Cookery/Embroidery/Beauticians Clubs – request for £400 from St                Peter’s Women’s Group

            To pay for various items to start up the cookery, embroidery and           beautician clubs.



                                    That a sum of £400 be supported from the Ward Community Fund.     


B10)    Brogan’s Boxing – request for £5,500 from Mark Brogan.

To pay for various items of boxing equipment, hire of changing facilities, computer equipment, promotional materials and insurance.



                                    That a sum of £1,500 be awarded from the Ward Action Plan with the condition that the insurance be purchased first. 


B11)  Colours of Health – request for £4,533 from the Centre for Indian          Classical Dance.

             This was a joint application for funding from the Castle, Spinney Hills and Stoneygate Community Meetings.  The application was for the provision of 20 dance workshops at 6 different venues across the three wards.  The application also covered costs around publicity, marketing, DVDs, photography, administration costs, the purchase of instruments, performances and hall hire. 



            That the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



There will be Spinney Hills Community Meetings on the following dates:


Monday 4 October 2010

Monday 17 January 2011

Monday 4 April 2011


It was confirmed that future Spinney Hills Community Meetings would take place on the following dates:


Monday 4 October 2010

Monday 17 January 2011

Monday 4 April 2011


All meetings to commence at 6:00pm.




The Chair agreed to accept the following items of urgent business:


The Hear Now Project

Sonia Sarpal, Development Officer from Action Deafness gave a presentation on the Hear Now Project.  It was explained that the project particularly targeted members of the BME community as research had shown that 4.69% of children born to Asian families had hearing problems compared to 1.38% in non-Asian families. 


Sonia stated that the project had been funded by the Big Lottery for three years, and that it was the first of it’s kind in Leicester.  The aims of the project were to raise awareness of the needs of BME deaf people.  It sought to identify and asses the needs of deaf people.  Workshops were delivered which were tailored towards particular individual needs, and that the project was also able to offer free sign language classes and deaf awareness training.  


In response to an issue raised by a Councillor, Sonai confirmed that many deaf children had been identified by schools, but that this occasionally was not the case and that these children relied on other organisations to identify their needs. 


Sponsored Walk

The Chair announced that Ansaar were hosting a sponsored walk on 29 july between 11am and 3pm.




The meeting closed at 8:05pm