Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Monday, 14 March 2011 6:00 pm

Venue: St. Phillips Church, Evington Road, Leicester.

No. Item



Councillor Gill will be chairing the meeting.


Councillor Gill chaired the meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillor Suleman and Lee Johnston (Probation Service).



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillors were asked to declare any interest they might have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act applied to them.


No declarations of interest were made at this time.



The minutes of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting, held on 24th January 2011, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



The minutes of the meting of the Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 24th January 2011, as previously circulated, were approved as a correct record.




The Square Residents Group – Budget Application

With the permission of the Chair discussion took place on the budget application relating to The Square Residents Group. It was stated that the main entrance to the development was via existing gates, but due to ASB issues it was hoped to gain funding to secure the gates to prevent unauthorised access.


The Community Meeting were supportive of the application.



 The Community Meeting to be informed of the process around the collection of information for the 2011 Census. Census forms will be sent out from 3rd March 2011 and it is anticipated that every household in Leicester should have received a Census form by 27th March.


Khudeja Amer-Sharif, representing the Census Office, attended the meeting and stated that the next Census was due on 27th March 2011.


Khudeja stated that the completion rate in Leicester in 2001 was only about 90% whereas the East Midlands average had been 94%. In an effort to try and improve the completion rate a number of completion events had been arranged across the area to assist people in completing the Census forms. Serious efforts were being made to ensure that all hard to reach groups were engaged this time. Some 56 separate languages were covered by way of explanatory leaflets or by the use of interpreters to assist the completion process. It was stated that a fine of £1,000 applied where a refusal to complete the Census form was encountered.


Khudeja stated that the information obtained from the Census was de-personalised upon receipt by the Census Office based in Manchester and before the information was broken down further. It was stated that the Government used the population totals to calculate funding allocations to Local Authorities so it was important for everybody to complete the forms. All of the non-personal information gathered was analysed and then publicly released in stages.


It was the responsibility of the householder to ensure that the form was completed and that all people residing in their property on 27th March were added to the form, including guests.


Some 24 million forms had been printed and were in the process of being delivered to every household in the country. It was also possible to complete the Census Form on line. It was stated that the forms would be delivered over a period of some 2 weeks.


A member of the public questioned what the position was regarding illegal immigrants. Khudeja stated that undercover teams were working with agencies and within communities to try and ensure that those people who filled in the forms were eligible.


A member of the public questioned what assurances could be given that the personal information gathered would not be used for marketing purposes. Khudeja stated that the release of information for these purposes would be illegal and the Census Office would be liable to prosecution.


In conclusion Khudeja stated that information was available on the Census website .



                        that the information be noted.



A representative from Electoral Services, Leicester City Council, will be attending the meeting to outline the process to be followed at the forthcoming combined Referendum and City Council/Elected Mayor elections on 5th May 2011.


Alison Scott, Electoral Services Manager attended the meeting and outlined the arrangements for the forthcoming elections on 5th May 2011.


Alison stated that the following would apply at all Polling Stations in Stoneygate:-


  • City Council Election – to elect 3 Councillors
  • Elected Mayor – 1st and 2nd choice of candidates
  • AV Referendum – nationwide referendum to opt for the retention of the existing ‘first past the post’ national voting system, or to choose an ‘alternative vote’ system


It was also possible that there would be the following as well: -


  • Leicester South Parliamentary By-Election – to elect a new M.P. to serve Leicester South. The former M. P., Sir Peter Soulsby has resigned and the By-Election to fill the vacancy might also take place on 5th May.


Within Stoneygate Ward there would be 7 Polling Stations within 5 buildings, this increased number had been implemented at the instigation of the Electoral Commission who were responding to the problems caused by excessive queues outside some Polling Stations at the Parliamentary Elections in 2010. Poll cards would be issued after 24th March and applications to vote by post had to be received by the City Council by 14th April.


The period for nominations opened on 25th March and the candidates would be known by 5th April. The City Council would be producing a booklet covering the Mayoral Elections and this would contain descriptions of each mayoral candidate and the booklet would be despatched around 15th April.


Electors were urged to check whether they were registered to vote and, if they had recently moved, to register at their new address by 14th April.



                        that the information be noted.



A representative from the Leicester Probation Service will be attending the meeting to outline the aims and the scope of the Community Pay Back scheme.


This item was not discussed as apologies were received from the representative from the Leicester Probation Service.



To re-visit the previously agreed Ward Action Plan and identify achievements made during the year 2010/2011.


It was reported that at the inception of Ward Community Meetings in the Autumn of 2008 the residents identified the following issues in Stoneygate: -


i)          Cleanliness of the Ward and general environmental issues.

            What was the problem?

There had been many complaints and comments about the cleanliness of the ward, e.g. litter particularly from takeaways on Evington Road, more bins, general street cleaning etc; this impacted on safety as well as hygiene and general tidiness.


What has been done about it?

The City Council had introduced a CityWardens Service with dedicated wardens for each ward in the City, including Stoneygate. Aim of the service was to improve the quality of the local environment and to engage with local residents to provide a visible and approachable ‘on the street’ point of contact.


ACTIONS TAKEN had included:

·        Fines issued for dropping litter, cigarette ends, chewing gum etc.

·        Stoneygate CM approved funding to support flower bulb planting in the Upper Tichborne Street area

·        Removal of overflowing skips

·        Removal of trade waste bins from the pavement

·        Action to ensure trade waste was going to licensed waste carriers

·        Ongoing programme of visits to traders on Evington Road

·        Letters to residents in Cromer Street regarding bins left on the street

·        Increased waste collections in the Evington Road area to deal with seasonal increases in street activity in the area.


The City Warden gave a further update on work undertaken in the area and stated that the main problems centred around littering on Evington Road, due to the nature of the road and its fast food economy. Joint patrols had been undertaken with thePolice to raise awareness and take enforcement action against those who committed littering. During early April 2011 a targeted enforcement day was carried out on Evington Road, St. Stephens Road and Upper Tichborne Street.


ii)         Traffic

            What was the problem?

            Traffic congestion, speeding and inappropriate parking.

Issues relating to 20mph zones, vehicle activated signs, bollards scheme around Evington Road shops, Stavely Road traffic calming (one way only) scheme.

Residents parking scheme around Churchill Road. Traffic issues on Wakerley Road and St. Phillips Church area.


Many of the road surfaces badly worn, particularly after the winter weather in 2010.


What has been done about it?

August 2010 – Director of Regeneration and Transport attended the Community Meeting to provide a detailed presentation on road repairs planned for the Stoneygate Ward.


The City Council was taking all necessary measures to reduce speed and accidents in the City. The only way to control vehicle speeds in the area would be the introduction of traffic calming. Unfortunately the number of requests for traffic calming far outstripped the amount of funding available to introduce such measures. In 1993 the City Council set priorities for traffic calming using accident recorded per kilometre. This has enabled limited resources to be targeted to those areas where it will have most benefit.


ACTIONS TAKEN had included:

·        January 2011 – 43 ‘H’ markings (white line outside driveways) had been put in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.


BUDGET pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel to provide an update on the Community Meeting Budget and report on applications received since the last meeting.




Anita Patel, Members Support Officer introduced the funding applications that had been received since the last meeting and Members gave them consideration as follows.


It was reported that, as the meeting was not quorate, i.e. only one Ward Councillor out of three being present, any decisions taken regarding the budget would require the other two Ward Councillors to be contacted for their views before the applications could be processed. The Chair suggested that a meeting would be arranged to enable the 3 Ward Councillors to meet and detrmine the applications submitted.


Applications deferred from the last meeting


i)          Basketball tasters                                                              1100  

An application from Karl Brown/Warriors Basketball to stage basketball taster sessions in the area            for young people aged between 6 and 16. The application was supported subject to further information being obtained as to the users targeted, to be funded from the Ward Community Cohesion Fund.


ii)         All weather pitch                                                                 15000

            Application from Medway Community Primary School to part fund the provision of an all weather pitch at Medway Community Primary      School. The application was supported in principle and to be subject   to funding available within the Ward Action Plan Budget.   


Applications received since the last meeting


iii)        Evington Mosque Shrub Border                                    2356

            Regeneration Project

An application from Azhad Beheno to purchase tools and cover initial landscaping of the shrub border outside the mosque and to set up a group of worshipers to provide ongoing maintenance of the site. The funding to be from the Ward Community Fund.


It was agreed that this application be deferred to a future meeting.


iv)        One Community One Leicester                                      3350

An application from Khidmah Organisation to stage two community based leisure, arts, sports and social activity days in June 2011 at Crown Hills Community College. The events were to be targeted at infants through to the elderly from Stoneygate and neighbouring wards.


A representative from the Khidmah Organisation (the applicant) was present at the meeting and was asked whether funding had been sought from other Community Meetings. The applicant responded by stating that, due to time constraints, no other funding had been sought. The funding to be from the Ward Action Plan Budget.

The view expressed at the meeting was that support be given in principle but that 50% funding be sought by the applicant from Spinney Hills Community Meeting.


v)         Clear Ups and Security provision                                 500

An application from ‘The Square Residents Group’ to help prevent criminal activities and to clean up the environment in the vicinity of ‘The Square’ (bounded by Stoughton Drive North, St. Philips Road, Evington Lane and Roundhill Road). A representative from the group was present at the meeting and stated that there were a number of Anti-Social behaviour issues in the area and it was hoped that part of the funding could be utilised to secure effectively the existing gates to the community.


The view expressed at the meeting was to fully support the application.



In concluding it was stated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.




i)          Square Residents Group

A member of the public stated that he was seeking support to oppose a planning application relating to a property at this development.


The Chair stated that the Community Meeting was not able to offer such support and the Ward Councillors would consider information available on the day when the application was considered.


ii)         Last Community Meeting of current Municipal Year

The Chair stated that this was the last Stoneygate Community Meeting of the current municipal year, and the last during his current term of office. The Chair thanked the Community Partners present for their support and stated that he hoped to return after the City Council Elections.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.25 pm.