Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Tuesday, 20 September 2011 6:00 pm

No. Item



Councillor Kamal will Chair the meeting.


Councillor Kamal was elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillor Desai and Revd. Alison Fuller.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



No declarations were made at this time.



The minutes of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting, held on 23rd June 2011, have been circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.




that the minutes of the meeting of the Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 23rd June 2011, as previously circulated, be approved as a correct record.



An officer representing the City Council Library service will be attending the meeting to outline benefits available to the holders of a Leicester Libraries Card and to discuss the future provision of library facilities.


Michael Lewis, Senior Manager (Central Libraries) attended the meeting and gave a brief outline of library facilities across the City and of the services available, including, books, CD’s and ‘e’ books.


It was reported that Libraries and Children’s Centres were at the head of local communities and Stoneygate was served by 3 Libraries and 3 Children’s Centres as follows: -


            Highfields Library                Highfields Children’s Centre

            Evington Library                   North Evington Children’s Centre           

            Knighton Library                  Mayfield Children’s Centre.


It was pointed out by a member of the public that none of the facilities referred to, apart from Mayfield Centre, were actually located in Stoneygate Ward and it was questioned whether Mayfield could be expanded to take on a limited library facility. Michael stated that the Library Service were looking to expand facilities available and that this suggestion would be considered.


Officers were then asked whether the routes operated by the City Council Book Bus service had been reviewed recently, with a view to it visiting the Stoneygate area. Michael stated that the Book Bus service was mainly targeted at the outlying areas of the City and offered services to children to encourage them to learn to read. It was stated that, should the Book Bus be offered in the Stoneygate area there was a potential demand for the facilities offered.


Members of the public present were reminded that, by being the holder of a City Council Library Card, gave certain discounts at a limited range of facilities, although the range of discounts available was in the process of being expanded.


A member of the public questioned why charges were imposed for the late return of books, and was this a money generating scheme. Michael stated that the charges were intended purely as a deterrent to prevent the late return of materials borrowed and was not intended as a generator of money.


Michael concluded by stating that he would be feeding back the issues raised at the meeting to his managers at his next feedback meeting on Friday 23rd September. Feedback from the Library Service would be provided.




Officers representing Waste Management will be present at the meeting to outline the rollout of the new Orange Bag Recycling Scheme across the City during October, replacing the previous Green Box Scheme.


Officers, representing the Waste Management service attended the meeting to outline the implementation of the new Orange Bag recycling scheme that was to be rolled out across the City during October 2011.


It was stated that the scheme would be replacing the current Green Box scheme and would enable householders to recycle a much wider range of materials than at present, to include the following items: -


            Plastic Bottles                                   Wrapping Paper

            Plastic food containers                   Greetings Cards

            Plastic film                                        Telephone Directories

            Carrier bags                                      Cereal boxes

            Newspapers                                      Cardboard

Magazines                                        Food tins

Paper                                                 Drinks cans

Catalogues                                       Foil trays

Junk Mail                                           Empty aerosols

Envelopes                                         Glass Bottles.


Each household would receive a roll of 30 Orange bags and as many filled bags could be left out each collection day, the collection days to remain the same as for the current Green Box scheme. Towards the end of each roll a yellow sticker was inserted for the purpose of requesting more bags that would be left that same day.


Householders would be given the opportunity to retain the existing Green Boxes or use the sticker that would be delivered as part of a welcome pack prior to the scheme starting, to ensure that the box was removed.


It was stated that any split bags would be cleared away by the collection teams and that the separation of materials would be undertaken mechanically at the recycling Centre, a procedure that could not be achieved with the Green Box scheme and where the sorting was carried out manually at the kerbside. Under the new scheme the vehicle used would be similar to the current refuse collection vehicles and the orange bags would be loaded at the rear and then compacted within the vehicle itself.


Officers were asked to outline other areas of recycling available and also to explain the Bulk Waste Collection Scheme. Officers reported that under the Bulk Waste Scheme, each household was entitled to a free collection of up to 5 items of bulky waste, every 3 months.


A member of the public questioned whether consideration had been given to assist elderly people who did not drive, for example, and encourage them to dispose of items, and whether the community skips could be re-introduced. Officers stated that the previous community skip scheme had been withdrawn partly on cost grounds and partly because the skips were being abused with paint and oil being deposited in them, and also it had been found that people were continuing to dump rubbish even when the skip was not in position.


A member of the public stated that the City Council did not allow vans to drop rubbish at their recycling centres without a permit, but were still prepared to send vehicles out to collect rubbish. Officers reported that the permit scheme was to prevent the abuse of the system as it had previously been found that businesses were abusing the system and making multiple drops of rubbish at no cost. Officers further stated that vans were allowed into Bridge Street  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.



The Community Meeting to receive an update from the City Warden.


Luke Willsher, City Warden stated that he had been targeting the clearance of litter and rubbish locally. He had undertaken a letter drop in 2 separate areas of the Ward regarding the dumping of litter and rubbish, this exercise had been partially successful. One area, Mere Road was particularly targeted as an area where food waste was prevalent.


Luke stated that he had several graffiti removal kits available that were free of charge and were suitable for small smooth surface areas.


In concluding, members of the public were urged to report environmental problems in the area to Luke, the City Warden.



The Community Meeting to receive an update on local policing.


Sgt. Danny Graham attended the meeting and gave a brief presentation on local policing issues.


Crime figures for the period June – September 2011 were reported, compared to the corresponding period in 2010, as follows: -


                                                        2011                                                  2010

Burglary                                             21                                                        29

Burglary – other                               12                                                        10

Assault/Harassment                                    95                                                        106

Street Robberies                              14                                                        8

Theft of Cycles                                 8                                                          13

Theft of Motor Vehicles                   8                                                          13

Theft from Motor Vehicles              15                                                        36

Drugs Offences                                12                                                        12

Thefts from Stores                           32                                                        12


It was stated that there had been an increase in Robberies, compared to 2010 and the Constabulary had identified this increase, on the east side of the City, and an operation would be planned. Areas of crime around motor vehicles had already been carried out.


Items of Note

Sgt. Graham reported that Operation Horizon had dealt with the disorder that had taken place across the country in early August, with small pockets of disturbance locally. Locally the effects were that officers were drafted to the areas of the City where the disturbances were taking place. A specific incident had taken place at this time at a local restaurant, but this had proved to be an isolated incident and not connected.


An assault had taken place on an Eastern European female and whilst it had been established that the incident was not a ‘hate’ crime the victim would not give a statement. Police however were able to prove who the offender was and gave them a verbal warning.


A burglary had taken place at a local off-licence. Soon after an officer on patrol saw an individual known to the police with blood on his face, the officer was suspicious and apprehended the person and referred the person to CID.


A particular public house on London Road was the subject of increasing incidences of violence and ASB behaviour. The police would be speaking with the landlord.


Sgt. Graham stated that two local policing Priority Problem Solving Plans (PPSP) were currently in place, expected to run between three and six months, one of which covered the ASB/Drugs issues in Upper Tichborne Street.


A multi-agency Patch Walk was held on 1st September, covering the Upper Tichborne Street area and where a number of issues had been identified. The police were in the process of preparing a report for Ward Councillors on options to alleviate some of the issues identified.


Police were currently working in liaison with the ASB Team and the City Council regarding certain problem families in the area, with a view to getting the families evicted.


It was reported that on the previous Sunday two officers patrolling the Upper Tichborne Street area received intelligence from a member of the public regarding a drug dealer. The dealer was apprehended and subsequently arrested for dealing in Class A drugs.


Following a review of local policing teams the local team woyld soon comprise 5 PC’s and 3 PCSO’s, up from 3 PC’s and 2 PCSO’s.


Future Plans

Sgt. Graham stated that a speeding operation was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.



Officers from the City Council will be present at the meeting to discuss traffic issues that have been raised regarding: -


·         Highway Road

·         Evington Road

·         Stoughton Drive North

·         Staveley Road


Satish Shah, Head of Design and Project Management and David Poxon, Team Leader – Road Safety attended the meeting to respond to issues raised around road safety on certain local streets.


It was stated that at present there was an unsightly temporary traffic calming measure outside No. 9 Staveley Road that had brought a reduction in traffic speeds but was felt to be in need of reviewing.


Officers reported that formal options for Staveley Road/Hazelwood Roads had been drawn up and presented to the City Mayoral team. The options were identified as follows: -


i)             Leave existing traffic calming in place and make permanent

ii)            Block off entry and make road one way – Staveley Road one-way into Evington Road. Kedleston Road one-way into Evington Road.

iii)           20 mph zone in the area.


The view of local residents were being sought as to the best way to proceed.


A member of the public stated that issues on Evington Valley Road should also have been included on the list for discussion as traffic had increased on this road as a result of the closure of Staveley Road. Officers stated that there had been no significant increases of traffic on the side streets in the area.


It was stated that where there were current 30mph traffic calmed streets the City Council were looking to make these streets 20mph zones, followed by those streets where traffic speeds were already low. It was stated that the Deputy City mayor, Councillor Palmer was currently looking at the viability of 20mph zones across the City but it had been made clear that insufficient funding was available to undertake a major scheme locally.


A member of the public stated that the real problem was traffic coming out of Kedleston Road onto Evington Road. Officers stated that they would look at this and put forward as option iv) to the deputy City Mayor.


Sgt. Graham stated that the police were aware of the problems of speeding traffic on Evington Lane and something was required in the medium term to reduce traffic speeds. In the short term the police would implement speeding operations. Regarding Evington Valley Road the police would look to implement a ‘week of action’ to assess what measures were required to alleviate the problems identified.


It was reported that the junction of Evington Lane/Baden Road was quite dangerous, and this partly attributable to some of the road signs and road markings being less than clear. Officers stated that they would look at this area.


In concluding the Ward Councillors stated that they would provide feedback of the discussions at this meeting to the Deputy City Mayor and report back on the outcomes to the Community Meeting.






Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Anita Patel, members Support Officer introduced the funding applications that had been received since the last meeting.


It was reported that £11,825 remained in the Community Meeting budget and that of the three applications submitted, two had now been withdrawn. The applications were reported as follows: -


i)             Upper Tichborne Homeless Hostel -                      £1,200

Residents Group

Application to fund an education and confidence building trip to the Black Country Museum, Dudley, West Midlands.



                              that this application be not supported.


ii)            Highfields Community Association                        £250

Joint funding application, with Spinney Hills, to fund an Arts Award Pilot Scheme.


This application was withdrawn prior to the meeting.


iii)           Stoneygate police/Neighbourhood Team             £500

Application to part fund an Evington Road area anti-social behaviour operation.


This application was withdrawn prior to the meeting.


The applicant in respect of the following application, Rejected at the last meeting was in attendance.


iv)          Highfields Area Forum                                                £6,000


The applicant was informed that this application, to part fund the final stages of the completion of the Highfields Area Plan, had been Rejected at the last meeting and therefore could not be reconsidered at this meeting. The Area Plan had already been part funded by the Castle and Spinney Hills Community Meetings.


The applicant was advised to re-submit the application.




The Square Residents Group

With the sanction of the Chair the following letter was read out at the meeting: -


“On behalf of The Square Residents Group I would like to take the opportunity to thank our Ward Councillors Lucy Chaplin, Kamal and Desai in taking their valuable time out to attend a meeting on 13th September 2011 on the private lane at Evington Lane to discuss various issues relating to the Lane and the surrounding area. I would like to thank Councillor Sue Waddington and PC. Lully for their participation and attendance.


Dr. Chowdhury, although not our Ward Councillor, has also visited the Lane on a previous occasion in matters relating to planning, and we would also like to thank him for his time.


Kind Regards


Mr. Farouk F. Haider (Chairman).”




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.28 pm.