Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Tuesday, 20 March 2012 6:00 pm

Venue: Mayfield Centre, Mayfield Road, Leicester

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Chaplin was elected as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Sgt. Danny Graham (Spinney Hills Police) and Doug Holly (Evington Road Residents Association).



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillor Desai disclosed a public and prejudicial interest as a member of both the Planning Committee and the Licensing Sub-Committee in respect of the potential discussion around takeaways on Evington Road and left the meeting whilst this discussion took place.


Councillor Desai disclosed a personal and non-prejudicial interest in the budget application received from the Highfields Community Association as he was a Ward Councillor representative and attended meetings of the Highfields Area Forum.


Councillor Chaplin disclosed a personal and non-prejudicial interest in the budget application received from the Highfields Community Association as she was a Ward Councillor representative and attended meetings of the Highfields Area Forum.



The minutes of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting, held on 6 December 2011, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.




that the minutes of the meeting of the Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 6th December 2011, as previously circulated, be approved as a correct record.




Minutes 32 – Evngton Lane/Kimberley Road area - Residents Parking

A member of the public stated that some ticket machines in the area were broken and parking enforcement officers were not seen very often.


It was stated that the City Council were currently reviewing its contract with Vinci parking, the parking enforcement contractors, and were looking at various methods of ticketing. From a budgetary point of view the City Council were also looking to roll out further Residents Parking Schemes in several areas of the City. From a local perspective it was stated that a full-time Park and Ride from the Oadby area would be of great help and reduce the commuter parking locally.



To receive an update on Local Policing issues in the Stoneygate Ward.


The update to include responses to the following issues: -


·         Anti-Social Behaviour – Kingston Road/Devana Road

·         Take-Aways on Evington Road


P.C. Dave Barber attended the meeting and gave an update on local policing in the area.


Target hardening packs were currently available from Spinney Hills Police Station, containing window locks and timer switches, and these were intended for recent victims of crime or for properties deemed to be potential targets for crime. The Police would be visiting properties targeted as within potential crime hotspots.


Dave made reference to the on-going problems in Upper Tichborne Street and the fact that Police patrols had been increased since late 2011. Funding had been obtained to provide and locate a CCTV camera at the junction of Hamilton Street/Upper Tichborne Street.


It was reported that the previous week a Week of Action had taken place with 18 police officers patrolling the area in pairs. It had been hoped to engage with local residents during the week but due to the cold weather at the time this had not proved possible.


A ‘crack’ house had recently been closed on Abingdon Road and this was still being watched by the Police.


Jon Ashworth M.P. had recently participated in a ‘patch walk’ that covered Evington Road and the side streets leading off it, the Police had also participated. It was stated that the Police crime figures did not match up with the issues quoted on the ‘patch walk’, in particular regarding a request for a CCTV on the junction of Devana Road/Lyme Road as Sgt. Graham did not feel that the level of crime justified a camera at this location.


The Community Meeting requested that feedback be given at the next meeting on the level of incidents/Police time required to justify the installation of a CCTV camera. It was further requested that information on the prioritisation of 999 calls received by the Police would also be useful.


A member of the public stated that there had been occasions when the Police had not responded when called. Dave stated that the response time was dependant on the priority allocated to the incident at the time it was reported. The Police aimed to respond to incidents as soon as possible.


Dave was questioned whether the cuts in funding imposed by the Government would have an adverse effect on Police response times in Leicester. Dave stated that Leicestershire Constabulary had not recruited for 2 years and that as officers had retired they had not been replaced so that it was really a case of who was available at the time of a 999 call. However, recruiting had recently re-started and Luke, the current Stoneygate City Warden, had been successful in being taken on, with a start in April 2012.


Regarding car parking outside Medway and Mayflower schools these areas had been blitzed recently over a week, with cars being ticketed, repeat visits would be made.


It was stated that the Olympics in London would affect local policing due to a number of officers being drafted from Leicestershire.


A speeding operation had recently been carried out on Kingsway Road/Highway Road and 10  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.



To receive an update from the City Warden on issues within the Stoneygate Ward.


Luke Wilsher, City Warden attended the meeting and gave an update on issues in the area.


Luke stated that much work had recently been carried out to tackle wheelie bins left on streets on Upper Tichborne Street, as part of a citywide measure to cover the whole City. The results in Upper Tichborne Street had ensured that virtually all bins were now stored off the street after collection day. The next block of streets identified for similar action was Cedar Road area between Mere Road and St. Stephens Road. A member of the public expressed their satisfaction at the success of the wheelie bin issues in his street, as a result 1 bin was now left on the street during the week, instead of the previous 48.


Luke reported that as part of an on-going Duty of Care Project he had undertaken 110 visits to businesses in the area to assess whether they had adequate arrangements in place to dispose of waste. As a result of these visits several fines were issued to businesses that were not complying with the duty of care for the disposal of rubbish.


Luke stated that another Warden would be taking over his role full time after he left to join the Police.


Those present thanked Luke for all of the work he had undertaken in the area and wished him well for the future. The Chair and Ward Councillors stated that they had fought hard to ensure that City Warden funding was retained in the 2012/13 City Council Budget and the position was that funding for 16, instead of 22 Wardens, had been provided for in the Budget.



                        that the information be noted.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The Community Meeting to receive information on the balance of funding remaining and the applications for funding received since the last meeting, summarised as follows: -


1.         ERNA Community Skip Scheme                                                £1,200


            An application received from the Evington Road Neighbourhood    Association (ERNA) to hire 5 skips for one week to be sited on selected          streets in the ERNA area.


2.         Greening of the Lane                                                                    £3,441


            An application received from The Square Residents’ Group to green          the Group’s Lane by enhancing bio-diversity, wildlife and local habitats      for the benefit of local people.


3.         Bartholomew Street Alley Gate                                                  £700


            An application received from the Community Safety Team on behalf of     the residents of Bartholomew Street and St. Stephens Road to fund the         replacement of an existing insecure wooden alley gate with a    galvanised metal mesh gate. The gate will stop the congregating of             youths and the use of drugs/dealing, providing relief to the immediate       victims and enhance safety in the area.


4.         Highfields Festival                                                                         £2,000


An application received from Highfields Community Association to part fund the holding of a one-day festival in Highfields, similar to the two-day event held in 2011. Funding is also being sought from Castle and Spinney Hills Community Meetings.


            Applications submitted on behalf of the Community Meeting

            (Detail to be reported at the meeting)


5.         Roller Banners                                                                                £500


An application submitted on behalf of the Ward Councillors to purchase three roller banners that will depict Ward Councillor photos and contact details for use at local events within the Ward.


6.         Litter Bins – St.Stephens Road                                      up to £2000


An application, in conjunction with Waste Management, to provide several large size litter bins close to the shops on St. Stephens Road.



Nichola Pell, Members Support introduced the funding applications that had been received since the last meeting.


It was  reported that from the initial allocation of £17,700 the Community Meeting had allocated to date £7,145, leaving a balance of £10,555 remaining. The applications received and the decisions taken are summarised below: -

                                                                                                     Amount applied for

i)          Evington Road Residents Association (ERNA)                     £1,250

            Community Clean-up Scheme

An application to fund a three month experimental scheme to cover the cost of hiring a refuse collection vehicle for the collection of bulky waste on one day each month for the three month period. It was also intended to leaflet the several streets identified each month to ensure that residents were aware of the service.



                        that the application be supported in full - £1,250.


ii)         The Square Residents Group                                                     £3441

            Greening the Square

An application to enable a gardening project to be undertaken to improve “The Square” – Stoughton Drive North, St. Philip’s Road, Roundhill Road and Evington Road.


Concerns were expressed that the area of land referred to was in private ownership but assurances were given that local residents would be welcomed.



that the application be supported to a maximum of £1500, subject to the applicants demonstrating that The Square Residents Group had been actively seeking funding from other sources.


iii)        Leicester City Council                                                                  £700

            Community Safety Scheme

            Alleygates for Bartholomew Street

An application to replace exiting wooden alley gate with a metal gate, to control access to the alleyway and reduce anti-social behaviour.



                        that the application be supported in full - £700.


iv)        Highfields Community Association                                          £2000

            Highfields Festival

An application to stage a one day event on 30th June at the Highfields Centre/Uplands School. The festival to include activities, stalls and workshops.



                        that the application be supported to a maximum of £1000.


v)         Provision of Litter Bins                                                                 £2,000

An application submitted on behalf of the Ward Councillors and Cleansing Services to provide larger capacity litter bins for the area near the shops on St. Stephen’s Road. The existing litter bins on St. Stephen’s Road to be re-sited in Upper Tichborne Street.



                        that the application be supported to a maximum of £1600.


vi)        Reusable Banners                                                                         £500

An application submitted on behalf of the Ward Councillors to purchase 3 x reusable roller banners for use by Ward Councillors at local events, festivals and Ward meetings. The banners would display pictures of the Ward Councillors and their respective contact details and would reduce the amount of printed material used by the Ward Councillors.



                                    that the application be supported in full - £500.


vii)       Stoneygate Youth Community Project                                                £475

An application submitted to fund 12 months insurance cover to enable the project to be able to operate independently from the Evington Road United Reform Church.



                        that the application be supported to a maximum of £475.


viii)      AK Fitness Dance and Drama                                                    £675

            Easter Dance and Drama Project

An application  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.27pm.