Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Thursday, 23 June 2011 6:00 pm

Venue: Medway Community Primary School, St. Stephens Road

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillopr Chaplin was elected Chair for the meeting.




The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting and requested that phones were turned to silent.



The first main item on theagenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



Councillors were asked to declare any interest they might have in the business on the agenda and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act applied to them.


No declarations of interest were made at this time.




Apologies were received from Spinney Hills Police, due to a major incident that had occurred in Highfields.



The minutes of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting, held on 14th March 2011, are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



The minutes of the meeting of the Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 14th March 2011, as previously circulated, were approved as a correct record.


The Chair stated that the City Mayor was looking to move forward with a new format of Community Meeting that would be more focused on local issues and meet more frequently.



To discuss issues of anti-social behaviour in Hamilton Street and of actions that can be taken to eliminate this problem.


(15 minutes)


A resident of Hamilton Street spoke on this item and stated that she had lived in the area for a number of years and welcomed the diversity of the area. However, Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) was now becoming more prevalent in the area, particularly in Upper Tichborne, Skipworth and Hamilton Streets and generally in several other streets in the area. The ASB comprised vandalism generally, premises being broken into and business premises being damaged.


Discussion took place around which was the most appropriate agency to tackle the issues highlighted. It was stated that the police would be the most appropriate in the first instance although it was stated that a lot of residents were frightened to report the perpetrators although it was stated that this could be done in confidence.


A member of the public stated that as well as ASB issues litter was an area of concern across the whole area. The City Warden present stated that efforts were being made to clear litter regularly and the Wardens were liaising with residents to address the issues.


A member of the public stated that she had recently had to have a CCTV system installed outside her business premises in an effort to identify the people responsible for depositing much of the litter, only 3 people had been prosecuted in a 11 month period for litter offences.


A member of the public stated that in his opinion litter was a relatively minor issue compared to violence and intimidation by youths that some residents were experiencing. Another resident stated that it was clear from regular meetings of the Evington Road Residents association that youths lacked access to facilities in the area to keep them off the streets.


A member of the public stated that drugs were readily available locally and it was not a case of youths not having anything to do but rather it was about the organised drugs trade in the City. The big dealers did not live locally but came to the area and paid local youths to undertake the distribution. It was stated that this was unfortunate but for those youths from disaffected households it was easier to become involved in such activities rather than find something else.


A member of the public stated that a number of people had attended this meeting to find out what the newly elected Councillors for Stoneygate Ward were going to do about the problems identified here at the meeting and during the Election campaign period.


Members stated that the police would be contacted to respond to the many concerns raised around ASB and youths, as it was clearly within their remit. The City Wardens were aware of the litter problems and were in the process of addressing these problems. The aim was to alleviate resident’s fears and try and tackle the problems raised.


In concluding the Chair stated that should local residents have any concerns then the local Ward Councillors should be contacted. There was a lot of work to be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



To discuss the proposed Residents Parking Scheme in the area. An officer from the City Council will be in attendance to outline proposals and to answer questions from residents.


(45 minutes, including questions)


Andy Thomas, Head of Traffic Management, Leicester City Council attended the meeting to outline the background leading up to the implementation of the experimental Residents Parking Scheme in the South Highfield Area. The scheme had been implemented under legal powers and the ability to amend the scheme slightly. Five changes were about to be made to the scheme, advertised in the Leicester Mercury, to relate to schools , places of worship, businesses etc. As an experiment the City Council were looking to make the scheme work, if it did not work then the scheme would be removed.


A member of the public stated that, since the scheme had been brought in on Saxby Street the community had been partly destroyed, as some people were now finding it difficult to use the Community Centre, it was difficult for funerals to take place and businesses were suffering. Andy responded by stating that the City Council would endeavour to ensure that funerals etc. could take place as a ‘smart card’ system could be implemented.


A member of the public queried the basis for the experimental scheme and of the fact that residents were being expected to pay a £25 fee per vehicle in one of the most deprived areas of the city. Andy stated that the scheme had been implemented to ascertain whether residents, businesses etc. could make more effective use of the parking sopaces available. Free passes would be introduced for the over 60’s.


At this point in the meeting a number of local residents made it very clear that they felt the experimental residents parking scheme was not wanted in the area.


The Chair stated that there were people who did not want the scheme but that the City Council were aware of those that did want the scheme.


The City Mayor, who attended the meeting for this item, stated that he was not at the meeting to defend the experimental scheme but that at the time the residents had been asked a majority had responded in favour of a scheme, compared to those that did not. In other areas of the City where Residents Parking had been introduced a majority of people had welcomed the schemes and had stated that they did not want the schemes removed.


The City Mayor gave an assurance that the experiment in the area would be monitored closely and that after a period of time the results would be reported back and, should the majority want the scheme removed then this would be removed. In the meantime the experiment would go ahead because that is what people wanted.


Some people attending the meeting became disruptive, but eventually calmed down following several requests.


The Office Manager at Medway Community Primary School requested members of the public to respect that they were in a school and allow Members and officers, and other members of the public, to speak. As a suggestion she suggested that comments on the experimental residents parking scheme be written down and left at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel, members Support Officer will provide an update on the Community Meeting Budget and report on the applications deferred from the last meeting or received since. The applications are summarised as follows: -


Deferred from previous meetings


1)         Medway Community Primary School

Application for £15,000 had previously been submitted to provide all-weather pitch at the school. The Community Meeting had previously deferred the application (24th January and 13th March 2011), pending remaining balances at the end of the financial year (2010/2011).


2)         Evington Mosque – Azhad Beheno

            Application for £2,356 had previously been submitted to provide and   maintain a shrub border at the Mosque. The Community Meeting had       previously deferred the application pending the receipt of additional       information from the applicants.


New application


3)         St. Philips Centre

An application has been received for £1,000 to part fund a comprehensive Social Action Summer Scheme at the Centre. The funding requested is to help fund minibus hire, refreshment costs and cost of the use of the church hall


The Social Action Summer Scheme is targeted at local youths (Aged 16-26) and aims to provide a comprehensive range of activities to be outlined at the meeting, during a 4 week period over the summer school holidays.


(20 minutes, including questions)


Anita Patel, Members Support Officer introduced the funding applications that had been received since the last meeting and these were considered as follows. Anita stated that at the current time some £15,000 was available within the Community Meeting Budget to spend for 2011/2012: -


Applications deferred from the last meeting                                           £


i)          Medway Community Primary School                                       15,000

Application previously submitted to provide an all-weather pitch at the school. The Community Meeting had previously deferred the application (24th January and 13th March), pending the availability of remaining balances at the end of the financial year 2010/2011.


The Head Teacher stated that there was limited space for an all-weather pitch outside the school that was intended for school use during school time, and for community use at other times. Fund raising had so far raised some £11,000 towards the project.


There was general support of the application although it was stated by a member of the public that the Community Meeting Budget should be available to further the aims of the Community Meeting Action Plan.



that, in recognition of the efforts made by the school to raise funds for this project and, subject to assurances being received regarding community use of the all-weather pitch that £1,500 be Approved.


ii)         Azhad Beheno                                                                                2355.81

            Application previously submitted to provide and maintain a shrub         border at Evington Mosque. The Community Meeting had previously    deferred the application pending the receipt of additional information     from the applicants.


            The applicant was not represented at the meeting.



that, in the absence of the applicant the application be Refused.


New Application


iii)        St. Philip’s Centre                                                                          1000

Application received to part fund a comprehensive Social Action Summer Scheme at the St. Philip’s Centre. The funding was to assist with the cost of minibus hire, refreshment costs and the cost of the use of the Church Hall.


The applicant attended the meeting and stated that funding had been sought from various other sources.



                        that the application be part funded in the sum of £500.


Late Applications


iv)        Highfields Area Forum                                                                  2,500

Application received to engage a consultant for 6 days, to fund conference venue and printing costs of Highfields Area Plan. The Area Plan was currently partly prepared, funded by Castle and Spinney Hills Community Meetings and this bid would enable wider consultation with the local communities, discussion with stakeholders and final printing.


The applicant did not attend the meeting.



that, in the absence of the Applicant the application be Refused.


v)         Highfields Community Association                                          6,000

Application to part fund the holding of a Highfields Festival on 23/24 July 2011 based in and around Highfields Centre. The event would comprise a range of indoor/outdoor activities and would be targeted at the Highfields community.


            The applicant did not attend the meeting.



that, in the absence of the Applicant the application be Refused.





The City Warden to provide an update on issues in the area.


(10 minutes)


This item was deferred.



The Community Meeting to receive a Local policing update.


(10 minutes)


This item was deferred as the police were not in attendance.



To give consideration to the timing and frequency of future meetings.


It was reported that a programme of dates for 2011/2012 would be circulated as soon as possible.




There were no items of Any Other Urgent Business.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.15 pm.