Agenda and minutes

Stoneygate Community Meeting - Tuesday, 6 December 2011 6:00 pm

Venue: Mayflower Centre, Ethel Road, Leicester.

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Desai was elected Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillor Kamal.



The first main item on the agenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Councillor Desai disclosed a personal and non-prejudicial interest as a Ward Councillor who sat on Highfields Area Forum and would therefore not speak on the funding application to be considered later in the meeting.


Woody Wood disclosed a personal and non-prejudicial interest as a member of Highfields Association of Residents and Tenants (HART) and would not be taking part in the decision on the funding application to be considered later in the meeting.




Forum for Older People

It was stated that the Forum for Older People, hosted by the City Council, were actively seeking older persons to serve on the Forum. Persons interested were advised to contact Stacey Welton, Democratic Services, Leicester City Council, (0116 2298806) .



The minutes of the previous Stoneygate Community Meeting, held on 20th September 2011, have been circulated and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.



that the minutes of the meeting of the Stoneygate Community Meeting held on 20th September 2011, as previously circulated, be approved as a correct record.



Officers will be attending the meeting to provide an update on the success of the Orange Bag Recycling Scheme, following its introduction in October. Information will also be given on how the remaining phases of the scheme would be implemented and feedback from those present at the meeting will be sought.


Sophie Green, BIFFA attended the meeting and reported that the new Orange Bag Recycling Scheme had been operating for 8weeks. Since the Scheme had started recycling rates had doubled and it was stated that, apart from Christmas Tuesday normal collections would be made, with a double collection on the Tuesday after Christmas.


Statistical information on recycling under the new scheme would be provided in a couple of months although it was clear that the scheme had been well received across the City. Levels of participation were not yet being monitored but this would take place after all the flats and schools across the City were on board.


It was hoped to tackle the introduction of collections to flats after Christmas as each block of flats would have to be assessed individually for their requirements such as bin size and type.



                        that the information be noted.



Officers will be present to provide an update on issues raised previously around speeding traffic on Evington Lane and also explain the procedures around potential requests for the implementation of a Residents Parking Scheme on Kimberley Road.


Residents Parking

The Community Meeting were informed that, regarding requests for Residents Parking, if a scheme was felt to be necessary, then these should be referred to the Cabinet Lead, Councillor Palmer. Councillor Palmer would then decide whether to include the scheme into the programme. As soon as the scheme was include in the programme consultations with residents and businesses could start. It was stated that several residents of Kimberley Road had raised the problems of parking on their street, caused partly by residents from South Highfields coming to park their cars, or by commuters using this and other streets to park during the day.


A member of the public suggested that one way forward would be to introduce a Park and Ride for this area of the City, rather than resort to the introduction of Residents Parking Schemes that only succeeded in moving car parking problems around. It was stated that this suggestion would be raised with the Deputy City Mayor, Councillor Rory Palmer.


Speeding Traffic

The Community Meeting was informed that there were issues around speeding traffic travelling down Evington Lane towards the City. Officers responded that no serious accidents had been recorded along this particular stretch of road. The City Council had however undertaken some work recently to improve the signage at the junction of Baden Road and Evington Drive. It was suggested that a review of some of the other road signs in the area be undertaken, in particular Stavely Road. Officers stated that this would be down to resources as works were undertaken on a priority basis that relied on feedback and accident statistics.


A member of the public suggested that consideration be given to make several major routes into/out of the City Red Routes, like in London, where no vehicles were allowed to wait or park at all times. Officers stated that to implement Red Routes would require the granting of Special powers by the Government but it was agreed that this would be raised with the City/Deputy City Mayor.


Officers stated that, in an effort to reduce speeding traffic, portable Speed Identification Display signs were being located at various sites across the City, then being moved after several weeks, these signs had been found to be quite effective. The City Council were also looking at erecting roadside posters highlighting accident statistics as a means of getting the message across.



                        that the information be noted.




The Community meeting to receive information and advice on the use of, and the location of, Grit Bins in the area.


An information sheet setting out the location and purpose of City Council provided Grit Bins was circulated. The Community meeting was informed that the grit was provided for highway use only and residents were urged not to take grit from these bins for domestic purposes.



The Community Meeting to receive an update from the City Warden on work undertaken in the area.


The City Warden attended the meeting and stated that some 6 tonnes of rubbish had been removed at a recent Clear Up day on Devana Road.


Targeted enforcement had been undertaken recently, with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue, on Upper Tichborne Street where some 500 houses had been visited. Work had concentrated on getting wheelie bins off the street and as a result the street was much tidier. The position would be re-assessed in the New Year.


Local businesses were also being targeted to ensure that rubbish was being disposed of correctly.


Early in the New Year a Duty of Care project was to be started on Evington Road in an effort to remove pavement obstructions and make the area safer. It was stated that spitting on pavements was a further problem and it was suggested that should people be caught maximum publicity be given to raise awareness.


A member of the public suggested that, with the success of the Orange Bag Recycling Scheme that residents may wish to downsize their large wheelie bins for the small versions. It was suggested that should this be the case then residents should contact Customer Services at the City Council.



                        that the information be noted.



The Community Meeting to receive an update on Local Policing issues in the area.


Sgt. Danny Graham attended the meeting and reported the following crime statistics for the Stoneygate area, comparing figures for the periods 1st September to 1st December in 2010 and 2011: -


                                                                    2011                             2010

Total Crimes                                             245                                271


Assaults                                                         64                                68

Burglaries – Houses                                   22                                25

Criminal Damage                                        24                                29

Robberies                                                      14                                6

Theft of motor Vehicles                              7                                  11

Theft from Motor Vehicles                          26                                27

Anti Social Behaviour                                 14                                27

Vulnerable Persons Report                       35                                13


It was stated that several years ago Vulnerable Persons reports had not been recorded but now they were. The cases could involve elderly persons feeling isolated and reporting youths carrying out ASB, but when investigated the persons making the report could sometimes become a report to Social Services. Some investigations under this category could also lead to quite major investigations e.g. where some older people were being ‘fleeced’ by relatives.


Sgt. Graham stated that there had been an increase in House Break-Ins and Robberies and these had resulted in intelligence visits by officers to high risk and medium risk offenders, on the basis that it sent out the message that the Police were aware of what the offenders were doing and that a watch was being kept on them. Additionally a temporary increased police presence in the area had been established with firearms officers, motorway officers, dog handlers and plain clothes officers to act as a deterrent for offenders. The police and Community Safety Team were investing in target hardening in the area with window locks and timers (for lights) being purchased for distribution to high priority domestic properties, an application for funding will be considered later in the meeting.


Several drugs operations had recently been undertaken in the area with varying degrees of success with several persons arrested, together with some drug growing equipment.


Sgt. Graham reported that, over the past several months, the local policing team had been supporting the local youth club managed by HART. The police had been successful in obtaining some funding to enable some of the young people rock climbing in the New Year.


Work was underway to tackle a couple of problem families living on Myrtle Road, ultimately a positive outcome was expected.


Sgt. Graham outlined the future plans for the local policing unit. Between 13th and 17th December 2011 increased evening patrols had been arranged, together with ‘Look and Execute’ search warrants. The police were looking to find those individuals that had not kept Court appointments. On Friday 8th December local police officers were to help staff and pupils at Medway Community Primary School to demolish an old brick wall at the school.


The Problem Solving Plan (PSP) in place at Upper Tichborne Street was still working well, with Drug dealing having been reduced drastically. In Dirvana Road there were on-going youth related issues that required attention and it was planned to introduce a PSP here as well.


The issue of speeding traffic along Evington Lane was raised. Sgt Graham stated that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The Community Meeting to receive information on funding remaining, and of applications for funding received since the last meeting, as follows: -


                        Application                                                                             £


i)             Multi Strand Community Cohesion – Phase 5                 1,950

Application from Highfields Association of Tenants and Residents (HART) and lead bid for Stoneygate Ward Youth and Community Project seeking support for: -

·         Community help desks with translation support on Wednesday mornings at Sparkenhoe CP School

·         Group bonding residents outings, subsidised to encourage families with limited means, probably to take place in March, May and June.

·         Stoneygate Ward Youth and Community project.


ii)            Highfields Area Plan                                                                2,500

Application received from Highfields Area Forum to fund further enhancement of the Highfields Area Plan by engagement of service providers and wider consultation with the local communities at open events and festivals. A one-day conference to discuss the Plan was also planned and copies of a final report prepared and distributed.


iii)           Burglary Target Hardening Project                                                1,200

Application received from Spinney Hills LPU and the City Council’s Community Safety Team to fund the purchase of ‘Target hardening Packs’ to be delivered to target properties in hotspot areas to help prevent burglaries, and to help prevent re-victimisation to properties previously burgled. Initially some 100 properties were to be targeted in Stoneygate.


Sean Miles, Members Support introduced the funding applications that had been received since the last meeting.


It was reported that £11,825 remained in the Community Meeting budget and that three applications had been received prior to the meeting, together with a late application, reported as follows: -


i)             Multi-Strand Community Cohesion – Phase 5                 £1950

Application from Highfields Association of Residents and Tenants (HART) as lead bidder for Stoneygate Ward Youth and Community Project seeking support for: -

·         Community help desks with translation support on Wednesday mornings at Sparkenhoe C.P.School

·         Group bonding residents outings, subsidised to encourage families with limited means, probably to take place in March, May and June 2012.

·         Stoneygate Ward Youth and Community Project.



1)    that Items C1 (Specialist Leader Fees), C2 (Translation Support) and C3 (Activity Equipment) of the application be supported to a total of £1,300.


2)    that further information on Item B (Community Inclusion trips) be requested regarding the number and balance of people taking part, but that an initial amount of £150 be granted pending the information requested, the balance of £300 to be held over until the next meeting.


3)    That Items A1 (Help Desk) and A2 (Translation Support) totalling £200 be not supported.


ii)            Highfields Area Plan                                                                £2,500

Application received from Highfields Area Forum to fund further enhancement of the Highfields Area Plan by engaging service providers and carrying out wider consultation with local communities at open events and festivals. A one-day conference to discuss the Plan was also planned and copies of the final report to be printed and distributed. It was reported that the Spinney Hills and Castle Community Meetings had supported the application by £2,600 and £1,000 respectively.



                        that the application be supported to a total of £1,000


iii)           Burglary Target Hardening Project                                                £1,200

Application received from Spinney Hills LPU and the City Council’s Community Safety Team to fund the purchase of ‘Target Hardening Packs’ to be delivered to target properties in hotspot areas to help prevent burglaries and to help prevent re-victimisation to properties previously burgled. Initially some 100 properties would be targeted in Stoneygate Ward.



                        that the application of £1,200 be supported.


iv)          ERNA – (Late Application)                                                     £1,200

This late application was deferred at the request of the applicant.                     




Former Page and Moy building – London Road

A member of the public stated that sainsbury’s had recently submitted an application for drinks sales at these premises. Several concerns were raised around the use of these premises as licensed retail premises as it was positioned right next to a bus stop, and the fact that all deliveries to/from shop would have to take place outside on London Road. It was also not clear whether there was accommodation above the premises but it was a fact that the premises was actually within an existing designated alcohol saturation zone. It was also stated that local traders would be badly affected by a Sainsbury’s opening at this location and advice was being sought from solicitors. HART officers were due to discuss the application the following Monday.


The ward Councillors stated that they were currently looking into the concerns raised and would report back.




The Chair declared the meeting closed at 8.53pm.