Venue: St. Philips Church Hall Evington Road, Leicester LE2 1QJ
Contact: Punum Patel, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6575 email: Angie Smith, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6354 e-mail: )
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Councillor Rahman as Chair led on introductions.
There were no declarations of interest.
Apologies for absence were received from Darren Evans (City Warden). |
The action log of the previous meeting held on 15th August 2019 is attached for information and discussion. Minutes: The action log from the last meeting held on 15 August 2019 was noted.
Action Point 3 – Ward Councillors Feedback Redesign of footpath on Evington Road. Roads around Evington Valley School consideration for 20mph scheme. ACTION: Councillor Master to request an update. |
WARD COUNCILLORS FEEDBACK Councillors will provide an update on ward related matters. Minutes: · Case work had mostly been around housing issues and landlords. Case work picked up on a patch walk included issues with drug taking. · A patchwalk took place at Cedar Park with the City Mayor, and issues were highlighted with regards to anti-social behaviour. It was hoped the park could be redesigned to make it more family friendly to use. · A women’s group was in the process of being set up for those affected by isolation due to language barriers, new to area, and were working with Medway School to find a regular venue. · A recent meeting was held to talk about safety, drug dealing in the area, and highlighted key indicators regarding children being targeted. · Property and legal teams were finalising legal agreements for the proposed development on Conduit Street, relating to the transfer of land and the payment for improvements to Prebend Gardens. Works would commence in the New year, followed by tree planting. · A patchwalk starting on St James Road and Upper Tichborne Street with local residents, city council officers and police had identified issues. CCTV was being considered for St James Road, as drug use mainly in the evening was prevalent. It was also reported that trespassers were using 18-20 St James Road, and non-residents were sitting outside flats at No. 15. Residents had set up a neighbourhood watch scheme, and police were more visible in the area. Residents were encouraged to report issues using phone number 101. · On Evington Road, street drinkers sat outside No. 67. Bus companies would be contacted to change the style of seats in the bus shelter to perches rather than people sitting there for long periods. · On St Stephens Road, bollards had been installed to stop vehicles mounting the pavement near to the old bank. · Investment was being looked into for a shop improvement scheme in the area. · Highways had been contacted with regards to making Bartholomew Street and Myrtle Road one way to increase parking on both sides. Residents requested methods to slow down cars be looked into. · There were issues around the suggestion of opening the top of Upper Tichborne Street at St Stephens Road for access. The Police have suggested that it was better to catch people drug dealing in the area. · The woodland and trees department would be contacted with regards to trees near Medway Community Primary School. · Fly tipping issues on Skipworth Street had been resolved. · Gates had been installed to secure 65 Upper Tichborne Street. · The City Council was looking at options to gain control of Hospital Close housing at Leicester General Hospital. £450m had been committed to the three hospital sites, so the hospital would maintain some function as a hospital. · It was reported one-way systems were being looked into on Rowsley Street and Sawley Street. · A residents parking scheme was approved for Herschell Street. The scheme had previously been to Planning Committee as there was an objection from other residents who wanted the scheme extending. A broader scheme would be looked ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: Sergeant Pete Colgate was present. All to note:
· Police were present on Upper Tichborne Street for the patchwalk. · A problem management plan was in place over the summer period between June and December 2019. Police undertook 4-5 warrants at particular addresses in the area with a positive result. It had disrupted dealers, and substantial recoveries of Class A and B drugs were made. · The number of drug deal reports around Upper Tichborne Street had fallen and the plan had been closed. The plan hadn’t solved all problems but had a positive effect on the area. The Police would continue a watching brief. · The Evington Road street drinker problem management plan was ongoing. A lot of work had been undertaken in the summer, looking at options regarding anti-social behaviour for the bus stop, working with off-licences, ensuring shops adhered to licensing objectives. Shop keepers were acting responsibly and were asking persons buying alcohol if they would be sitting on the street to drink. · Crime figures for 1 August to 30 November 2019 were compared with the same period for 2018 as noted: o Burglaries were down 16% o Theft of motor vehicles down 21% o Theft from motor vehicles up 7%. There were two types of theft: - Number plates (county lines dealing) – police have a stock of non-removable screws for members of the public; - An increase in the number of catalytic converters being stolen from exhaust systems, some in broad daylight. Residents were asked to be vigilant, and report incidents on 101. · Residents on St James Road could call 101 (999 emergency) or report issues online through the Police website. · Neighbourhood link was an email system that allowed Police to pass on good news / crime alerts. People could register at and was a quick way to pass on information and for residents to feed back. · Residents raised concern with regards to a hate crime that had occurred a couple of weeks before the meeting. The Police would follow up to find out if the person was being pursued.
The funeral of SuvekshyaBurathoki (known as Fatima) took place on 9th November 2019. Residents stated the police presence had been welcome very good, and Councillors were thanked for stepping in and raising the profile of the fundraising page for funeral costs. Councillors thanked PCSO Sam Trantom and resident Dilip Chohan had brought the community together following the serious incident.
Residents noted the increase in Council Tax that had been announced. The Police reported that there would be 400 officers recruited over the next five years. It was further reported that the Stoneygate area had more police than in some other areas it the city. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Stoneygate Ward. Minutes: Darren Evans, the City Warden, provided a written update as he was unable to attend the meeting, and was recorded as follows:
· Patrolling on the area dealing with fly tips had seen a decrease in small fly tips, but still large items were being left, and investigations were very hard to follow up due to lack of evidence. Where items were left outside a property on the highway, persons in the property were being issues with a Community Protection Notice (CPN). · Fly tipping investigations had led to fixed penalty notices being issues for the offences. · Bins on streets projects were being carried out over the whole ward. · Duty of Care will be undertaken again on Evington Road and further actions taken to assist with waste generated from takeaway businesses with CPNs.
Residents could contact the City Warden by email at |
CLIMATE EMERGENCY CONSULTATION The Council has launched consultation as part of Leicester’s Climate Emergency Conversation. An officer will be present to provide information. Additional documents: Minutes: The Project Manager for the Climate Emergency Conversation consultation was in attendance and provided information to the meeting. A presentation and briefing note are attached for information.
All to note:
· The impacts of climate change included more frequent and severe heat waves, more frequent intense rainfall, droughts, and sea levels rising. · Extinction Rebellion had written to every local authority and asked them to declare a climate emergency which the City Council did on 1st February 2019. The County Council had subsequently also declared, and the universities were considering it. · Leicester had several reasons for declaring an emergency and believed climate change posed a great threat to the wellbeing of present and future residents of the city, and to Leicester’s future success and prosperity. Leicester had a lot to gain from acting decisively now, rather than waiting for other cities and other countries to act fist, for example, many of the clean technologies would make the city a healthier place to live. · Leicester City had a lot to be proud of in terms of progress and achievements before the climate emergency declaration. Between 1990 and 2017 the city’s carbon footprint had been reduced by 45%. The biggest factory had been the decarbonisation of the electricity grid with a reduction in the use of coal and gas, replaced with renewable energy. · The Council had also worked with local residents and introduced insulation of council housing and provided the largest municipal heating network in the UK. · The Council would continue to work with companies on renewable technologies. · Cycling around the city would also be promoted and infrastructure improved to help achieve growth in cycling. · It was noted that Leicester City was one of the most polluted cities in the East Midlands. The Air Quality Action Plan included work that would continue in the city centre, schools, travel plans, walking / cycling / parking plans. Residents suggested the promotion of car sharing. · Council decision reports had a climate implications paragraph for every decision. · The Council was working with internal groups of officers who were looking at changing contracts and moving away from diesel fleets, and there were some electric vehicles already in use.
The consultation had been launched and was continue until the 9th February 2020. An event, Leicester’s Climate Assembly would be held on 18th January 2020. Officers were looking for a cross section of the population of Leicester to be at the event. The Young People’s Climate Assembly would be held on 27th January 2020. Groups could also request a conversation pack where they could conduct their own assembly workshops. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
Minutes: 3 applications over £500 totalling £2,900 would be considered at a budget meeting in February 2020. The balance remaining was £7,600.
All to note:
7 applications supported since last meeting.
5 Applications under consideration
Residents noted bids used to be brought to the meeting and wanted the process reinstating. It was further stated that there should at least be feedback provided by those that had received ward funding monies. Ward Councillors informed those present that the bids were scrutinised rigorously and recognised that some people would not find it comfortable in attending ward meetings to promote bids. They believed a happy medium could be reached and asked for officer recommendations to be provided to a future meeting. ACTION: Officers to provide information on the process of the scrutiny of bid applications to a future meeting. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: · Meetings were held at Leicester University four times a year, with input from Castle and Knighton, but none from Stoneygate. · Mosque recycling bins on Evington Road were contaminated with banana skins and were not being emptied. The issue had been raised with City Wardens.
There being no other items of urgent business, the meeting closed at 8:03pm. |